I Am Now Torn Between Trump and DeSantis

Well, between Trump and Biden which one has brought us closer to war with Russia? And which one has taken bribes from Russia and the Ukraine? And which one has donated the most of our paychecks to the Ukraine?
Whomever that one is...vote for the other one for not doing any of those things.
The Irish Ram you are female so thst being the case you should have a female to female talk with buttercup ,maybe you will have much better luck giving her the facts how trump was indeed an outsider and had to push the vaccines and the reason he said Johnson and johnson are good company’s it was because had he not and come out and said the vaccines are dangerous don’t take them,most the liberals WOULD have taken them and tens of thousands of more lives would have been lost as a result because they do the opposite,they figured sense he said they were good company’s,they were horrible company’s and did not take it’s a result,which was brilliant on his part.

I thought when I made the post much shorter in post # 51 of mine I could reason with her all those facts thst prove he is an outsider,but reality thst the house and senate don’t try and put you in prison if you are a puppet did not seem to register with her.

I’m done after the false accusation thst I feel trump is my last hope for the country to be repaired and thst I’m thinking with my emotions than logic when I do only use logic when it comes to trump going by his ACTIONS as potus being the only potus in my lifetime who did what he said he would do,for the most part anyways.every president in my lifetime,they were the opposite,they did NOT do mostly of what they said they were going to do yet despite tat fact and the house and senate did what they did with no potus in history trying to put him in prison and he had multiple assassination attempts on his life,she says I’m thinking with emotion than logic. Can’t fix tds syndrome.somehow fighting against the Demonrats against lockdowns is somehow being a puppet for the elite. that’s somehow not trying to save America in her warped view. :uhoh3:

There really have been over forty five assassinstion attempts on his life yiu just never heard it from the corporate controlled media.they have not succceeed as they did kennedy because trump has benefitted living in the day and age of the internet where infirmation is so much easier to come across now with advanced technology.because of thst he is always one step ahead of them.

We’re YOU aware of all the attempts on his life?

Now if trump doesn’t beat the system and fixed elections and come back next term and Biden is in office one more term,I will be the first to admit I have the same grim outlook on life in the future of the world as buttercup does.
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I officially changed back for voting for Trump because he truly is the strongest candidate over DeSantis and Ramaswamy even though I like all three of them. The other two eventually might have their turn in the spotlight but I think that right now Trump is the strongest and he was the greatest president our country ever had, but either of them are a whole lot better than Biden.
Now if trump doesn’t beat the system and fixed elections and come back next term and Biden is in office one more term,I will be the first to admit I have the same grim outlook on life in the future of the world as buttercup does.

I don't have a grim outlook on life and the future, in fact just the opposite is true. But my hope isn't in politicians anymore. I have hope because I'm looking at the BIG picture. Now I know what I'm about to say is something you reject, and I'm sure you'll scoff at it, but the reason I'm not demoralized by the sad state of affairs in this world is because have a strong faith and trust in the TRUE leader of this world. And crazy as this may sound to nonbelievers, I believe we're getting close to the end of this age. By "age" I mean this time period we're in when this world is thoroughly corrupt and run by evil people. Their time is coming to an end, and I believe that day is coming much sooner than people think. But even if I'm wrong about the timing, I still have faith in the true power of this world, and I don't put my faith and trust in politicians, I've come to realize that for the most part politics is a show, like pro wrestling.

OK, I wasn't intending on getting into something deeper on a thread about Trump and DeSantis, so that's all I'm gonna say about that, lol.
Nobody's going to WANT to go through what's coming to this nation in a few short years.

I vote for the best candidate in the hope of putting off what's coming until my time on this earth is over..

It's coming, but I prefer, not in my lifetime. Jesus called out immediate future the Great Tribulation, or the Time of Jacobs (Israel) Trouble.

