I am more competent than Hillary Clinton...and YOU are, too.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

The famous Secretary of State photo / event of Hillary Clinton handing the little plastic 'Re-Start Button' to Russian Representative Sergei Lavrov is widely known. This was a BIG DEAL in regards to a diplomatic display to the world that the United States and Russia were going to wipe the slate clean and start a new relationship. Publicity was going to be huge...and Clinton and her State Department knew it.

All they had to do was have a fake 'Reset Prop' made and have a cheap little nameplate on it that said 'Reset'...

...and she completely F*ED that up, publicly embarrassing the United States.

Secretary of State Clinton and her staff could not spend 5 seconds on Google to find out the Russian word for 'Reset' - which is 'Перезапуск' by the way. No, they placed the Russian word for Over-charge' on the plague they presented to Lavrov.

The point to this entire story is that if you know how to use Google, you are more qualified to be Secretary of State (or at least a member of the Secretary's Staff) than Hillary Clinton was.

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The famous Secretary of State photo / event of Hillary Clinton handing the little plastic 'Re-Start Button' to Russian Representative Sergei Lavrov is widely known. This was a BIG DEAL in regards to a diplomatic display to the world that the United States and Russia were going to wipe the slate clean and start a new relationship. Publicity was going to be huge...and Clinton and her State Department knew it.

All they had to do was have a fake 'Reset Prop' made and have a cheap little nameplate on it that said 'Reset'...

...and she completely F*ED that up, publicly embarrassing the United States.

Secretary of State Clinton and her staff could not spend 5 seconds on Google to find out the Russian word for 'Reset' - which is 'Перезапуск' by the way. No, they placed the Russian word for Over-charge' on the plague they presented to Lavrov.

The point to this entire story is that if you know how to use Google, you are more qualified to be Secretary of State (or at least a member of the Secretary's Staff) than Hillary Clinton was.

obama was more competent than clinton. that's true and scary.

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