Hypocrites~DeathRATS fight for kittens’ right to life after voting to kill born-alive babies

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I agree 100% with saving kittens from being killed BUT this is Not my grandmother’s Democrat party, for sure. They cherish and defend a cat’s right to life, which is commendable, BUT they will fight to the death to murder an unborn/newborn child......they are insane!

What do cats have that newborn babies don't? Democrats' support. In one of the sickest ironies no one is talking about, Senate liberals picked this moment — 17 days after they voted to kill America's perfectly healthy infants — to fight for the humane treatment of kittens. Maybe the DNC's strategists are out to lunch, or maybe the Left really is this shameless, but I can't wait to see some of these politicians standing on debate platforms next year telling the American people that when it comes to protecting living things: We chose cats over kids.

For sponsors like Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), the optics are nauseating. Here he is, arguing that America "must stop killing kittens," when, three weeks ago, he stood in the U.S. Capitol and agreed with 43 Democrats that human beings should be put down. "The USDA's decision to slaughter kittens after they are used in research is an archaic practice and horrific treatment, and we need to end it," Merkley said with a passion that he and his colleagues couldn't muster for a generation of perfectly healthy newborns. His Kittens in Traumatic Testing Ends Now — or KITTEN — Act wouldn't stop the research, but it would keep the animals from being destroyed.

"The KITTEN Act will protect these innocent animals from being needlessly euthanized in government testing," Merkley told reporters, "and make sure that they can be adopted by loving families instead." Does he even hear himself? They should be treated and adopted? That's exactly what Americans have requested for living, breathing babies. Democrats said no. Killing a child is a "personal decision," they said, and Congress shouldn't get in the way.

(Excerpt) Read more at lifesitenews.com ...

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