I am voting for Bernie Sanders

In the primary. As a registered Independent, I can do that. My hope is Sanders gets the nomination and the Democrats run a true Socialist in the 2020 election and utterly embarrass themselves.

Everyone please join me and support Bernie! Feel the Bern!!
What's wrong, don't think tRump can win unless you sabotage the Democrats?
Sabotage? How is this sabotage?
Come on kid, I know you're not retarded like the rest of these idiots.
I do not think it’s sabotage. Crep, as the old saying goes, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”
Voting in the primary of the party you don't support so you can pick the candidate you think he's the worst chance of beating your preferred candidate is not sabotage in your eyes?
In the primary. As a registered Independent, I can do that. My hope is Sanders gets the nomination and the Democrats run a true Socialist in the 2020 election and utterly embarrass themselves.

Everyone please join me and support Bernie! Feel the Bern!!
What's wrong, don't think tRump can win unless you sabotage the Democrats?
Sabotage? How is this sabotage?
Come on kid, I know you're not retarded like the rest of these idiots.
I do not think it’s sabotage. Crep, as the old saying goes, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”
Voting in the primary of the party you don't support so you can pick the candidate you think he's the worst chance of beating your preferred candidate is not sabotage in your eyes?

Right, because we all know Democrat voters would never do that, now don't we?
In the primary. As a registered Independent, I can do that. My hope is Sanders gets the nomination and the Democrats run a true Socialist in the 2020 election and utterly embarrass themselves.

Everyone please join me and support Bernie! Feel the Bern!!
What's wrong, don't think tRump can win unless you sabotage the Democrats?
Sabotage? How is this sabotage?
Come on kid, I know you're not retarded like the rest of these idiots.
I do not think it’s sabotage. Crep, as the old saying goes, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”
Voting in the primary of the party you don't support so you can pick the candidate you think he's the worst chance of beating your preferred candidate is not sabotage in your eyes?
If states dont like it they need to change the rules.

Can't do this in Michigan and I wouldn't either.

Independents can't vote in our primaries
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A Sanders nomination is about the only thing that will get me to vote for Trump.
So now you see the method to my madness. Thank you.

My brother is a huge Trump supporter (he's a cop) and he's been trying to get me to vote for him this time because I didn't last time. I jokingly said a couple of months ago that I would definitely for Trump if the Democrats nominated Sanders. I didn't actually think they'd be stupid enough to do it, but holy shit, stupid knows no bounds, apparently.

It couldn't get me to vote for Trump.

4 more years of Trump would equal incalculable damage unless there is a congressional check on him.

Bernie is an old man. There is no way he will go two terms. At best he'll be a one term choice and possibly checked by Congress. Unlike Trump - Bernie does appear to understand what is lawful and what is not, so I see his damage as lesser overall.
Let me explain this to you. If the Democrats ran on a platform that the Republicans are overspending and they would reduce the deficit and maybe turn it to a surplus, I would listen. Running on spending more and not caring about illegals is frightening. Bernie is the scariest of them all. One day is too many with his as President let alone 4 yrs. Want to see a deep recession, elect Bernie. We will all pay dearly. Democrats know this too. You don’t. Scary.

Let me explain this to you. Trump is a known quantity now. And that known quantity is horrendous. Supporting a president who supports child abuse at the border through 100% separation and long term incarceration, is not acceptable to me (and please, don't pretend it's the false dichotomy of open borders or total incarceration). This prez has blown up the deficit to unsustainable levels (and he's supposed to be a Republican????). You want 4 more years of unsustainable debt, shouldered by your young people, as you give massive tax breaks to the rich.

Bernie is highly unlikely to win the nomination - there are a lot of states like SC, that are not going to vote for a far left candidate. I'm not too worried - all of this is speculative.

If it came down to Bernie vs Donnie, ya - I'd vote Bernie...but it would for the same reason many voted for Trump 2016 - they couldn't stand Clinton.

