I am a White Man

Someone ask you to do all that bullshit you just posted?
I did. If you have a problem with that we can take it outside.
No you didnt. He even said so. You lose again. I am 89-0 Extra point for getting you triggered.

I won’t deny that my side abuses the race card, much to my chagrin.
Well said

Secondly, despite what you keep claiming, few are justifying or supporting the violence and looting, especially those who gathered to peacefully and legitimately protest.
And yet the violence continues. And yet you know some of your politicians and the media put fuel on the fire and later cry NO FOUL.........You KNOW IT.

Third, your party is hardly blameless in sowing division, violence and promoting false racial narratives. YOU ARE NOT ANGELS.
We are not the ones burning down cities...........blocking roads........and trying to Silence the left's voice........HARDLY A COMPARISON........The Lion's share of the violence comes from your side.......and usually in cities THAT ARE BLUE.....and RUN BY DEMS........mostly........Why do you blame us for Dems who run those cities.................hmmm


You do not see what your side does? It is all one sided to you?

You endlessly excuse abuses by police. Hell, even supporting murderous actions like the killing of Arbery by painting the victim as somehow deserving.

We had some real efforts at reform: programs and funding for increased community policing and education, reciprical agreements with the more troubled police departments...

who put an end to reform?
Elijah Cummings was a rep for Baltimore for 40+ yrs and Baltimore is awful. Maybe re-electing him over and over again was not the best idea?
Someone ask you to do all that bullshit you just posted?
I did. If you have a problem with that we can take it outside.
No you didnt. He even said so. You lose again. I am 89-0 Extra point for getting you triggered.

No no. I did. I used my Jedi mind trick on him. Ask him. He will confirm it.
Someone ask you to do all that bullshit you just posted?
I did. If you have a problem with that we can take it outside.
No you didnt. He even said so. You lose again. I am 89-0 Extra point for getting you triggered.

So you don’t want to step outside? Pussy.
What is "submission?"
the action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person.

That's the dictionary definition of it, yes. But you, like gator, are seemingly missing the point and parsing words instead of addressing the subject matter of the thread.
Acknowledging white privilege is simply understanding that there are things we take for granted by being born white.

There is no such thing as "white privilege". Such a term is borne of jealousy and resentment, not out of any provable facts or science.

When I was born, I did not have the intellectual capacity to assume my "white privilege." Such a concept is preposterous. Not even my parents knew what white privilege was, they were too busy living in abject poverty to support me. So, I ask again, what benefits did this "white privilege" grant me then? I lived my entire life not knowing what "white privilege" was until I encountered some race-baiting liberals using the term on the local political forum a few years ago. Turns out the concept is almost as old as I am. The term was first coined in an essay by Peggy McIntosh over 30 years ago.

Do I feel uncomfortable walking past black people? No. Do I lock my car doors when I drive through the projects? No. I lock them before I leave the house. Is my first instinct when I see a black person to call 911? No!

White privilege is garbage. It always will be. I refuse to acknowledge the existence of such a puerile concept.
They are sick of the racism, of the unequal treatment they can't escape because they are stuck with the skin they were born in.

Sure, let's add your justification of the violence to the list. Martin Luther King understood the pain, but he never endorsed the violence. NEVER.
You and I aren't black, so we don't KNOW what that's like. We need to take their word for it. They oughta know.

No, as I clearly pointed out, I am white. But I am not one to give the benefit of the doubt to anyone, not based on skin color or supposed experiences. I have been lied to and have seen enough liars in my life to know that you don't dole it out like candy.
No one has ever asked me to "repent" for the sins of my ancestors (not that any of my ancestors were rich enough to own anyone, anyway), but I sure as hell can condemn slavery for what it was and say that it was an abomination without feeling I've "submitted" somehow.

That wasn't the point of my thread. And the reason nobody has asked you to "repent" is that you have already repented unwittingly. You hold the 'correct' viewpoint. You (without even knowing it) apologized, you bent the knee (metaphorically speaking). You succumbed to your fear. You were made to regret the color of your skin and the actions of ancestors long dead, and assumed views and ideals that would shield you from criticism.

Did you pack those poor slaves onto the ships during the slave trade? Were you a plantation owner? Did you burn crosses in black people's yard? Were you the one holding the whip? The noose? No? Were you the one who wrote the Jim Crow laws? Just because you are white does not mean you are responsible for any of that. This "sins of the father" concept is narrow-minded at best.

When I look in the mirror and see my white skin, the only thing I see is me. I don't see privilege, I don't see racism, I see a human being. When I see a black person, I see a human being, not a person to be oppressed. I see them as an equal in the law. If you want me to see black people in an equal light, then stop lecturing me about my so called 'white privilege.'

