I am voting for Bernie Sanders

So...the Dems run a true socialist because assholes like you, who aren't a Dem (or even support them) vote for one in an open primary.

Wow. What an asshole.
The only reason Crazy Bernie doesn't win it is because of the Super Deligates...........LMAO

No. His politics and message don't match the majority of the nation, at least not yet. He's too far left.
Love how my post triggered you. When your true colors come out, it’s beautiful. Again, what am I doing that is against the law?

Huh? I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you sure you are responding to the right post? :dunno:
Positive. Look at your first post in this thread. And subsequent ones. You seem angry because I am doing something legal.

Ah...so...please tell me where I said you are doing anything illegal? I mean, you can read, right? :dunno:

Just because it's legal doesn't mean you aren't an asshole.
No ... the Dems run socialists because many of the party sheeple believe they are entitled to "free stuff." Yeah … they are that STUPID.
It's your party, Cooty. Quit your whining. :lmao:

Free stuff? You mean like taxpayers paying for it? Taxpayers paying for your kids private religious education? Like that kind of free stuff?
Taxpayers pay enough. How much of my hard earned money are parasites like JoeB entitled to?

How much of my hard earned money is going to support parasites' private school education?
None. Hence it’s private. People pay for it out of their own pockets and public is not free either. My RE taxes pay for it. You think if I send my kids to Hebrew school you pay for it with your antisemitic currency? LOL

You don’t.

My taxes pay for the private and religious school choices of parasites through "vouchers". Thought you kinda understood how things work (but that was overly optimistic on my part). You can send your kids to whatever school you want to. Just don't expect taxpayers to subsidize your desire for free stuff it because you don't like public schools.
This happens in MA? I do not have that option in my community. Elect better officials. But in that case your RE taxes still pay for schooling. Private or public? Why do you care? Mostly low income families use vouchers. Right up your alley.
The only reason Crazy Bernie doesn't win it is because of the Super Deligates...........LMAO

No. His politics and message don't match the majority of the nation, at least not yet. He's too far left.
Love how my post triggered you. When your true colors come out, it’s beautiful. Again, what am I doing that is against the law?

Huh? I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you sure you are responding to the right post? :dunno:
Positive. Look at your first post in this thread. And subsequent ones. You seem angry because I am doing something legal.

Ah...so...please tell me where I said you are doing anything illegal? I mean, you can read, right? :dunno:

Just because it's legal doesn't mean you aren't an asshole.
So I am an asshole for exercising my right to vote? Love seeing your true colors. You just made my point.
A Sanders nomination is about the only thing that will get me to vote for Trump.
So now you see the method to my madness. Thank you.

My brother is a huge Trump supporter (he's a cop) and he's been trying to get me to vote for him this time because I didn't last time. I jokingly said a couple of months ago that I would definitely for Trump if the Democrats nominated Sanders. I didn't actually think they'd be stupid enough to do it, but holy shit, stupid knows no bounds, apparently.

It couldn't get me to vote for Trump.

4 more years of Trump would equal incalculable damage unless there is a congressional check on him.

Bernie is an old man. There is no way he will go two terms. At best he'll be a one term choice and possibly checked by Congress. Unlike Trump - Bernie does appear to understand what is lawful and what is not, so I see his damage as lesser overall.
Let me explain this to you. If the Democrats ran on a platform that the Republicans are overspending and they would reduce the deficit and maybe turn it to a surplus, I would listen. Running on spending more and not caring about illegals is frightening. Bernie is the scariest of them all. One day is too many with his as President let alone 4 yrs. Want to see a deep recession, elect Bernie. We will all pay dearly. Democrats know this too. You don’t. Scary.
Wait … you don't understand that socialism is the solution to our persistent WashDC deficit spending?

What are you, some kinda Nazi?
A Sanders nomination is about the only thing that will get me to vote for Trump.
So now you see the method to my madness. Thank you.

My brother is a huge Trump supporter (he's a cop) and he's been trying to get me to vote for him this time because I didn't last time. I jokingly said a couple of months ago that I would definitely for Trump if the Democrats nominated Sanders. I didn't actually think they'd be stupid enough to do it, but holy shit, stupid knows no bounds, apparently.

