Hypocrisy and Politicization of our Media


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
If this happens under Trump, our media would be bashing him nonstop with calls for impeachment but Joe Biden gets a free pass. Ridiculous. Where is the accountability?

#1) If illegals were flooding in here and people who live in the US in those border towns were calling for help and none came and these people also had COVID-19 potentially, DJT would have been crucified.

#2) $5mil paid by a private company to Russian Hackers and Putin and his regime are not being held accountable? There would be "Russia Russia Russia" screams and another impeachment.

#3) Flooding the economy with cash and enhanced unemployment is stopping people from working. Why? They get the same amount or more for sitting home. Stupid.

#4) Flip flopping on masks. Sending false signals by stating those vaccinated are immune but still wearing masks outside?!?!

#5) War in the Middle East. Imagine if this were under Trump and he gave money to Iran and Palestine, which was funneled to Hamas. Imagine Acosta blasting Trump for that.

Hypocrisy 101
Our Media sucks and is politically biased
Truth over Facts
You just want instantaneous gratification because Trump...Sucks to be you, we are still finishing the war Trump started on Covid then he ran and

The problem with the news media goes back to what it originally was and what it has become.

When I was young, the news was a service provided by the networks. Then we went to the 24 hour cable news networks. Now their livelihood relies on people watching the news. It is no longer a service, but a means of generating profit.

And what the news service learned, and quickly, was that people watch the news when they are scared. So the news media now has a vested interest in scaring the population.
Media has always been biased- can you say Thomas Paine-

Or, read-

Other than "officially" sanctioned/approved opinions

"The Richest Hill on Earth" - it has some pretty fair accounts of media bias-
No matter which side of the aisle you call yourself residing on, bias is bias- the trick, if there is one, is to take what you read/see/hear from a talking head with a grain of salt- btw, Walter Cronkite was very biased- he is a "talking head" icon- as were other *major* networks wanna be celebrities when only the 3 majors had control of the air waves-

Amazon product ASIN 0765366436
If this happens under Trump, our media would be bashing him nonstop with calls for impeachment but Joe Biden gets a free pass. Ridiculous. Where is the accountability?

Hypocrisy 101
Our Media sucks and is politically biased
Truth over Facts
You have over 40,000 posts in two years, and you still haven't figured it out, yet???

You don't even seem to realize that there is a category for discussing the media.

The hypocrisy is within you - You received the truth from the media. The media is not responsible for holding government officials, or anyone, accountable for their actions. The government is supposed to do that. The problem that you are noticing and everyone else is noticing is the effects of a lack of separation of government powers.

The three-part separation theory is inadequate for the expanded government services. In particular, what you are noticing is the lack of separation of the Department of Justice from the rest of the government services and legislature.

40,000 posts - time to smarten up.
If this happens under Trump, our media would be bashing him nonstop with calls for impeachment but Joe Biden gets a free pass. Ridiculous. Where is the accountability?

Hypocrisy 101
Our Media sucks and is politically biased
Truth over Facts
You have over 40,000 posts in two years, and you still haven't figured it out, yet???

You don't even seem to realize that there is a category for discussing the media.

The hypocrisy is within you - You received the truth from the media. The media is not responsible for holding government officials, or anyone, accountable for their actions. The government is supposed to do that. The problem that you are noticing and everyone else is noticing is the effects of a lack of separation of government powers.

The three-part separation theory is inadequate for the expanded government services. In particular, what you are noticing is the lack of separation of the Department of Justice from the rest of the government services and legislature.

40,000 posts - time to smarten up.
I know what is happening you dumbass, I want others to opine on it. Media should give us the facts and allow us to form opinions not the other way around. Feel free to fuck off.
The problem with the news media goes back to what it originally was and what it has become.

When I was young, the news was a service provided by the networks. Then we went to the 24 hour cable news networks. Now their livelihood relies on people watching the news. It is no longer a service, but a means of generating profit.

And what the news service learned, and quickly, was that people watch the news when they are scared. So the news media now has a vested interest in scaring the population.
I would add scaring the population .....to vote Democrat.
If this happens under Trump, our media would be bashing him nonstop with calls for impeachment but Joe Biden gets a free pass. Ridiculous. Where is the accountability?

Hypocrisy 101
Our Media sucks and is politically biased
Truth over Facts
You have over 40,000 posts in two years, and you still haven't figured it out, yet???

You don't even seem to realize that there is a category for discussing the media.

The hypocrisy is within you - You received the truth from the media. The media is not responsible for holding government officials, or anyone, accountable for their actions. The government is supposed to do that. The problem that you are noticing and everyone else is noticing is the effects of a lack of separation of government powers.

The three-part separation theory is inadequate for the expanded government services. In particular, what you are noticing is the lack of separation of the Department of Justice from the rest of the government services and legislature.

40,000 posts - time to smarten up.
I know what is happening you dumbass, I want others to opine on it. Media should give us the facts and allow us to form opinions not the other way around. Feel free to fuck off.
Well, why don't you lead us to fix it?
Shit head
If this happens under Trump, our media would be bashing him nonstop with calls for impeachment but Joe Biden gets a free pass. Ridiculous. Where is the accountability?

Hypocrisy 101
Our Media sucks and is politically biased
Truth over Facts
You have over 40,000 posts in two years, and you still haven't figured it out, yet???

You don't even seem to realize that there is a category for discussing the media.

The hypocrisy is within you - You received the truth from the media. The media is not responsible for holding government officials, or anyone, accountable for their actions. The government is supposed to do that. The problem that you are noticing and everyone else is noticing is the effects of a lack of separation of government powers.

The three-part separation theory is inadequate for the expanded government services. In particular, what you are noticing is the lack of separation of the Department of Justice from the rest of the government services and legislature.

40,000 posts - time to smarten up.
I know what is happening you dumbass, I want others to opine on it. Media should give us the facts and allow us to form opinions not the other way around. Feel free to fuck off.
Well, why don't you lead us to fix it?
Shit head
Who is "us"? Lemmings? I am not the piped piper. Figure it out for yourself. Prof. Lemming.
Speaking for the Demonicrats, because they're dishonest people, parrots, snowflakes & cowards, they're proud of the way MSM dictates how our govt. is run, who is elected & especially deep hypocrisy & cranial penetration.

If the media only reported REAL news without all the BS and bias then more Americans would be rational & the Demonicrats would never see office. MSM gives them a fighting chance.
The problem with the news media goes back to what it originally was and what it has become.

When I was young, the news was a service provided by the networks. Then we went to the 24 hour cable news networks. Now their livelihood relies on people watching the news. It is no longer a service, but a means of generating profit.

And what the news service learned, and quickly, was that people watch the news when they are scared. So the news media now has a vested interest in scaring the population.
I would add scaring the population .....to vote Democrat.

No, not just democrat. Every election cycle there are news stories about someone wanting to take away your social security, raise your taxes, increase the debt ect ect

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