I will vote for the best candidate, but in the end, Buttercup is right. The FUTURE is BRIGHT, but for now, very dark days lie ahead.
The Irish Ram I see you did not have any patience either to take Buttercup to school as i did that Trump is an outsider and not a puppet for the establishment,oh well,dont blame you,cant fix TDS syndrome.

what i post just goes through one ear and out the other with her so i gave up after my last post,thats why i think you should give it a shot.
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Even though I think that they're both awesome candidates, Trump has something that I think that DeSantis doesn't have. He knows how to handle Putin and scares the left more than DeSantis does so I'm split but currently learning more towards Trump than I was before. Just not enough to change my profile yet.
What if neither of them take the GOP nomination?
I officially changed back for voting for Trump because he truly is the strongest candidate over DeSantis and Ramaswamy even though I like all three of them. The other two eventually might have their turn in the spotlight but I think that right now Trump is the strongest and he was the greatest president our country ever had, but either of them are a whole lot better than Biden.
very smart Road Runner dont be fooled by Desantis,he is part of the establishment as The Irish Ram pointed out earlier in her post.
As long we have a true republican back in the white house then I could honestly care less.
yeah somebody like Trump,Kari Lake or Christie Noem,i would take any of that bunch in a heartbeat. we cant survive a RINO or another dem president unless it was RFK of course.
As long we have a true republican back in the white house then I could honestly care less.
I sort of agree. But I have morphed over time. Some Republicans are so used to the “system” that they might as well just be Democrats. The kind who have been indoctrinated into accepting the notion that one most go along to get along.

Plus, of course, we also need to consider RINO’s.

What we need is a candidate and a Party that have learned the value of our Constitution and start behaving accordingly.
I can already nearly guarantee you that Kari Lake is going to be president someday.
She would be even better than Trump.she would be much more likeable as well,she is not arrogant and or has lack of tack. I think she would be even greater than kennedy the greatest president of the 20th century and still my favorite president.Trump is my second.

the ultimate dream scenario for Americans concerned about their country being taken over by China is to have the two finalists being between Trump and RFK,i would take either of them in a heartbeat.I would rather it be RFK of the two because Trump will never reopen a real independent investigation into the assassination of JFK.RFK jr would reopen an investigation into his uncles death and his father as well. that was one of the few things about Trump i was down on him for.

Oh well,cant have everything in life.there were over 45 assassination attmempts on his life enough as it was for being the most anti war president sense carter being the first president sense then to not start a new war coming out and telling the truth wars are always started so defense contracters can profit from them.

That pissed them off enough as it was let alone not serving the elite by bringing jobs back to America instead of shipping them off overseas to china as Bush,clinton and Obama all did and closing our borders and having the military rescue child trafficking which no president in decades had ordered.

Oh well,there is no such thing as a perfect president and he risked his life enough as it was not serving the war machine and giving us a roaring economy, RFK i would much rather have in office sense he WOULD reopen a new investigation but I would settle for Trump as an alternative. when you have the elite trying to assassinate you almost everytime you turn around and as he did when he was in office,then you know you have a president who is an outsider and not a puppet for elite same as kennedy was.:)

the elite did not make the same mistake they made the first time when even then they tried rigging the election for Hitlery to win Trump STILL overcame the odds.THIS LAST TIME they pulled out all the stops and did not make the same mistake twice to make sure their puppet got in.so much so that it was so obvious the whole world saw it was rigged.

thats why i dont have much hope trump will be back,if they did not fix 2020,whats to believe they wont get away with it again?
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She would be even better than Trump.she would be much more likeable as well,she is not arrogant and or has lack of tack. I think she would be even greater than kennedy the greatest president of the 20th century and still my favorite president.Trump is my second.

the ultimate dream scenario for Americans concerned about their country being taken over by China is to have the two finalists being between Trump and RFK,i would take either of them in a heartbeat.I would rather it be RFK of the two because Trump will never reopen a real independent investigation into the assassination of JFK.RFK jr would reopen an investigation into his uncles death and his father as well. that was one of the few things about Trump i was down on him for.

Oh well,cant have everything in life.there were over 45 assassination attmempts on his life enough as it was for being the most anti war president sense carter being the first president sense then to not start a new war coming out and telling the truth wars are always started so defense contracters can profit from them.

That pissed them off enough as it was let alone not serving the elite by bringing jobs back to America instead of shipping them off overseas to china as Bush,clinton and Obama all did and closing our borders and having the military rescue child trafficking which no president in decades had ordered.

Oh well,there is no such thing as a perfect president and he risked his life enough as it was not serving the war machine and giving us a roaring economy, RFK i would much rather have in office sense he WOULD reopen a new investigation but I would settle for Trump as an alternative. when you have the elite trying to assassinate you almost everytime you turn around and as he did when he was in office,then you know you have a president who is an outsider and not a puppet for elite same as kennedy was.:)
Forget about Trump. His criming makes him unelectable

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