Hypocrisy at the heart of the anti abortionist argument

Republicans care more about a fetus, than about people.

Someone has to care about them, you ass hats want to murder them
A fetus is not a life.

Oh indeed it is.....ass hat
You are a Nazi, always trying to control women reproductive rights.

By the way...a pg woman has already reproduced so it's not "reproductive rights". If she didn't want to be pg she should have been responsible and insisted her partner be also

She as not already reproduced. She may interrupt the process if she chooses. It is a slow-going process.

Again and for the millionth time, modern technology is available that would prevent this process from even beginning, yet you people, who probably want flu vaccines and want to be cured by antibiotics, are against the use of this technology to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Okay. Hit the caps button: WHAT IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS? Do you actually think that heterosexuals have intercourse only when they want to reproduce? Go take a poll of several million men and women. Do men and women have sex together only when they want a child? Heterosexuals who participate in the sex act range from married partners, to people in other committed relationships, to those who hire prostitutes and have sex in the backs of cars.
A new survey shows what really interests 'pro-lifers': controlling women | Jill Filipovic

According to self-identified “pro-life” advocates, the fundamental divide between those who want to outlaw abortion and those who want to keep it legal comes down to one question: when does life begin? Anti-abortion advocacy pushes the view that life begins at conception; the name of their movement carefully centers the conceit that opposition to abortion rights is simply about wanting to save human lives.

A new poll shows that’s a lie. The “pro-life” movement is fundamentally about misogyny.

A Supermajority/PerryUndem survey released this week divides respondents by their position on abortion, and then tracks their answers to 10 questions on gender equality more generally. On every question, anti-abortion voters were significantly more hostile to gender equity than pro-choice voters.

I have always thought that it is more about punishing "sluts" and this confirms it. The article is pretty much nailed on but it refers to these extremists as "Christian".

Do me a favour.

I think abortion should be legal but I would far rather a lot more people exercise some personal responsibility and use contraception religiously if they do not want to have a child.

Hey bub, we don't cotton to rational arguments around here...
sorry sweetie but its a separate body/life inside here,,,
you tell yourself anything you want to justify the murder of a child

No it is NOT a separate body because it is part of the woman's body, it is part of the mothers circulatory system, it gets all the same stuff the rest of the mother cells gets, which includes waste removal. It has no viable individuality until the third trimester, which is why I would support outlawing abortions of Third Trimester, Partial and afterbirth. This is where Democrats should be compromising for here, to keep early stage abortion intact and end this endless controversy.

It is a FETUS when in the body, a child after birth. It is not murder until it is free of the mothers body's circulatory system. It becomes a true individual when the Umbilical cord is cut. Stop ignoring this reality or I can say you can be charged with murder of your own body cells you shed every day into the toilet, what a bad way to go!

You kill millions of cells everyday, you are a killer!

ignorance is obviously something you have mastered,,,

It is clear you have NO argument at all, just emotional replies.

It is true that the Fetus is part of the mothers body, FACT

It is true that the mother treats like it is part of her body, FACT

It is true that the mother treats the fetus like cells, nourishing it with oxygen, remove waste and feeds, FACT

What I posted previously that YOU call it is ignorance is indicative that you are hostile to rational arguments, you have only emotional ones, which is why your anti abortion cabal lose the main argument, you have no room for a compromise, thus nothing ever gets resolves. There are millions like me who wants to place limitations/end, on later stage abortions, while allowing early stage abortions.

YOU are an extremist here, which is why you offer emotional arguments.

as I said,, you have mastered ignorance,,,

It is clear you have no argument at all, just your ignorance of what a PLACENTA is, which is why you looking stupid here. From Medical Daily:

"At one point, we were all pee-drinkers.

It’s well-known that anything our pregnant mothers ate and drank also got absorbed into our own developing bodies. We weren’t “eating,” per se, simply taking in the byproducts of whatever our moms consumed. We did this through the placenta that connected our digestive system to theirs, and afterward we needed a way to expel the waste. Unfortunately, the luxuries of modern plumbing weren’t available to us yet, so we made do. And until we greeted the world, we swam in that resignation and even drank it in.

Hence, pee-drinkers."

There is a bit more to the story of how fetuses expel waste than just, “We fill our bedroom with urine.” Fetuses don’t breathe, but pregnant mothers do. The oxygen they take in transfers through the placenta to the fetus, which uses it up and produces carbon dioxide that gets sent back through the placenta and gets exhaled by the mother. Other substances like proteins, sugars, antibodies, and drugs — prescribed or illicit — also cross through the placenta to reach the fetus, says Dr. Arthur Zaltz, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center in Toronto.

and from Reference,

Oxygen is conveyed to the developing fetus via the umbilical cord, which stretches from its abdomen to the placenta, a temporary organ with a large surface area in contact with the mother's uterine lining. According to the National Children’s Study, the placenta also filters potentially harmful substances out of the mother's blood and conveys essential nutrients to the fetus in the womb.