It couldn't get me to vote for Trump.

4 more years of Trump would equal incalculable damage unless there is a congressional check on him.

Bernie is an old man. There is no way he will go two terms. At best he'll be a one term choice and possibly checked by Congress. Unlike Trump - Bernie does appear to understand what is lawful and what is not, so I see his damage as lesser overall.
Let me explain this to you. If the Democrats ran on a platform that the Republicans are overspending and they would reduce the deficit and maybe turn it to a surplus, I would listen. Running on spending more and not caring about illegals is frightening. Bernie is the scariest of them all. One day is too many with his as President let alone 4 yrs. Want to see a deep recession, elect Bernie. We will all pay dearly. Democrats know this too. You don’t. Scary.

Let me explain this to you. Trump is a known quantity now. And that known quantity is horrendous. Supporting a president who supports child abuse at the border through 100% separation and long term incarceration, is not acceptable to me (and please, don't pretend it's the false dichotomy of open borders or total incarceration). This prez has blown up the deficit to unsustainable levels (and he's supposed to be a Republican????). You want 4 more years of unsustainable debt, shouldered by your young people, as you give massive tax breaks to the rich.

Bernie is highly unlikely to win the nomination - there are a lot of states like SC, that are not going to vote for a far left candidate. I'm not too worried - all of this is speculative.

If it came down to Bernie vs Donnie, ya - I'd vote Bernie...but it would for the same reason many voted for Trump 2016 - they couldn't stand Clinton.
No. His politics and message don't match the majority of the nation, at least not yet. He's too far left.
Love how my post triggered you. When your true colors come out, it’s beautiful. Again, what am I doing that is against the law?

Huh? I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you sure you are responding to the right post? :dunno:
Positive. Look at your first post in this thread. And subsequent ones. You seem angry because I am doing something legal.

Ah...so...please tell me where I said you are doing anything illegal? I mean, you can read, right? :dunno:

Just because it's legal doesn't mean you aren't an asshole.
So I am an asshole for exercising my right to vote? Love seeing your true colors. You just made my point.

Oh spare us the faux rage, you aren't fooling anyone (asshole) :lol:
In the primary. As a registered Independent, I can do that. My hope is Sanders gets the nomination and the Democrats run a true Socialist in the 2020 election and utterly embarrass themselves.

Everyone please join me and support Bernie! Feel the Bern!!

You claim that you would vote for Gabbard who has the same basic views as Bernie...yet you bash Bernie....weird.
She does? She praises Castro? She wants to provide free daycare, free tuition? She stands side by side with Linda Sarsour and AOC? What world do you live in?

Yes, she does want to provide free college...do try and keep up with the lust of your life
A Sanders nomination is about the only thing that will get me to vote for Trump.
So now you see the method to my madness. Thank you.

My brother is a huge Trump supporter (he's a cop) and he's been trying to get me to vote for him this time because I didn't last time. I jokingly said a couple of months ago that I would definitely for Trump if the Democrats nominated Sanders. I didn't actually think they'd be stupid enough to do it, but holy shit, stupid knows no bounds, apparently.

It couldn't get me to vote for Trump.

4 more years of Trump would equal incalculable damage unless there is a congressional check on him.

Bernie is an old man. There is no way he will go two terms. At best he'll be a one term choice and possibly checked by Congress. Unlike Trump - Bernie does appear to understand what is lawful and what is not, so I see his damage as lesser overall.
Let me explain this to you. If the Democrats ran on a platform that the Republicans are overspending and they would reduce the deficit and maybe turn it to a surplus, I would listen. Running on spending more and not caring about illegals is frightening. Bernie is the scariest of them all. One day is too many with his as President let alone 4 yrs. Want to see a deep recession, elect Bernie. We will all pay dearly. Democrats know this too. You don’t. Scary.

Let me explain this to you. Trump is a known quantity now. And that known quantity is horrendous. Supporting a president who supports child abuse at the border through 100% separation and long term incarceration, is not acceptable to me (and please, don't pretend it's the false dichotomy of open borders or total incarceration). This prez has blown up the deficit to unsustainable levels (and he's supposed to be a Republican????). You want 4 more years of unsustainable debt, shouldered by your young people, as you give massive tax breaks to the rich.