You are so wrong. Trump won because he heard our cries, something the rest of the Republicans on and off that stage ignored for many years. Now that the scorecard is out, the only reason not to vote for Trump is out of personal hatred, not because of the job he's doing which is great.

It seems odd you're now worried about Trump's deficits when you had no care about Obama's who added nearly 10 trillion to our debt. As for child abuse, Trump addressed that as well. Now these people can't get here and bring their kids with them, so that problem solved. And BTW, your precious MSM had to get pictures of kids in cages during the Obama years and try to sell it off as it was Trump's doing.
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A Sanders nomination is about the only thing that will get me to vote for Trump.
So now you see the method to my madness. Thank you.

My brother is a huge Trump supporter (he's a cop) and he's been trying to get me to vote for him this time because I didn't last time. I jokingly said a couple of months ago that I would definitely for Trump if the Democrats nominated Sanders. I didn't actually think they'd be stupid enough to do it, but holy shit, stupid knows no bounds, apparently.

It couldn't get me to vote for Trump.

4 more years of Trump would equal incalculable damage unless there is a congressional check on him.

Bernie is an old man. There is no way he will go two terms. At best he'll be a one term choice and possibly checked by Congress. Unlike Trump - Bernie does appear to understand what is lawful and what is not, so I see his damage as lesser overall.
Let me explain this to you. If the Democrats ran on a platform that the Republicans are overspending and they would reduce the deficit and maybe turn it to a surplus, I would listen. Running on spending more and not caring about illegals is frightening. Bernie is the scariest of them all. One day is too many with his as President let alone 4 yrs. Want to see a deep recession, elect Bernie. We will all pay dearly. Democrats know this too. You don’t. Scary.

Warren scares me even more. Besides totally open borders, she stated she would sign an EO on her first day in office banning fracking in any part of the United States. If that ever happened, it would send our economy down a shithole.
In the primary. As a registered Independent, I can do that. My hope is Sanders gets the nomination and the Democrats run a true Socialist in the 2020 election and utterly embarrass themselves.

Everyone please join me and support Bernie! Feel the Bern!!
What's wrong, don't think tRump can win unless you sabotage the Democrats?
Sabotage? How is this sabotage?
Come on kid, I know you're not retarded like the rest of these idiots.
I do not think it’s sabotage. Crep, as the old saying goes, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”
Voting in the primary of the party you don't support so you can pick the candidate you think he's the worst chance of beating your preferred candidate is not sabotage in your eyes?

No. The rules allow it and in the end I am only one vote. I see you POV but I am so irritated by Bernie and his bros that I need to do this.
A Sanders nomination is about the only thing that will get me to vote for Trump.
So now you see the method to my madness. Thank you.

My brother is a huge Trump supporter (he's a cop) and he's been trying to get me to vote for him this time because I didn't last time. I jokingly said a couple of months ago that I would definitely for Trump if the Democrats nominated Sanders. I didn't actually think they'd be stupid enough to do it, but holy shit, stupid knows no bounds, apparently.

It couldn't get me to vote for Trump.

4 more years of Trump would equal incalculable damage unless there is a congressional check on him.

Bernie is an old man. There is no way he will go two terms. At best he'll be a one term choice and possibly checked by Congress. Unlike Trump - Bernie does appear to understand what is lawful and what is not, so I see his damage as lesser overall.
Let me explain this to you. If the Democrats ran on a platform that the Republicans are overspending and they would reduce the deficit and maybe turn it to a surplus, I would listen. Running on spending more and not caring about illegals is frightening. Bernie is the scariest of them all. One day is too many with his as President let alone 4 yrs. Want to see a deep recession, elect Bernie. We will all pay dearly. Democrats know this too. You don’t. Scary.

Warren scares me even more. Besides totally open borders, she stated she would sign an EO on her first day in office banning fracking in any part of the United States. If that ever happened, it would send our economy down a shithole.