Oxygen is present in the air, and it is taken into the mother's lungs with every breath. Once the oxygen is absorbed into her bloodstream, the mother's body circulates the oxygen-rich blood to the uterus, where it passes through a membrane into the placenta, which is filled with blood vessels and receives a steady flow of blood from the baby, relays Wikipedia. Once the oxygen crosses the placental barrier, the fetus' circulatory system transports it to where it is needed in its body.

The counterpoint of this cycle, according to Wikipedia, is that waste gas, such as carbon dioxide, is taken up by the fetus' blood and returned to the placenta, along with other waste, and then passed back to the mother's bloodstream. The exhausted blood is carried to the mother's lungs to discharge the carbon dioxide and take up fresh oxygen, completing the cycle.

Stop making a fool of yourself, I have proved that it is the MOTHER who is providing the Oxygen, removing waste and protecting it with her immune system, all done though the PLACENTA as the Mayo Clinic states:

What does the placenta do?

The placenta is an organ that develops in your uterus during pregnancy. This structure provides oxygen and nutrients to your growing baby and removes waste products from your baby's blood. The placenta attaches to the wall of your uterus, and your baby's umbilical cord arises from it. The organ is usually attached to the top, side, front or back of the uterus. In rare cases, the placenta might attach in the lower uterine region (placenta previa).

YOU are the ignorant little boy, who can't offer a cogent counterpoint.........., because you a typical anti abortion extremist. I have done enough here to show you have no argument to offer.

you can tell yourself what you like to make you feel better about murder,,,
but murder is what it is,,,
Maybe if we tell the Libnuttz that the babies are illegal aliens, terrorist, trees or criminals they will care about them
Republicans care more about a fetus, than about people.

Someone has to care about them, you ass hats want to murder them
A fetus is not a life.

Oh indeed it is.....ass hat
You are a Nazi, always trying to control women reproductive rights.

You're a baby murdering enabler...ass hat
Nazi don't blow up the planned parenthood abortion clinic.
Republicans care more about a fetus, than about people.

Someone has to care about them, you ass hats want to murder them
A fetus is not a life.

Oh indeed it is.....ass hat
You are a Nazi, always trying to control women reproductive rights.

you are aware it was Nazis that pushed for more abortions of unwanted humans,,,
Every Nazi I have seen on the internet has said abortion is a Jewish conspiracy to kill aryan babies. Nazis are delusional. There is no Jewish conspiracy.
The so-called "pro-life" movement is based on a sexual perversion with misogyny and penis-worship at its core, being brought to us by men who are evil. The "pro-life" people have demonstrated that they care nothing for living beings, else they would be out there running to provide care for the migrant families who are being caged.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB what their plans are to raise all of these babies that they want to force women to bear, and never get any cogent answer.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB why they refuse to discuss why they are against using modern technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and never get any cogent answer. If they "hate" abortion, why would they refuse to discuss ways to avoid it altogether unless they have an evil motive?

Why are so many men so malicious (not all are)? They scream that they are heterosexual and hate those who aren't, but they also hate their female partners, seeing them only as farm animals to be bred.
This is a seriously disturbed lesbian woman that is certainly mentally ill!...a $9 box of birth control pills stops it...why are women Soooo fucking stupid...asking a mental case!
You prove the op by focussing on the woman. Takes two to make a baby.
Both can "jerk off" but since the baby falls on the woman...THEY should have the mental faculties to do something!
they are welcome to practice their "reach around" skills, with me. i love it when women insist on the equality of practice making perfect. xoxo
Republicans care more about a fetus, than about people.

Someone has to care about them, you ass hats want to murder them
A fetus is not a life.

you clearly dont know the definition of that word,,,
Nazis want to control a woman's civil rights.
Nazis are eugenicists, just like abortionists are....There's nothing more detrimental to civil rights than that.
Nazis complain that abortion is killing aryan babies.
The so-called "pro-life" movement is based on a sexual perversion with misogyny and penis-worship at its core, being brought to us by men who are evil. The "pro-life" people have demonstrated that they care nothing for living beings, else they would be out there running to provide care for the migrant families who are being caged.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB what their plans are to raise all of these babies that they want to force women to bear, and never get any cogent answer.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB why they refuse to discuss why they are against using modern technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and never get any cogent answer. If they "hate" abortion, why would they refuse to discuss ways to avoid it altogether unless they have an evil motive?

Why are so many men so malicious (not all are)? They scream that they are heterosexual and hate those who aren't, but they also hate their female partners, seeing them only as farm animals to be bred.
This is a seriously disturbed lesbian woman that is certainly mentally ill!...a $9 box of birth control pills stops it...why are women Soooo fucking stupid...asking a mental case!
You prove the op by focussing on the woman. Takes two to make a baby.
The welfare state encourages the men to split the scene and the women to continue popping out bastard children....Subsidize something and you get more of it, every time.
Women arent doing it on their own. What right have you go to tell a woman what she should do with her body ?
The moment that she wants to pick my pocket to pay for her choices, it becomes my business.

