Hypothetical Question; What is the Scope of Obligation to do Good?

What is the extent of Omegaman's Obligatin to do Good?

  • Infinite. to those who have great power their are great obligations

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Omegaman can do whatever he wants, and anyone thinks the guy is obligated is wrong

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Omegaman is only obligated to do good as so far as he is capable, and a private life, too

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
To avoid nit-picks with comic book fans, let's say we have a super-duper hero named Omegaman who can hear any cry for help and know exactly how to fix every bad situation. This guy can cure cancer, whoop all the bad guys, and do everything necessary in just seconds.

But there is a lot of bad going on in the world and after a few years of having gained his miraculous powers, Omegaman finds now he has no life other than fixing things for a lot of idiots that bring bad times on themselves, mostly.

So Omegaman sneaks off to a desert island incognito and decides to drink some Margaritas and get a badly needed tan.

An old fan stumbles on Omegaman one day and accuses him of dereliction of duty, to which Omegaman replies, 'I gotta have a life too, buckaroo'.

Because Omegaman has the ability to help everyone, is he obligated to do so regardless of the cost to him personally in time and effort and lack/loss of a private life?
No. Some people you can't help or they don't even realize they are being helped. You can only tell them where to find the information to help themselves then be on standby when they ask for you assistance figuring it out.

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