I Am Now Torn Between Trump and DeSantis

He is a liberal who didn't lose his mind like most did.
Saying Bill Maher is not a liberal is like saying a tree isn't a plant.

Checking in With Bill Maher (in 1999)​

After Monica, the ‘Politically Incorrect’ host gets to the real issues: Super-model slights, Howard Stern’s jealousy and the importance of Jesse Ventura.​


You’ve been described as a libertarian.

I’m a libertarian.
The line I’ve always used is, I would be a Republican if they would. Which means that I like the Barry Gold-water Republican Party, even the Reagan Republican Party. I want a mean old man to watch my money. I don’t want a Republican to be funny. I don’t want him to be charming. Because government is a sieve that takes as much money as it can and gives it away, usually needlessly.
Checking in With Bill Maher (in 1999)

EMMYS: Bill Maher's Longest Losing Streak​

By The Deadline Team
June 18, 2011 3:11pm

MAHER: I don’t know Charlie Sheen well, but I spent a little time with him in 2009 and that guy is completely different than the one I’ve seen now. The fact is I’m a Libertarian who believes you should be able to do any drug you want. But don’t get all obnoxious and brag about it. That bothers me, the rubbing your fame and money in people’s faces — especially Charlie who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. I put Donald Trump in that same league of rubbing people’s noses in it. Trump and Charlie spend far too much time talking about how fucking fabulous they are.
EMMYS: Bill Maher's Longest Losing Streak
You say that like you're scheming along with them.

Bourgeois democracy works like this:
The Citadel of Good hosted a forum with the top Republican candidates for U.S. president. A blitz poll of thousands of activists showed that 96% "oppose U.S. intervention in Ukraine". But the top Republicans in Congress for escalation of the
Trump, sensing with his animal instincts the prevailing mood of his supporters (which is why he is at the top), will of course double down on his anti-war rhetoric in order to secure the nomination. He even appeared to be a peacemaker on China.
But if he returns to the White House, he will be outplayed by the System.
The Demonrats unleasehed Covid as part of their plan with the elite and Rinos to depopulate the world and destroy Americans Einstein,try to keep up.
That was Trump.

apnews.com › article › donald-trump-ap-top-newsTrump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

Mar 14, 2020 · WASHINGTON (AP) — Public health and national security experts shake their heads when President Donald Trump says the coronavirus “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the

www.theguardian.com › world › 2020Trump administration cut pandemic early warning program in ...

Apr 3, 2020 · The Trump administration decided to end a $200m early warning program designed to alert it to potential pandemics just three months before it is believed Covid-19 began infecting people in China.
First the Trial pal. Do not count your chickens this early. The charges are bogus as hell.
This dimbass will be on the suicide hotLine watch as well when it does not happen. :rofl: They have come up with one phony trumped impeachment charge after another and yet even after he beat them all,they still think it will be differerrent this time.heno doubt thinks there was no election fraud in 2020 either,it’s only those trollboys who believe he is going to prison.:rofl:
You underrate DeSantis at your peril. I voted 2 times for Trump. I think his job as president was very well managed. I believe if elected he will prove to be outstanding.

But the Media hates his guts. We all read our news from the Media. Daily they hammer him. Worse than they hammer DeSantis. I have not donated to Trump nor DeSantis yet. I have donated from Idaho both Greene of GA and Boebert of CO. Both women kick some ass.

If it turns out that DeSantis drops out, of course I will help Trump.
Of course they do,the msm media is run by the cia and he is the first president sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system so of course they hate his guts dude,that’s why they ignore the evil atrocities biden Clinton bush and Obama have committed over the years and the crimes of many other presidents before trump thst were criminal crimes against humanity.
So what. All the establishment wants him gone.
This is why there has been over forty five assassination attempts on his life,the media is a tool for the establishment thst is why they have slandered trump worse than any president in mankind history.for once your not trolling and speaking the truth,well done.
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hichis why theyr has been over forty five assassination attempts on his life,the media is a tool for the establishment thst is why they have slandered trump worse than any president in mankind history.for once your not trolling and speaking the truth,well done.
Go to bed. You are drunk
Bourgeois democracy works like this:
The Citadel of Good hosted a forum with the top Republican candidates for U.S. president. A blitz poll of thousands of activists showed that 96% "oppose U.S. intervention in Ukraine". But the top Republicans in Congress for escalation of the
Trump, sensing with his animal instincts the prevailing mood of his supporters (which is why he is at the top), will of course double down on his anti-war rhetoric in order to secure the nomination. He even appeared to be a peacemaker on China.
But if he returns to the White House, he will be outplayed by the System.
Indeed,trump could have even done an even more outstanding job as president had he been able to do everything he wanted to do.the president can only do so much,he can’t do everything he wants to,there were corrupt judges thst prevented ruled against him in some great endeavors he wanted to accomplish,these judges never get held accountable for their crimes.
Even though I think that they're both awesome candidates, Trump has something that I think that DeSantis doesn't have. He knows how to handle Putin and scares the left more than DeSantis does so I'm split but currently learning more towards Trump than I was before. Just not enough to change my profile yet.

You don't really have the choice you think you do. Its Trump or go fuck yourself.

If Trump doesn't get the nomination, he turns on the GOP with whining and sniveling about how he was cheated, how the primary was rigged, how he was the real winner. And burns the GOP to the ground.

So it doesn't really matter what DeSantis has or doesn't have. You've got Trump.
You don't really have the choice you think you do. Its Trump or go fuck yourself.

If Trump doesn't get the nomination, he turns on the GOP with whining and sniveling about how he was cheated, how the primary was rigged, how he was the real winner. And burns the GOP to the ground.

So it doesn't really matter what DeSantis has or doesn't have. You've got Trump.
Good! :D

I guess that'll work! :04:

Are the Democrats going to roll with Potato Boy that's hurt all Americans' pockets?
Thank you for your sage wisdon, Captain Hyperbole. :rolleyes-41:

The GOP won't actually burn to the ground. It will break. Trump will complain about how he's been cheated, how unfair the GOP treated him, how the primary was rigged, how there was fraud.

How do we know? Because he already did, in 2016.



Sound familiar? Its Trump's standard schtick whenever he loses. And either tell his supporters not to vote, or go third party.

Either way, any candidate other than Trump the GOP will try to run is finished before they started.
The GOP won't actually burn to the ground. It will break. Trump will complain about how he's been cheated, how unfair the GOP treated him, how the primary was rigged, how there was fraud.

How do we know? Because he already did, in 2016.

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Sound familiar? Its Trump's standard schtick whenever he loses. And either tell his supporters not to vote, or go third party.

Either way, any candidate other than Trump the GOP will try to run is finished before they started.
It'll be OK, Big Guy. :itsok:

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