Why do you skip the fact that you had sex with her in the first place? This was your choice. Personal responsibility, eh? You men make a personal decision in having sex when you are not ready to raise a child, nor ready to raise a child with this specific woman. If you are not ready to do this, keep your pants on.
i don't mind practicing my dexterity skills if girl friends don't mind practicing theirs. xoxo
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Someone has to care about them, you ass hats want to murder them
A fetus is not a life.

you clearly dont know the definition of that word,,,
Nazis want to control a woman's civil rights.
Nazis are eugenicists, just like abortionists are....There's nothing more detrimental to civil rights than that.
Nazis complain that abortion is killing aryan babies.
Yet we know that negro babies are the vast majority of aborted little ones and we RACIST, BIGOTS of the right are the ones FIGHTING for their lives....seems to slap you lefties in the face with your hypocrisy! Simply wonder when THAT FACT takes hold of the black community of MOSTLY good people!
Punishing sluts, Tommy?

Nothing can punish a slut with any more certainty than taking away a girl's chance of ever being one.
Someone has to care about them, you ass hats want to murder them
A fetus is not a life.

Oh indeed it is.....ass hat
You are a Nazi, always trying to control women reproductive rights.

you are aware it was Nazis that pushed for more abortions of unwanted humans,,,
Every Nazi I have seen on the internet has said abortion is a Jewish conspiracy to kill aryan babies. Nazis are delusional. There is no Jewish conspiracy.

got a link???
This is a seriously disturbed lesbian woman that is certainly mentally ill!...a $9 box of birth control pills stops it...why are women Soooo fucking stupid...asking a mental case!
You prove the op by focussing on the woman. Takes two to make a baby.
The welfare state encourages the men to split the scene and the women to continue popping out bastard children....Subsidize something and you get more of it, every time.
Women arent doing it on their own. What right have you go to tell a woman what she should do with her body ?
The moment that she wants to pick my pocket to pay for her choices, it becomes my business.

Why do you skip the fact that you had sex with her in the first place? This was your choice. Personal responsibility, eh? You men make a personal decision in having sex when you are not ready to raise a child, nor ready to raise a child with this specific woman. If you are not ready to do this, keep your pants on.

and those same men are ignored when abortions murder their child
Someone has to care about them, you ass hats want to murder them
A fetus is not a life.

you clearly dont know the definition of that word,,,
Nazis want to control a woman's civil rights.
Nazis are eugenicists, just like abortionists are....There's nothing more detrimental to civil rights than that.
Nazis complain that abortion is killing aryan babies.

got a link???
A fetus is not a life.

you clearly dont know the definition of that word,,,
Nazis want to control a woman's civil rights.
Nazis are eugenicists, just like abortionists are....There's nothing more detrimental to civil rights than that.
Nazis complain that abortion is killing aryan babies.
Yet we know that negro babies are the vast majority of aborted little ones and we RACIST, BIGOTS of the right are the ones FIGHTING for their lives....seems to slap you lefties in the face with your hypocrisy! Simply wonder when THAT FACT takes hold of the black community of MOSTLY good people!
Nazis say only aryan nations have abortion, because Jews seek to kill their babies, and aryan race. They are wrong. Jews aren't out to get anybody, we are peaceful. Nazis are not peaceful like us.
A fetus is not a life.

you clearly dont know the definition of that word,,,
Nazis want to control a woman's civil rights.
Nazis are eugenicists, just like abortionists are....There's nothing more detrimental to civil rights than that.
Nazis complain that abortion is killing aryan babies.

got a link???
Nazi stormfront has a bunch of Nazis saying abortion is killing aryan babies.
you clearly dont know the definition of that word,,,
Nazis want to control a woman's civil rights.
Nazis are eugenicists, just like abortionists are....There's nothing more detrimental to civil rights than that.
Nazis complain that abortion is killing aryan babies.
Yet we know that negro babies are the vast majority of aborted little ones and we RACIST, BIGOTS of the right are the ones FIGHTING for their lives....seems to slap you lefties in the face with your hypocrisy! Simply wonder when THAT FACT takes hold of the black community of MOSTLY good people!
Nazis say only aryan nations have abortion, because Jews seek to kill their babies, and aryan race. They are wrong. Jews aren't out to get anybody, we are peaceful. Nazis are not peaceful like us.

got a link???
Someone has to care about them, you ass hats want to murder them
A fetus is not a life.

you clearly dont know the definition of that word,,,
Nazis want to control a woman's civil rights.
Nazis are eugenicists, just like abortionists are....There's nothing more detrimental to civil rights than that.
Nazis complain that abortion is killing aryan babies.

The vast majority of abortions are black babies. Sorta shoots your crap down doesn't it

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