I Can Honestly See Both Sides Of This Story but One Of My Local Restaurants Has STILL Lost Some Customers

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Okay this is a pretty complicated situation to get into but basically the sum of it is that my fiancée is currently in danger of losing his house and becoming homeless and we keep trying to find different ways to help his situation. So he lives right by a restaurant that we've both gone to rather frequently whenever I go over his house for the weekend. One of the waitresses there is super nice and we instantly befriended her and he told her about the situation and she gave him some advice about who to talk to at the restaurant that can help him out.

So he went there today and politely described the situation. Well one of the other workers there just wasn't having it. Now I understand that they're just looking for business and if they have a policy that you need to order a meal to stay there then so be it. Even he agreed with that himself and he would have been more than happy to leave without a fuss if it were not for the fact that he was told right when he was leaving that he was a creep and needed to get out.

At that point both of us decided to boycott that restaurant immediately. Even if you have a policy there's no need to treat people like that as it was super uncalled for. He let our friend know through Facebook the issue and I'm still waiting to hear news as I'm sure that she'll get back with him. The chef there is really nice too and I told him to tell her to let him know about it as well as they don't deserve to lose customers from this, but they have already lost quite a few because of that woman's nasty behavior towards my fiancée.

I'm sorry for the rant about this but basically I'm looking to see if anybody has been through similar situations and how the situation could have been handled a whole lot differently. I'm also really hoping and praying that you guys on here stand with us about this one and I do believe that most of you probably will. We might be strangers over the internet but I'm still online friends with a lot of you and this is just a matter of human decency and respect that a lot of you have and the woman who mistreated him today obviously does not.
It would have been best to have that meeting outside of the restaurant especially if the person he was talking to was on the clock.

Yeah you're right about that too but still I don't think that there was ever any need for rudeness was my point.
Okay this is a pretty complicated situation to get into but basically the sum of it is that my fiancée is currently in danger of losing his house and becoming homeless and we keep trying to find different ways to help his situation. So he lives right by a restaurant that we've both gone to rather frequently whenever I go over his house for the weekend. One of the waitresses there is super nice and we instantly befriended her and he told her about the situation and she gave him some advice about who to talk to at the restaurant that can help him out.

So he went there today and politely described the situation. Well one of the other workers there just wasn't having it. Now I understand that they're just looking for business and if they have a policy that you need to order a meal to stay there then so be it. Even he agreed with that himself and he would have been more than happy to leave without a fuss if it were not for the fact that he was told right when he was leaving that he was a creep and needed to get out.

At that point both of us decided to boycott that restaurant immediately. Even if you have a policy there's no need to treat people like that as it was super uncalled for. He let our friend know through Facebook the issue and I'm still waiting to hear news as I'm sure that she'll get back with him. The chef there is really nice too and I told him to tell her to let him know about it as well as they don't deserve to lose customers from this, but they have already lost quite a few because of that woman's nasty behavior towards my fiancée.

I'm sorry for the rant about this but basically I'm looking to see if anybody has been through similar situations and how the situation could have been handled a whole lot differently. I'm also really hoping and praying that you guys on here stand with us about this one and I do believe that most of you probably will. We might be strangers over the internet but I'm still online friends with a lot of you and this is just a matter of human decency and respect that a lot of you have and the woman who mistreated him today obviously does not.
95% chance the woman is an arrogant leftist ..
Yeah you're right about that too but still I don't think that there was ever any need for rudeness was my point.
Probably not, but it is also pretty rude for one employee to feel they are able to carry on a conversation and not work while their coworkers are picking up their slack. Sitting there having a conversation without buying anything is taking money away from the business owner. Not only is it a post sale but you’re paying an employee who isn’t doing their job. This seems like a case of two wrongs don’t make a right. Is loitering a problem in that restaurant? Is it like a Starbucks where someone buys a cheap cup of coffee and mooches the free Wi-Fi for a few hours? Either way I do hope it all works out for you guys
Probably not, but it is also pretty rude for one employee to feel they are able to carry on a conversation and not work while their coworkers are picking up their slack. Sitting there having a conversation without buying anything is taking money away from the business owner. This seems like a case of two wrongs don’t make a right. Is loitering a problem in that restaurant? Is it like a Starbucks where someone buys a cheap cup of coffee and mooches the free Wi-Fi for a few hours? Either way I do hope it all works out for you guys

Thanks and yeah I'm not saying that he was in the right either. I already warned him that it probably wasn't a good idea and about the loitering but I can also understand the desperation and yes recently they had a sign go up that restrooms were for customers only so I know that loitering is an issue there, I just think that they're both at fault for this. It obviously could have been handled much better.
Thanks and yeah I'm not saying that he was in the right either. I already warned him that it probably wasn't a good idea and about the loitering but I can also understand the desperation and yes recently they had a sign go up that restrooms were for customers only so I know that loitering is an issue there, I just think that they're both at fault for this. It obviously could have been handled much better.
Hindsight is 20/20. If you really like the restaurant when everything settles down hopefully you will be able to return, if not then you guys can find something new and different that may be an even better experience.
Hindsight is 20/20. If you really like the restaurant when everything settles down hopefully you will be able to return, if not then you guys can find something new and different that may be an even better experience.

Understandable and you guys should also know that he's a highly functioning autistic so he doesn't understand situations like you guys do. I have some developmental learning disabilities myself but even I was against this but still kept hoping that it would have worked out regardless.
Not accusing your friend but...

It is obvious the people at the restaurant believe he did or said something offensive.
Whether they are correct or not is irrelevant. It is what they believe.

Your desire to go to the restaurant is not for the food, delivery would solve that. No, you want the atmosphere. The feeling you get from the people and environs. You want to restore the relationship.

To do so your friend needs to go to the restaurant and apologize, profusely.
A go orde with a really big tip might help too.
Help him out how? Why in the world would an independent restaurant want to get involved in a situation like this?

Because they're compassionate? At least the people that he talked to before were. The waitress is the one who gave him the idea.

Not accusing your friend but...

It is obvious the people at the restaurant believe he did or said something offensive.
Whether they are correct or not is irrelevant. It is what they believe.

Your desire to go to the restaurant is not for the food, delivery would solve that. No, you want the atmosphere. The feeling you get from the people and environs. You want to restore the relationship.

To do so your friend needs to go to the restaurant and apologize, profusely.
A go orde with a really big tip might help too.

You're half correct but we don't even want to go there for delivery. He didn't say or do anything offensive but he's not going to apologize for the situation until he gets an apology from them first for their rudeness and I totally back him up for that. As of right now we're done with that place completely until further notice.
oh my. Somebody was rude. You haven't noticed the vile remarks that are so common in today's culture?
Because they're compassionate? At least the people that he talked to before were. The waitress is the one who gave him the idea.

You're half correct but we don't even want to go there for delivery. He didn't say or do anything offensive but he's not going to apologize for the situation until he gets an apology from them first for their rudeness and I totally back him up for that. As of right now we're done with that place completely until further notice.
A shame to deny oneself over false pride.
Still, if that makes you happy, that is what you should do.
Because they're compassionate? At least the people that he talked to before were. The waitress is the one who gave him the idea.

You're half correct but we don't even want to go there for delivery. He didn't say or do anything offensive but he's not going to apologize for the situation until he gets an apology from them first for their rudeness and I totally back him up for that. As of right now we're done with that place completely until further notice.
Compassionate to the point that a minimum wage waitress would pick up the tab on his mortgage? Nothing makes sense in this rant.

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