Warren is an embarrassment to us here in MA. Utter embarrassment.
In the primary. As a registered Independent, I can do that. My hope is Sanders gets the nomination and the Democrats run a true Socialist in the 2020 election and utterly embarrass themselves.

Everyone please join me and support Bernie! Feel the Bern!!

You claim that you would vote for Gabbard who has the same basic views as Bernie...yet you bash Bernie....weird.
She does? She praises Castro? She wants to provide free daycare, free tuition? She stands side by side with Linda Sarsour and AOC? What world do you live in?

Yes, she does want to provide free college...do try and keep up with the lust of your life
Link it. If she does and I missed it then I would not vote for her.

Tulsi Gabbard on Education

Gabbard backs Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' proposal to cut or eliminate higher education tuition for most Americans. She would make community college tuition-free for all Americans, and four-year public colleges tuition-free for students whose families make $125,000 or less per year. The plan would pay for that tuition by imposing a new tax on stock and bond trades.
So now you see the method to my madness. Thank you.

My brother is a huge Trump supporter (he's a cop) and he's been trying to get me to vote for him this time because I didn't last time. I jokingly said a couple of months ago that I would definitely for Trump if the Democrats nominated Sanders. I didn't actually think they'd be stupid enough to do it, but holy shit, stupid knows no bounds, apparently.

It couldn't get me to vote for Trump.

4 more years of Trump would equal incalculable damage unless there is a congressional check on him.

Bernie is an old man. There is no way he will go two terms. At best he'll be a one term choice and possibly checked by Congress. Unlike Trump - Bernie does appear to understand what is lawful and what is not, so I see his damage as lesser overall.
Let me explain this to you. If the Democrats ran on a platform that the Republicans are overspending and they would reduce the deficit and maybe turn it to a surplus, I would listen. Running on spending more and not caring about illegals is frightening. Bernie is the scariest of them all. One day is too many with his as President let alone 4 yrs. Want to see a deep recession, elect Bernie. We will all pay dearly. Democrats know this too. You don’t. Scary.

Warren scares me even more. Besides totally open borders, she stated she would sign an EO on her first day in office banning fracking in any part of the United States. If that ever happened, it would send our economy down a shithole.

Warren is an embarrassment to us here in MA. Utter embarrassment.

That's what voter polls show in AOC's district. That's one down and many more to go.
Warren scares me even more. Besides totally open borders, she stated she would sign an EO on her first day in office banning fracking in any part of the United States. If that ever happened, it would send our economy down a shithole.

Uh, did you check the Dow? Our economy is already heading down the shithole.
Warren scares me even more. Besides totally open borders, she stated she would sign an EO on her first day in office banning fracking in any part of the United States. If that ever happened, it would send our economy down a shithole.

Uh, did you check the Dow? Our economy is already heading down the shithole.

Nothing wrong with the economy. The stock market is not the economy.
Warren scares me even more. Besides totally open borders, she stated she would sign an EO on her first day in office banning fracking in any part of the United States. If that ever happened, it would send our economy down a shithole.

Uh, did you check the Dow? Our economy is already heading down the shithole.
Coronavirus is a one time extraordinary event. You didn’t know that did you?
Warren scares me even more. Besides totally open borders, she stated she would sign an EO on her first day in office banning fracking in any part of the United States. If that ever happened, it would send our economy down a shithole.

Uh, did you check the Dow? Our economy is already heading down the shithole.
Coronavirus is a one time extraordinary event. You didn’t know that did you?

He knows, it's just wishful thinking on his part.
Warren scares me even more. Besides totally open borders, she stated she would sign an EO on her first day in office banning fracking in any part of the United States. If that ever happened, it would send our economy down a shithole.

Uh, did you check the Dow? Our economy is already heading down the shithole.
Coronavirus is a one time extraordinary event. You didn’t know that did you?