Everyone has privileges if they are educated about them, do that instead of telling these people that the white man will deprive them of their rights and privileges.
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What has been accurately stated though is that the United States of America was founded on the false premise of white supremacy

I'll ask you to back up that assertion with empirical evidence before I reply to you any further.
Understood. I know two is not a lot but should be enough of a start.

1. Excerpt From The Declaration of Secsssation of the State of Texas
"... Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility [sic] and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time..."

"... We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.

2. Supreme Court Justice Opinion of Roger Taney on March 6th 1857 in Dred Scott vs Sanford (widely regarded as the worse opinion ever made by SCOTUS)
" [African Americans] had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold, and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it.
White privilege is garbage. It always will be. I refuse to acknowledge the existence of such a puerile concept.
a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available ONLY to a particular person or group

How is being white not an advantage below that is not available to non-whites? Being arrested (or worse) for being in a whites only facility, car on a train, seat on a bus, hotel, restaurant, etc. etc. etc. is something that by design could only negatively impact black people, never whites.
I am a white man.

I have compassion, and I am upset with what happened to George Floyd.

Will I apologize for being white? Never. Will I hate you because you're black? Never.

But I will be damned if I apologize for my lineage. I will not repent for the actions of my ancestors, nor will I apologize for the color of my skin. I will not kneel down before you and repent for the sins of my ancestors. I will not apologize for who I am.

I will never kneel down and bend the knee to anyone but the Lord Almighty.

Beware, those of you fighting for racial justice, lest you become that which you hate most. Racist.
You need to apologize for the ridiculous, childish, inane thread premise.
I am a white man.

I have compassion, and I am upset with what happened to George Floyd.

Will I apologize for being white? Never. Will I hate you because you're black? Never.

But I will be damned if I apologize for my lineage. I will not repent for the actions of my ancestors I will not apologize for the color of my skin. I will not kneel down before you and repent for the sins of my ancestors.

I will never kneel down and bend the knee to anyone but the Lord Almighty.

Beware, those of you fighting for racial justice, lest you become that which you hate most. Racist.
What exactly is your purpose? Why not try empathy and listening? Why are you so protective of people with the same skin color as you who have perpetrated crimes of racism? How are you so connected to skin color that in a time of hurting you’d post something divisive? Who wants you to apologize for skin?
No one.
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I am a white man.

I have compassion, and I am upset with what happened to George Floyd.

Will I apologize for being white? Never. Will I hate you because you're black? Never.

But I will be damned if I apologize for my lineage. I will not repent for the actions of my ancestors, nor will I apologize for the color of my skin. I will not kneel down before you and repent for the sins of my ancestors. I will not apologize for who I am.

I will never kneel down and bend the knee to anyone but the Lord Almighty.

Beware, those of you fighting for racial justice, lest you become that which you hate most. Racist.
You will be held to account for exhibiting the same denials and excuses used by your ancestors. You will be blamed for exhibiting the same racism as your ancestors. I am referring to YOU, the individual. You don't become racist fighting for racial justice. Your ancestors tried that gaslighting technique too.
The thread premise is yet another tedious example of the rightwing victimhood complex and Trumpian white grievance politics.

Pithy, and right on the mark. It is, of course, part of White Privilege to remain belligerently ignorant of White Privilege. Why would they listen to Those people, why would they even endeavor to learn about how their daily life experience differs by dint of lack of privilege? There is nothing to gain in doing so, just ignorant right-wing innocence to lose.

Also of note, a veritable Who's Who of the belligerently ignorant in agreement with the OP:

barn sour
Deplorable Yankee
Grampa Murked U
Ricky LIbtardo
Sunni Man
The Irish Ram

Nope, not a single surprise among the ranks.
Well I can up you one because I just found out the dark family secret about my mother and it blew my mind!

My Grandfather was a freaking Nazi and I mean fought for Germany in World War II and belonged to the Third Reich!

Then he married a Norwegian/Scottish Woman that had six children from a Belarusian Jewish man...

So ya know my life is one messed up story but should I apologize and be marked for my Grandfather atrocities?

Some on this board would say yes, but I say the hell with them...

As for the Cops and them killing George Floyd, well I live outside Houston and Floyd will be laid to rest in Rosharon, Texas which is near Alvin, Texas and I expect unrest next week.

As for the Cops, let be clear if the law was blind and just those men would be slapped by Lady Justice for their crime but alas Justice is never blind in America and those Cops will most likely walk freely and play the victim in all this instead of asking for forgiveness and repenting for what they have done.

No matter what Floyd did in the past those Cops did not need to kill him.

Now with that said I am white, feel no shame about being white and if any individual believe I should, well they are welcome to try to make me but let me be clear I am not apologizing to anyone for something I did not do myself!

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