I actually like Russia

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Sick of the Russian hate from both sides

I have huge respect for Russia.
it’s the last white Christian country in the world. Has good looking women .
Putin actually cares about his people and protects them .

F the super corrupt Pol Pot USA and EU.
Russia is the only thing stopping the New World Order
Sick of the Russian hate from both sides

I have huge respect for Russia.
it’s the last white Christian country in the world. Has good looking women .
Putin actually cares about his people and protects them .

F the super corrupt Pol Pot USA and EU.
Russia is the only thing stopping the New World Order
Who told you all that nonsense?
Sick of the Russian hate from both sides

I have huge respect for Russia.
it’s the last white Christian country in the world. Has good looking women .
Putin actually cares about his people and protects them .

F the super corrupt Pol Pot USA and EU.
Russia is the only thing stopping the New World Order

Your mind would probably change rather quickly if you moved there.
I use to think that he was a great conservative but now I most definitely have my doubts. If he loves Russia so much and hates America then he should just move to Russia.

He's crumbs short of a cookie. I started sneering at him when he posted that he wished his sister and her daughter would be raped and killed because his sister disagree with him politically.

He's an oxygen thief.
Sick of the Russian hate from both sides

I have huge respect for Russia.
it’s the last white Christian country in the world. Has good looking women .
Putin actually cares about his people and protects them .

F the super corrupt Pol Pot USA and EU.
Russia is the only thing stopping the New World Order
Every Country has Beautiful Women and Every Country has their Fat Slob look alike obese trump supporters.
I have seen many-many YouTube videos done in Russia. The Russian people, especially those 50 and below, like Americans and hold nothing against them. Over and over, the only thing negative almost all of them say is "they eat too much fast food and are fat".

ANOTHER example of how truly awesome the world would likely be if governments did fuck everything up.
During the Revolution war period, it was wrong to tar and feather folks that disagreed with the prevailing attitude.

During WWII, it was wrong to lock up Japanese Americans, because they were of Japanese decent.

During the cold war, it was wrong to sanction and destroy the careers of those who had socialist politics, because we were in a political struggle against international communism.

WHY? Because that is in direct conflict with the principles of the enlightenment of our founding and our Constitution.


First, they aren't Russian shills, they are just folks that have a different point of view than you.

Second, that is an distinctively UNAMERICAN POV. . . in America, we allow everyone to have their say.

What I said was unamerican but what the OP said wasn't? Give me a break! 🙄
If you have to "destroy the village to save it?" You have lost your soul and the very meaning of what it is to be an American.

One of the great places I would choose to move to ( Marbella Spain ) and ( The Baltic Coast / Former East Prussia )
What I said was unamerican but what the OP said wasn't? Give me a break! 🙄
Natural Law, which is what America is based on, gives every citizen freedom. . that means, the freedom to say and believe whatever the hell they want.

So yeah, that is.

And you trying to censor, ban, and banish them from the community is unAmerican, just for being themselves.
It also completely amazes me that The Irish Ram and theHawk have liked the OP. We have every reason to despise Russia right now as we're about to go into WWIII folks. Trump is the one who knew how to handle Putin not Biden. These are extremely dangerous times.
I won't give you a break.

IF you want to be a fascist, find some other place to do your goose stepping.

It doesn't at all concern you that Russia not only doesn't like us, but they HATE us and people from their government are already here right now planning their attack?
Sick of the Russian hate from both sides

I have huge respect for Russia.
it’s the last white Christian country in the world. Has good looking women .
Putin actually cares about his people and protects them .

F the super corrupt Pol Pot USA and EU.
Russia is the only thing stopping the New World Order
HAve you been there?
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