I agree with Republican Trump Supporters, its the OUTCOME that makes a thing racist.


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Republican Trump supporters are forever touting the fact that Trump had the lowest black unemployment in US history as a response to how Trump can never be racist when not an utterance in his policies singled out blacks from this. This is what they say over, and over, and over, and over again e.g. ...

This means that it's the outcome that makes a thing racist. Nothing more, nothing less.

The outcome for black Americans in America is that they are at the bottom rung of every aspect in American society, aka the country. That's the answer to the question recently making waves in the media. "Is America a racist country?"

The answer is a resounding YES!!!

It's either that or you believe that something is extremely wrong with black people or black Americans specifically. Take your pick.
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Vietnamese and Koreans came to the U.S just 40 years ago. The U.S killed millions of them beforehand.
They arrived with nothing, but worked hard and now earn more than whites.
They did not start sucker punching old white folk in revenge for the napalm bombs. Or demand reparations.
They knuckled down and worked.
Republican Trump supporters are forever touting the fact that Trump had the lowest black unemployment in US history as a response to how Trump can never be racist when not an utterance in his policies singled out blacks from this. This is what they say over, and over, and over, and over again e.g. ...

This means that it's the outcome that makes a thing racist. Nothing more, nothing less.

The outcome for black Americans in America is that they are at the bottom rung of every aspect in American society, aka the country. That's the answer to the question recently making waves in the media. "Is America a racist country?"

The answer is a resounding YES!!!

It's either that or you believe that something is extremely wrong with black people or black Americans specifically. Take your pick.
At some point there is going to be enough people who are from central and South America where the resources which can not increase forever will go mostly to them. Then you really are going to be mad. Plus the fact there is a continuing growing amount of poverty among whites. Particularly white males.
At some point there is going to be enough people who are from central and South America where the resources which can not increase forever will go mostly to them. Then you really are going to be mad. Plus the fact there is a continuing growing amount of poverty among whites. Particularly white males.
Already happening... we are building the next dependent society en masse
Something IS wrong with that segment of black society that brawls in airports, on airplanes, in restaurants,
engages in gang wars, etc.
That has kids out of wedlock. Occupies the lowest rungs of our schools. That treats government like their
daddy. Outcome does matter. Glad you caught on, finally even if you aren't bright enough to realize
your arguments don't mean what you think they do.
Something IS wrong with that segment of black society that brawls in airports, on airplanes, in restaurants,
engages in gang wars, etc.
That has kids out of wedlock. Occupies the lowest rungs of our schools. That treats government like their
daddy. Outcome does matter. Glad you caught on, finally even if you aren't bright enough to realize
your arguments don't mean what you think they do.
The truth is it has nothing to do with race.
It doesn't matte what color/ethnicity a group of people are, you take any set of people... pack them in like sardines in public housing, give them just enough money to survive, pack them into poorly ran school systems that artificially hides their poor performance, excuse every thing they do that is wrong... continue to put them through school no matter how bad they do - even pay for advanced education even though they are woefully unprepared for it - THEY WILL FAIL AS A GROUP.

Democrats doomed the black population to perpetual failure by trapping them in social programs that do nothing but build generational dependence on government handouts. Refuse to hold them to standards the rest of society have to live by, and then have the audacity to say they are the ones that care about them.
OK, so the proposition is that Blacks are intellectually, socially, behaviorally, and criminally EQUAL to the rest of the General Population, and they are doing NOTHING at all to "shoot themselves in the foot" economically...therefore the fact that they are, statistically speaking, sucking on the Hind Teat is the result of nothing but racism.

Doesn't pass the laugh test.
At some point there is going to be enough people who are from central and South America where the resources which can not increase forever will go mostly to them. Then you really are going to be mad. Plus the fact there is a continuing growing amount of poverty among whites. Particularly white males.
What do you think I'll be mad at?
Republican Trump supporters are forever touting the fact that Trump had the lowest black unemployment in US history as a response to how Trump can never be racist when not an utterance in his policies singled out blacks from this. This is what they say over, and over, and over, and over again e.g. ...

This means that it's the outcome that makes a thing racist. Nothing more, nothing less.

The outcome for black Americans in America is that they are at the bottom rung of every aspect in American society, aka the country. That's the answer to the question recently making waves in the media. "Is America a racist country?"

The answer is a resounding YES!!!

It's either that or you believe that something is extremely wrong with black people or black Americans specifically. Take your pick.
Blacks are at the bottom rung anywhere there are other races, which makes your whining about American racism absurd.
Republican Trump supporters are forever touting the fact that Trump had the lowest black unemployment in US history as a response to how Trump can never be racist when not an utterance in his policies singled out blacks from this. This is what they say over, and over, and over, and over again e.g. ...

This means that it's the outcome that makes a thing racist. Nothing more, nothing less.

The outcome for black Americans in America is that they are at the bottom rung of every aspect in American society, aka the country. That's the answer to the question recently making waves in the media. "Is America a racist country?"

The answer is a resounding YES!!!

It's either that or you believe that something is extremely wrong with black people or black Americans specifically. Take your pick.
You crack me up Marc. You think "Trump Supporters" are like the Borg. Every time you begin a statement with "All you Trump supporters or All You White people are........" you are by definition wrong.
You crack me up Marc. You think "Trump Supporters" are like the Borg. Every time you begin a statement with "All you Trump supporters or All You White people are........" you are by definition wrong.
Can you produce a single, solitary post where I began with "all you so-and-so?"
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This means that it's the outcome that makes a thing racist. Nothing more, nothing less.

The outcome for black Americans in America is that they are at the bottom rung of every aspect in American society, aka the country. That's the answer to the question recently making waves in the media. "Is America a racist country?"

The answer is a resounding YES!!!

It's either that or you believe that something is extremely wrong with black people or black Americans specifically. Take your pick.

I've said it several times before and I'll say it again. Nobody in world history has been more oppressed and persecuted than the Jews and yet, despite that today they are the most successful and prosperous group of people in the world. Why is that?

They did the opposite of you.

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