I asked ChatGPT: "Did Joe Biden steal the election in 2020"?

The election, although it had irregularities, was not stolen anymore than it was in 2020,
Yet you Leftist Regressives spent over four years waste of time, effort, and taxpayers money trying to prove your false claim of "Russian Collusion" helped Trump win.
When cheating works(2020) for Leftists "There was no cheating or fraud".
When cheating doesn't work(2016) for Leftists "There was cheating and fraud!".
With regards to ChatGPT, I'd encourage reading through this thread for some information on it's nature and capabilities.
Are things like Chat GPT safe?
This is an adaptive A.I. program, but not the infinite source of Wisdom in the Universe.
The election, although it had irregularities, was not stolen anymore than it was in 2020,

Yet you Leftist Regressives spent over four years waste of time, effort, and taxpayers money trying to prove your false claim of "Russian Collusion" helped Trump win.
When cheating works(2020) for Leftists "There was no cheating or fraud".
When cheating doesn't work(2016) for Leftists "There was cheating and fraud!".

John Edgar Slow Horses​

Fascist MAGA lies always fail.
More than 100 contacts did occur between Russian agents and the Trump campaign staff.
There was no 'big steal,' just little MAGA minds not wanting to accept that Real America hates it and will again in 2024.
"ChatGPT is not very good at handling languages other than English. Sometimes it invents words that don't exist, sometimes it gets confused by simple logic, and sometimes it can't find the right information. It's a shame, because it could be a useful tool for many people around the world." Bing AI Chat

Yet you Leftist Regressives spent over four years waste of time, effort, and taxpayers money trying to prove your false claim of "Russian Collusion" helped Trump win.
When cheating works(2020) for Leftists "There was no cheating or fraud".
When cheating doesn't work(2016) for Leftists "There was cheating and fraud!".

John Edgar Slow Horses​

Fascist MAGA lies always fail.
More than 100 contacts did occur between Russian agents and the Trump campaign staff.
There was no 'big steal,' just little MAGA minds not wanting to accept that Real America hates it and will again in 2024.
Real America works for a living and creates wealth.
The MAGA and Trump haters are the parasites scamming redistributed wealth, the non-productive.
There were hundreds of contacts with other nations as well. Did Canada collude with the Trump Campaign to steal the 2016 election?
Real America works for a living and creates wealth.
The MAGA and Trump haters are the parasites scamming redistributed wealth, the non-productive.
There were hundreds of contacts with other nations as well. Did Canada collude with the Trump Campaign to steal the 2016 election?
You finally admitted it. Thank you. Were you lying then or now?
"ChatGPT is not very good at handling languages other than English. Sometimes it invents words that don't exist, sometimes it gets confused by simple logic, and sometimes it can't find the right information. It's a shame, because it could be a useful tool for many people around the world." Bing AI Chat
Basically what the linked article said. Excerpt;
Less than a year after launch, ChatGPT is being used all over the world, generating Amazon listings in China and call center scripts in the Philippines. But while ChatGPT thrives in English, Spanish, Japanese, and other dominant languages, it struggles to produce the same quality of text in languages like Bengali, Swahili, Urdu, and Thai — languages that have millions of speakers, but appear much less often online.

When Rest of World tested ChatGPT’s ability to respond in underrepresented languages, we found problems reaching far beyond translation errors, including fabricated words, illogical answers and, in some cases, complete nonsense.

Take Tigrinya, a language which has over 7 million speakers, with the vast majority located in Eritrea and the northern part of Ethiopia. Tigrinya shares a similar script to Amharic, a more dominant Ethiopian language, but there are significant differences between the two. When asked to list examples of African countries, ChatGPT mixed up Tigrinya and Amharic, adding characters that don’t exist in Tigrinya. It created an output to this simple question that is challenging to read for native speakers of both languages.
The AI tool ChatGPT responded thusly:

"There is no evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election1. Joe Biden legally won the popular vote and obtained enough electoral votes to claim the win1. Claims that the election was stolen are unfounded12."

Let's discuss the alleged fraud in the 2020 elections in this thread.
Well if left wing programming doesn’t lead to the right answer, the engineers will simply reprogram it.

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