He knows. He’s just a miserable partisan
What's wrong, don't think tRump can win unless you sabotage the Democrats?
Sabotage? How is this sabotage?
Come on kid, I know you're not retarded like the rest of these idiots.
I do not think it’s sabotage. Crep, as the old saying goes, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”
Voting in the primary of the party you don't support so you can pick the candidate you think he's the worst chance of beating your preferred candidate is not sabotage in your eyes?

Right, because we all know Democrat voters would never do that, now don't we?
Did you see any Democrats publicly planning to do it?
What's wrong, don't think tRump can win unless you sabotage the Democrats?
Sabotage? How is this sabotage?
Come on kid, I know you're not retarded like the rest of these idiots.
I do not think it’s sabotage. Crep, as the old saying goes, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”
Voting in the primary of the party you don't support so you can pick the candidate you think he's the worst chance of beating your preferred candidate is not sabotage in your eyes?

No. The rules allow it and in the end I am only one vote. I see you POV but I am so irritated by Bernie and his bros that I need to do this.
Taking advantage of a loophole to commit sabotage is still sabotage.

Stop trying to justify it.
Sabotage? How is this sabotage?
Come on kid, I know you're not retarded like the rest of these idiots.
I do not think it’s sabotage. Crep, as the old saying goes, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”
Voting in the primary of the party you don't support so you can pick the candidate you think he's the worst chance of beating your preferred candidate is not sabotage in your eyes?

No. The rules allow it and in the end I am only one vote. I see you POV but I am so irritated by Bernie and his bros that I need to do this.
Taking advantage of a loophole to commit sabotage is still sabotage.

Stop trying to justify it.
Justify? I am proud to do it. Your party stabbed me in the back so I will respond in kind.
Come on kid, I know you're not retarded like the rest of these idiots.
I do not think it’s sabotage. Crep, as the old saying goes, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”
Voting in the primary of the party you don't support so you can pick the candidate you think he's the worst chance of beating your preferred candidate is not sabotage in your eyes?

No. The rules allow it and in the end I am only one vote. I see you POV but I am so irritated by Bernie and his bros that I need to do this.
Taking advantage of a loophole to commit sabotage is still sabotage.

Stop trying to justify it.
Justify? I am proud to do it. Your party stabbed me in the back so I will respond in kind.

When did we do that?
Supporting a president who supports child abuse at the border through 100% separation and long term incarceration, is not acceptable to me (and please, don't pretend it's the false dichotomy of open borders or total incarceration).
And the MSM and your side early in the Trump presidency used pictures from the Obama Administration time frame trying to say it was Trump..................The Children in Cages ..........All the while under Obama these same facilities were used.......

Tent cities and the use of bases to house them and Court orders to release.....especially with Flores.....forcing Trump to shut much of it down........When Trump asked for more funding for BETTER FACILITIES..........DENIED.......because that is NOT THE DEMS GOAL...........Play this little game with the uniformed.........it is crystal clear that your side wants OPEN BORDERS.

This prez has blown up the deficit to unsustainable levels (and he's supposed to be a Republican????). You want 4 more years of unsustainable debt, shouldered by your young people, as you give massive tax breaks to the rich.
Typical talking point of the left...........Mandatory spending is out of control........and the interest on the debt is out of control...........Still in the Wars and that debt continues to grow......Along with Hurricanes where the Dems ALWAYS DEMAND MORE.

There is no way to control the debt without addressing Mandatory spending.........Where are these cuts the Dems propose..........the only cuts they consider is military..............

Now show me how Medicare for all, Free College, get rid of Student loans and etc. will NOT ACCELERATE THE DEBT.

Just more NOISE.
Warren scares me even more. Besides totally open borders, she stated she would sign an EO on her first day in office banning fracking in any part of the United States. If that ever happened, it would send our economy down a shithole.

Uh, did you check the Dow? Our economy is already heading down the shithole.

Nothing wrong with the economy. The stock market is not the economy.

Hmmmm.....it was when it was running high, according to the Trump Team.

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