I Am Now Torn Between Trump and DeSantis

So your imagination, citing yourself, pretending to speak for Joe Biden.

Well this just got a lot less interesting.
Never claimed to be speaking for Biden. You afraid to see the reality of where this administration is going?

Never claimed to be speaking for Biden. You afraid to see the reality of where this administration is going?

Your imagination isn't 'reality'. Its your opinion, pretending that you have gleaned the 'secret plans' of Joe Biden, the Great Reset and whatever else you want to fold in.

The right wing echo chamber has conditioned you to think that anything you believe must be reality. If you feel something, it has to be true. If you make something up, that's evidence.

But.....that's not how reality works outside your echo chamber.
Trump lost to Biden. That means there is a 100% chance of defeat if Trump were to run against Biden.

Desantis has never beat Biden. Biden has never beat Desantis. We have a 50% chance of winning with Desantis versus a 0% chance with Trump.

Let the idiots (aka average Republican who thinks Reagan and Trump are more conservative than Bill Clinton) figure it out. I'm pretty sure they are picking Trump.

I don't trust idiots to resist the appeal of Trump. It will be Biden versus Trump. Yes. Republicans really are that stupid. Don't stress about it. Just wait for 2028.
Man what a dumbass,commie clinton more conservative than trump,that is hysterical comedy, :rofl: Clinton has had all his enemies arkansawed off over 100 at least,was a traiter to Americans signing nafta his pal bush drew up in his final days,and the commie sold China our secrets,Clinton was the downfall of the democrat party,every dem potus sense then has been a commie Demonrat servant to China with Rino republicans like bush,Desantis and Romney involved as well and trump the only conservative Republican president the nation has seen sense calvin coolidge and first real president sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system is less conservative than the bi sexual gayboy Clinton traiter? That is comedy at its best,this nutcase is on crack.:rofl:nobody should read the future posts of this dumbass.:rofl:I sure won’t.he lost his credibility there.
Banking on Trump hate for a win. I'm not to sure Biden will make it. The Manchin thing and Cornell West could bump Biden from the primary.
Well said,Biden is the most unpopular president ever,the Demonrats are not going to get away with stealing the election twice,the whole world knows this election was stolen,there will be many more safeguards put in place this time to prevent them from stealing again and getting away with it this time,someone mentioned tulsi gabbard,the Demonrat party is so depraved and evil which is why tulsi left the party,she is just one of tens of thousands thst have defected from the dem party to the gop because of trump,they all see thst trump is not part of the corrupt two party system.the Dems along with the Rinos and deep state are terrified of the new election,they don’t want it to take place.they are terrified of trump returning.hense why they are coming up so many trumped up charges to try and put him in prison which all have failed and will continue to fail.he dares them to try and put him in prison,the military will step in and arrest those criminals if they try that which is why they won’t try and put him in prison.

I would not be surprised if there was not an election in 2024 so the dems can stay in power and prevent trump from coming back.there have been a few rumblings of those kind of predictions.
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Even though I think that they're both awesome candidates, Trump has something that I think that DeSantis doesn't have. He knows how to handle Putin and scares the left more than DeSantis does so I'm split but currently learning more towards Trump than I was before. Just not enough to change my profile yet.
Me? Anyone but a filthy Democrat. Who are Dems now? Fags ,Trannys ,Feminazies ,Antifa ,and BLM.
Your imagination isn't 'reality'. Its your opinion, pretending that you have gleaned the 'secret plans' of Joe Biden, the Great Reset and whatever else you want to fold in.
No secret plans.................pay attention, it's all out there in the open.....seek and ye shall find.
No secret plans.................pay attention, it's all out there in the open.....seek and ye shall find.

Pay attention to your imagination? Your delusions and pretending to have some secret insight into 'the plan' aren't reality.

They're just shit you tell yourself.

Why would anyone but you care about stories you make up?
Pay attention to your imagination? Your delusions and pretending to have some secret insight into 'the plan' aren't reality.

They're just shit you tell yourself.

Why would anyone but you care about stories you make up?
Never said anything about 'secret insight'.......why would I when it's out in the open for all to see.
You need to educate yourself before attacking others.
Never said anything about 'secret insight'.......why would I when it's out in the open for all to see.
You need to educate yourself before attacking others.

You're the one telling us the 'purpose' behind the 'Great Reset'....citing no one but yourself. No one supposedly involved in the 'Great Reset' has said anything you are.

You're offering us your imagination.
No one supposedly involved in the 'Great Reset' has said anything you are.
This is getting interesting......what have I said regarding The Great Reset other than you need to educate yourself......which you make it quite obvious I am right.
This is getting interesting......what have I said regarding The Great Reset other than you need to educate yourself......which you make it quite obvious I am right.

Does this education involve more than your imagination? Because there are no more degrees for Imagination University than there Youtube U.

Is this just more of you citing yourself again, pretending to speak for Biden?
Does this education involve more than your imagination? Because there are no more degrees for Imagination University than there Youtube U.

Is this just more of you citing yourself again, pretending to speak for Biden?
It appears you are the one with the creative imagination.....I'm dealing with reality.
It appears you are the one with the creative imagination.....I'm dealing with reality.

You've offered us nothing but you citing yourself.

That may be 'reality' in the right wing echo chamber. But outside it, its just called imagination.

Do you have actual evidence that Biden's goal with the 'Great Reset' is totalitarianism? And no, you citing you isn't evidence.
Do you have actual evidence that Biden's goal with the 'Great Reset' is totalitarianism?
I wouldn't say it's Biden's goal, it is the end result.

When they talk about “fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making,” they are not talking about giving more power to voters and their democratically elected representatives. They are talking about empowering unelected government bureaucracies that will work in partnership with corporations to enact global policies which enrich corporations and impoverish the middle class.

Take the World Economic Forum’s campaign to push global environmental, social, and governance investment rules on financial institutions worldwide. The strategy here is to take all the most painful and unpopular policies that the far Left wants to enact (like ending fossil fuel development) and transfer the responsibility for enacting those policies to faceless regulators and investors.

President Joe Biden brought this closer to reality when he directed the Department of Labor to force investment managers to use ESG guidelines when making their investment decisions. He also directed the Securities and Exchange Commission to develop rules forcing American corporations to adopt ESG reporting requirements.

In neither case did Biden issue a new regulation that specifically cuts fossil fuel use, but the intent and outcome of these regulatory moves will accomplish exactly that. By forcing ESG guidelines on corporations and investment institutions, Biden and the ESG movement are choking off the investments needed to bring fossil fuels to market. The result is higher energy prices that hurt poor and middle-class families the most. The woke consulting, accounting, and legal firms that implement these rules all make out like bandits.


If you didn't like the Washington Examiner here is a heavy liberal left center cause that has issue with it also.

Who are these other, non-governmental stakeholders? The WEF, best known for its annual meeting of high-net-worth individuals in Davos, Switzerland, describes itself as an international organization for public-private cooperation. WEF partners include some of the biggest companies in oil (Saudi Aramco, Shell, Chevron, BP), food (Unilever, The Coca-Cola Company, Nestlé), technology (Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple) and pharmaceuticals (AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna).
Instead of corporations serving many stakeholders, in the multi-stakeholder model of global governance, corporations are promoted to being official stakeholders in global decision-making, while governments are relegated to being one of many stakeholders. In practice, corporations become the main stakeholders, while governments take a backseat role, and civil society is mainly window dressing.

Conspiracy theories aside, there is something fishy about the Great Reset
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