I Am Now Torn Between Trump and DeSantis

The GOP is nothing but a

Even though I think that they're both awesome candidates, Trump has something that I think that DeSantis doesn't have. He knows how to handle Putin and scares the left more than DeSantis does so I'm split but currently learning more towards Trump than I was before. Just not enough to change my profile yet.

DeSantis is an ex Naval officer. He's a strictly business kind of guy. So he's not going to entertain people like Trump does.
Besides his record of winning, in the last few years, that's what I like about DeSantis.

One thing that turned me on about Trump was when he said (2016 campaign), "I won't have time to golf. I'll be too busy working." Well, he spent more time on the golf course than even Obama did.

DeSantis come off as a "knuckle down and get the job done," kind of guy. Not an entertainer.
Now, Trump is just a whiner who still lies too much.
clinton more conservative than trump

Numbers don't lie. Clinton is the most fiscally conservative president since Calvin Coolidge. Maybe he was forced into it by a Republican congress but numbers don't lie. You and I can lie our asses off but facts are facts. Don't check the data though. Just believe I am lying and let that be that. By the way all of you "conservatives" aren't fiscally conservative at all or you wouldn't worship Trump. Trump never one time even claimed to be fiscally conservative and he isn't. The two biggest spending presidents of all time is Franklin D Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan yet Ronald Reagan is the conservative mascot. I can't make this idiocy up. Republican voters are not fiscally conservative at all. Bill Clinton was and I really think Hillary would have been too. Trump never one time ever even hinted at being fiscally conservative while he was campaigning yet Republicans voted for him over Hillary. Crazy shit. You can't make it up. Republican voters aren't fiscally conservative at all. All the Republicans want is free government goodies and/or free government goodies. All the Democrats want is free government goodies and/or free government goodies. Just watch Benjamin Franklin's prediction come true. Every American is taking part in destroying our country. All we can do is watch them get what they deserve. Nobody cares about this country. They just want free stuff. I hope you guys are good at learning new languages. Russian should be ok but Chinese is a brutal language to learn. Eventually if you steal everything there is nothing left to steal and you call me a communist? Fuck that. Communists are thieves. I say we cut off all government goodies even the ones I like. I am far from a communist. I bet you are government employee. Every single American that panics if the government cuts spending in a program they benefit from is a communist and should be murdered. Why did we spend so much money fighting communism abroad when our country is cram packed with communists?
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