Bernie is highly unlikely to win the nomination - there are a lot of states like SC, that are not going to vote for a far left candidate. I'm not too worried - all of this is speculative.

If it came down to Bernie vs Donnie, ya - I'd vote Bernie...but it would for the same reason many voted for Trump 2016 - they couldn't stand Clinton.
Bernie's gonna win the Demonrat nomination. It's unfathomable to me, but he's gonna win. Nothing you can do about it
It couldn't get me to vote for Trump.

4 more years of Trump would equal incalculable damage unless there is a congressional check on him.

Bernie is an old man. There is no way he will go two terms. At best he'll be a one term choice and possibly checked by Congress. Unlike Trump - Bernie does appear to understand what is lawful and what is not, so I see his damage as lesser overall.

Bernie could die in office and his VP, who will likely be as nuts as him, could take over.

There are things I don't like about Trump, but most of the criticism about him over the past four years has been mostly hyperbole, in my opinion. I honestly don't know what this "incalculable damage" is you are referring to, and not meaning to be offensive, I have to wonder if you really do, because I see people make similar knee jerk comments like this all the time. Until this week, due to outside factors, we've had a roaring economy. My 401k has grown tremendously over the last three years. My other investments have done well. The value of my house has gone up $60k. My salary has gone up considerably. We have historically low unemployment for minority groups. I don't see how anybody could possibly want to elect someone else who would completely dismantle this.

I think you are grossly underestimating the affect a Sanders presidency would have on this country, regardless of whether or not Congress fights him. Just being in the White House alone will cause uncertainty in the markets for years and that will slow the economy to stagnation at minimum. If he actually does manage to get some of his agenda passed THAT would be incalculable damage. Bear in mind, the man wants to force you onto a government health care plan whether you want it or not. He wants you to pay for other people to go to college for "free." He supports a plan that would decriminalize illegal immigration and on top of that, would make taxpayers fund repatriation of people previously deported. He has proposed trillions of increased spending that is more than the entire American economy with no viable solution to pay for it all. I could go on and on with his radical ideas, but just comparing what I pointed out (and the list can get much longer) I don't know how you can compare this to our current situation and think this is even a minutely better situation, regardless of what you think of Trump personally.

Voting for Sanders because Trump sends out mean Tweets now and then is cutting off your nose to spite your face.
A Sanders nomination is about the only thing that will get me to vote for Trump.
So now you see the method to my madness. Thank you.

My brother is a huge Trump supporter (he's a cop) and he's been trying to get me to vote for him this time because I didn't last time. I jokingly said a couple of months ago that I would definitely for Trump if the Democrats nominated Sanders. I didn't actually think they'd be stupid enough to do it, but holy shit, stupid knows no bounds, apparently.

It couldn't get me to vote for Trump.

4 more years of Trump would equal incalculable damage unless there is a congressional check on him.

Bernie is an old man. There is no way he will go two terms. At best he'll be a one term choice and possibly checked by Congress. Unlike Trump - Bernie does appear to understand what is lawful and what is not, so I see his damage as lesser overall.
Let me explain this to you. If the Democrats ran on a platform that the Republicans are overspending and they would reduce the deficit and maybe turn it to a surplus, I would listen. Running on spending more and not caring about illegals is frightening. Bernie is the scariest of them all. One day is too many with his as President let alone 4 yrs. Want to see a deep recession, elect Bernie. We will all pay dearly. Democrats know this too. You don’t. Scary.

Let me explain this to you. Trump is a known quantity now. And that known quantity is horrendous. Supporting a president who supports child abuse at the border through 100% separation and long term incarceration, is not acceptable to me (and please, don't pretend it's the false dichotomy of open borders or total incarceration). This prez has blown up the deficit to unsustainable levels (and he's supposed to be a Republican????). You want 4 more years of unsustainable debt, shouldered by your young people, as you give massive tax breaks to the rich.

Bernie is highly unlikely to win the nomination - there are a lot of states like SC, that are not going to vote for a far left candidate. I'm not too worried - all of this is speculative.

