I believe in manmade Climate Change

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqk_sre54WA]Shocking images from Amazon jungle - YouTube[/ame]
Fuckin libbrullz don't know shit.
Beeeeutiful huh ?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2XV8GSyYcY]China Air Pollution - YouTube[/ame]
It's just business.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lzf5dGYc4Pc]DN! Greenpace Accuses of Paper Firm of Destroying Indonesian Rain Forests - YouTube[/ame]
Save the Guinea pig !
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_2QW8vwQ2Y&feature=related]Destroying Papua New Guinea's Rainforest! - YouTube[/ame]
Hey. Gotta have throw away paper bags in case murkins don't have time to get their burlap sacks to fill with Chinese bullshit at Walmart.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXYFJMhNVMY]Clear Cut Forest - Olympic Peninsula, WA - YouTube[/ame]
Dig baby dig.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkwoRivP17A]Tar Sands Oil Extraction - The Dirty Truth - YouTube[/ame]
I do too- it's called "Heating and Air Conditioning"....I use mine....ALOT.
My question stands.

Your question has stood answered by the very best physicists in the world for a good long time now, Bent, you silly lying ass.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Again with your scripture. I have asked you repeatedly which part of that post you believe constitutes proof of anything, much less proof that man is responsible for the changing climate. To date, you have not answered.

I am going to make a prediction here and say that once again, you will not be able to point to any part of that page-o-crap that amounts to proof of anything at all.

Are you not smart enough to know by now that I am going to ask which part of that link you believe constitutes proof and that as always, you will not be able to point to anything there and once again are going to look like a doofus?
Oh look a greenpeace dedication thread... How quaint.....

Yeah, that is rock's favorite bit of scripture. I have read the whole thing and all of the links and there is nothing there other than a somewhat biased history that fails to note that the greenhouse experiments were disproven shortly after they were published. Nothing there of a technical nature and certainly nothing that might constitute proof of anything. I suppose it might be an insipiration for those whose faith is strong, but if you are looking for hard observable fact that man is somehow responsible for the changing climate, there is absolutely zilch there.
Oh look a greenpeace dedication thread... How quaint.....

Yeah, that is rock's favorite bit of scripture. I have read the whole thing and all of the links and there is nothing there other than a somewhat biased history that fails to note that the greenhouse experiments were disproven shortly after they were published. Nothing there of a technical nature and certainly nothing that might constitute proof of anything. I suppose it might be an insipiration for those whose faith is strong, but if you are looking for hard observable fact that man is somehow responsible for the changing climate, there is absolutely zilch there.

Yeah thats his old standby link.. he thinks its "super sciencey" :lol:

I knew it was half-assed when I read this little gem in it...

"The equations and data available to 19th-century scientists were far too poor to allow an accurate calculation. Yet the physics was straightforward enough to show that a bare, airless rock at the Earth's distance from the Sun should be far colder than the Earth actually is."

Really? A bare rock would be colder than the earth? LOL, soon as I read that I knew I was reading altered science for the functionally deficient sheeple.. A bare rock with no eco-system, no molten core, would indeed be colder than the earth... WOW..

Then there was this part which I found hilarious, err I mean most informative...cough

"Why focus on that rare gas rather than water vapor, which was far more abundant? Because the level of water vapor in the atmosphere fluctuated daily, whereas the level of CO2 was set over a geological timescale by emissions from volcanoes."

So Arrhenius chose CO2 because he couldn't measure water vapor because it changed everyday...Kind of like the climate does.. And CO2 was regulated by volcanoes... But wait... We are told volcanoes aren't squat in terms of changing the climate change.. I distinctly remember socks and clones telling me that volcanoes are almost inconsequential compared to man... But Arrhenius seemed to think they controlled CO2 variability even back then... Somethings not Kosher in Denmark...

Another joyous thing about that site. it has little links saying "simple models" next to key claims and points.. Well click on them and you don't get simple models all you get is sent to the same page you are at but with little number links (like wikkipedia).. You follow those links and you get the author telling you what the guy did to come to that conclusion or hypothesis.. No real models, no real math, just a brief explanation saying "oh he did this or used that"....LOL

Socks may not mean it to be funny but damn its hilarious....:lol:
Ocean dumping a greater danger than global warming...
Plastics in Oceans: More Damaging Than Climate Change
November 03, 2011 - The United Nations estimates that each one of us uses nearly 140 kilograms of plastic each year. At least 6.4 million metric tons of that plastic has ended up in the oceans. Environmental activist Captain Charles Moore has found that in some areas, plastic outweighs zooplankton - the ocean's food base - and is entering the food chain. Our reporter talked to Capt. Moore about his efforts to document ocean pollution.
Once upon a time, the oceans of our planet were beautifully clean. Not any more. Captain Charles Moore calls this 'the age of plastic.' “Between 250 and 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year," said Capt. Moore. "To get that into terms you can understand, every two years we make enough plastic to be the equivalent of the weight of the 7 billion people on earth.” In his new book, Plastic Ocean, Moore says less than five percent of all plastic is recycled and nearly three percent of world production is dumped into the ocean. That debris kills millions of sea creatures every year. “We know over 100,000 albatross chicks are dying every year with their stomachs full of plastic; we have evidence that about 100,000 marine mammals die every year being tangled in plastic," he said.

Moore has spent his life on the ocean, and witnessed its transformation. In his book he tells about his 1997 voyage, discovering tons of plastic, floating in an endless spiral. In what is now known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, plastic outweighs plankton, by a factor of six to one. Moore created the Algalita Marine Research Foundation, and began to collect samples from the world's oceans. He says plastic waste flows into oceans from rivers, beaches... and ships. “Not only all the navies of the world but all the merchant vessels of the world, until the 1980s were routinely dumping all their garbage at sea," said Moore.

Moore says today ships of all flags and functions continue to ignore international agreements, dumping their trash into the ocean - synthetic chemicals, pesticides, nuclear waste, nerve and mustard agents. He says he is upset by the destruction of his own habitat. ”Whether I am surfing, whether I am sailing, whether I am swimming, I am touching, seeing, running into persistent waste that will be there longer than any of our children, any of our grand children. It will be there for centuries, it doesn’t go away, we are adding to it," said Capt. Moore. The pollution expert carries with him a bag of sand, collected from a beach in Hawaii. He had it analyzed. It is more than 90 percent plastic.

Captain Moore has worked with environmental filmmaker Bill Macdonald to document the plastic takeover of the oceans. Macdonald provided most of the video in this story, including this octopus living in a plastic shower head “There is not a lot of beauty in a river full of trash, I see herons that are frightened by Styrofoam floating around them," said Macdonald. "I see sea gulls trying to eat rubber gloves and all sorts of animals foraging around in what used to be natural debris is now contaminated with synthetics.” And so the campaign continues. In Plastic Ocean, Captain Charles Moore calls plastic pollution more damaging than climate change, and issues a call to protect the oceans - where life began - for future generations.

There was a poll on the board about how many folks here believed in ghosts. Just because someone believes in something does not alter whether it is true or false.

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