I am The Deer Whisperer


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
This is My Lady...her name is lady. She comes, with her babies when she is called.


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There are deer everywhere this time of year, because the wild Apple trees in my yard are ripe.


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I've never had venison. My husband has had it, and he didn't like it...said it was sweet tasting???

I'd snare my rabbits and kill my wild turkeys before ever killing my Bambies!!
I could be that way with my deer but choose not to because it is not safe for the deer to get too comfortable around people. The does seem much more inclined to want to socialize than the bucks though. Once they start getting within about 15 feet I shoo them off. I try to not even letthem get that close but some of them walk up behind me in my blindspot. I have about a dozen regulars of various sizes.
Pests. We have an overabundance of deer where I am. They have no predators any more and really changed the woods.
We have packs of Coyotes.... I think they eat deer?

But warm weather over last winter allowed many to live through winter, when they normally would kill off a third.

About a decade ago, Maine lost 2/3s of our Deer herd to a very bitter winter.

They panicked, and cut down hunting for a 5 year period so the deer herd could grow back up to normal....

Two years after the 2/3s loss of our herd, our deer count was up to normal and they eliminated the hunting restrictions put in.
I had a mom and 2 does in the backyard most of the summer. They went from nursing to grazing with her. I'd post the pics but already got burned once by a Progressive psycho
I could be that way with my deer but choose not to because it is not safe for the deer to get too comfortable around people. The does seem much more inclined to want to socialize than the bucks though. Once they start getting within about 15 feet I shoo them off. I try to not even letthem get that close but some of them walk up behind me in my blindspot. I have about a dozen regulars of various sizes.
I've been here for nearly 15 years now. I've only seen 1 big ass buck, two meadows away. And one baby buck, that had two little nubs on his forehead. That's it! 15 years! All the deer here, usually birth two fawns a year or two, ALWAYS doe.

So I've seen in the 15 year, 20 or so births a year that show up in my yard with their mamas....about 300 fawns....all female but one.

Is this normal? One buck, screwing likely a hundred or two doe around here?

Or are bucks more secretive and hide from humans, kinda like you said....doe are more friendly?
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We have packs of Coyotes.... I think they eat deer?

But warm weather over last winter allowed many to live through winter, when they normally would kill off a third.

About a decade ago, Maine lost 2/3s of our Deer herd to a very bitter winter.

They panicked, and cut down hunting for a 5 year period so the deer herd could grow back up to normal....

Two years after the 2/3s loss of our herd, our deer count was up to normal and they eliminated the hunting restrictions put in.
We have few hunters and even fewer coyotes so our ecosystem is seriously out of whack.
We have few hunters and even fewer coyotes so our ecosystem is seriously out of whack.
Maine's a hub, for hunters throughout new england....almost like a tourist trade, in fall. I guess it's just easier to get a kill up here? I think we have one month for Mainers alone, then one month where out of Staters can join in with locals, on deer.

We have a bear season, and a moose hunting season as well.... That's more restrictive than deer, if memory serves? I'm not a hunter, nor is the hubby....I just read up on it a while back, after my neighbor snuck up behind us walking down the dirt road through the thousand acreas of woods that surrounds us, wearing his orange, toting his shotgun....and said, "You two need to be careful, it is hunting season, you should be wearing some bright orange or stay away from the woods during hunting season!". We were such ignorant suburbia folks who knew nothing about rural Maine when we got here.

So when we got home, I researched all I could on hunting seasons here!

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