If it came down to Bernie vs Donnie, ya - I'd vote Bernie...but it would for the same reason many voted for Trump 2016 - they couldn't stand Clinton.
Sometimes these families come with 7-8 kids. Unlikely all theirs. I am all for separation and vetting. If you want to criticize his deficit spend and lack of healthcare clarity, I am with you. The rest is fake news noise.
In the primary. As a registered Independent, I can do that. My hope is Sanders gets the nomination and the Democrats run a true Socialist in the 2020 election and utterly embarrass themselves.

Everyone please join me and support Bernie! Feel the Bern!!
What's wrong, don't think tRump can win unless you sabotage the Democrats?
Sabotage? How is this sabotage?
Come on kid, I know you're not retarded like the rest of these idiots.
A Sanders nomination is about the only thing that will get me to vote for Trump.
So now you see the method to my madness. Thank you.

My brother is a huge Trump supporter (he's a cop) and he's been trying to get me to vote for him this time because I didn't last time. I jokingly said a couple of months ago that I would definitely for Trump if the Democrats nominated Sanders. I didn't actually think they'd be stupid enough to do it, but holy shit, stupid knows no bounds, apparently.

It couldn't get me to vote for Trump.

4 more years of Trump would equal incalculable damage unless there is a congressional check on him.

Bernie is an old man. There is no way he will go two terms. At best he'll be a one term choice and possibly checked by Congress. Unlike Trump - Bernie does appear to understand what is lawful and what is not, so I see his damage as lesser overall.
Let me explain this to you. If the Democrats ran on a platform that the Republicans are overspending and they would reduce the deficit and maybe turn it to a surplus, I would listen. Running on spending more and not caring about illegals is frightening. Bernie is the scariest of them all. One day is too many with his as President let alone 4 yrs. Want to see a deep recession, elect Bernie. We will all pay dearly. Democrats know this too. You don’t. Scary.

Let me explain this to you. Trump is a known quantity now. And that known quantity is horrendous. Supporting a president who supports child abuse at the border through 100% separation and long term incarceration, is not acceptable to me (and please, don't pretend it's the false dichotomy of open borders or total incarceration). This prez has blown up the deficit to unsustainable levels (and he's supposed to be a Republican????). You want 4 more years of unsustainable debt, shouldered by your young people, as you give massive tax breaks to the rich.

Bernie is highly unlikely to win the nomination - there are a lot of states like SC, that are not going to vote for a far left candidate. I'm not too worried - all of this is speculative.

If it came down to Bernie vs Donnie, ya - I'd vote Bernie...but it would for the same reason many voted for Trump 2016 - they couldn't stand Clinton.
The ghost of Gus Hall wins with you and Bernie. I really do not want to hear of my grandchildren when the time comes having a male visit the school dressed as a woman with his balls hanging out spouting this is normal and its equality. After all, the living and breathing constitution says so.
Love how my post triggered you. When your true colors come out, it’s beautiful. Again, what am I doing that is against the law?

Huh? I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you sure you are responding to the right post? :dunno:
Positive. Look at your first post in this thread. And subsequent ones. You seem angry because I am doing something legal.

Ah...so...please tell me where I said you are doing anything illegal? I mean, you can read, right? :dunno:

Just because it's legal doesn't mean you aren't an asshole.
So I am an asshole for exercising my right to vote? Love seeing your true colors. You just made my point.

Oh spare us the faux rage, you aren't fooling anyone (asshole) :lol:
You calling me an asshole is a term of endearment and there is no rage. I just know that you’re an uneducated Moon bat and finally others may see it too.
In the primary. As a registered Independent, I can do that. My hope is Sanders gets the nomination and the Democrats run a true Socialist in the 2020 election and utterly embarrass themselves.

Everyone please join me and support Bernie! Feel the Bern!!

You claim that you would vote for Gabbard who has the same basic views as Bernie...yet you bash Bernie....weird.
She does? She praises Castro? She wants to provide free daycare, free tuition? She stands side by side with Linda Sarsour and AOC? What world do you live in?

Yes, she does want to provide free college...do try and keep up with the lust of your life
Link it. If she does and I missed it then I would not vote for her.
It couldn't get me to vote for Trump.

4 more years of Trump would equal incalculable damage unless there is a congressional check on him.

Bernie is an old man. There is no way he will go two terms. At best he'll be a one term choice and possibly checked by Congress. Unlike Trump - Bernie does appear to understand what is lawful and what is not, so I see his damage as lesser overall.

Bernie could die in office and his VP, who will likely be as nuts as him, could take over.

There are things I don't like about Trump, but most of the criticism about him over the past four years has been mostly hyperbole, in my opinion. I honestly don't know what this "incalculable damage" is you are referring to, and not meaning to be offensive, I have to wonder if you really do, because I see people make similar knee jerk comments like this all the time. Until this week, due to outside factors, we've had a roaring economy. My 401k has grown tremendously over the last three years. My other investments have done well. The value of my house has gone up $60k. My salary has gone up considerably. We have historically low unemployment for minority groups. I don't see how anybody could possibly want to elect someone else who would completely dismantle this.

I think you are grossly underestimating the affect a Sanders presidency would have on this country, regardless of whether or not Congress fights him. Just being in the White House alone will cause uncertainty in the markets for years and that will slow the economy to stagnation at minimum. If he actually does manage to get some of his agenda passed THAT would be incalculable damage. Bear in mind, the man wants to force you onto a government health care plan whether you want it or not. He wants you to pay for other people to go to college for "free." He supports a plan that would decriminalize illegal immigration and on top of that, would make taxpayers fund repatriation of people previously deported. He has proposed trillions of increased spending that is more than the entire American economy with no viable solution to pay for it all. I could go on and on with his radical ideas, but just comparing what I pointed out (and the list can get much longer) I don't know how you can compare this to our current situation and think this is even a minutely better situation, regardless of what you think of Trump personally.

Voting for Sanders because Trump sends out mean Tweets now and then is cutting off your nose to spite your face.
The ghost of Gus Hall wins with you and Bernie. I really do not want to hear of my grandchildren when the time comes having a male visit the school dressed as a woman with his balls hanging out spouting this is normal and its equality. After all, the living and breathing constitution says so.

Just as I pointed out before that the hyperbole criticizing Trump has gotten ridiculous, so have comments like this which have no bearing in reality and don't help you persuade anyone.
In the primary. As a registered Independent, I can do that. My hope is Sanders gets the nomination and the Democrats run a true Socialist in the 2020 election and utterly embarrass themselves.

Everyone please join me and support Bernie! Feel the Bern!!
What's wrong, don't think tRump can win unless you sabotage the Democrats?
Sabotage? How is this sabotage?
Come on kid, I know you're not retarded like the rest of these idiots.
I do not think it’s sabotage. Crep, as the old saying goes, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”
In the primary. As a registered Independent, I can do that. My hope is Sanders gets the nomination and the Democrats run a true Socialist in the 2020 election and utterly embarrass themselves.

Everyone please join me and support Bernie! Feel the Bern!!

You claim that you would vote for Gabbard who has the same basic views as Bernie...yet you bash Bernie....weird.
She does? She praises Castro? She wants to provide free daycare, free tuition? She stands side by side with Linda Sarsour and AOC? What world do you live in?

Yes, she does want to provide free college...do try and keep up with the lust of your life
Link it. If she does and I missed it then I would not vote for her.
Check the very top. This is from her

Education Policy

H.R. 1880 College for All Act, which would eliminate tuition and fees at four-year public colleges and universities for families that make up to $125,000 a year, and it would make community college tuition fee-free for everyone
In the primary. As a registered Independent, I can do that. My hope is Sanders gets the nomination and the Democrats run a true Socialist in the 2020 election and utterly embarrass themselves.

Everyone please join me and support Bernie! Feel the Bern!!

You claim that you would vote for Gabbard who has the same basic views as Bernie...yet you bash Bernie....weird.
She does? She praises Castro? She wants to provide free daycare, free tuition? She stands side by side with Linda Sarsour and AOC? What world do you live in?

Yes, she does want to provide free college...do try and keep up with the lust of your life
Link it. If she does and I missed it then I would not vote for her.
Check the very top. This is from her

Education Policy

H.R. 1880 College for All Act, which would eliminate tuition and fees at four-year public colleges and universities for families that make up to $125,000 a year, and it would make community college tuition fee-free for everyone
Got it. Support pulled. Thank you.

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