I Can't Wait


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
Tell the Starbucks guy to run independent then, hypocrite.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
I'm not so sure. The gop is running trump, who is not a Republican ... whatever republican means. Reagan would shit on him.

Can s dem honestly run in the primary as wanting single payor, but then pivot in the general to state the truth that ideals are not always obtainable in one election?
I don't see a third party coming, the two party system has a strangle hold on politics in this nation. The money is way too good for them to let a third party in on their fun.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

Problem is, you can't make a national political party out of 17 people.
a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

aiming mighty high there g5000.......

I would welcome a third party in principal but we already have two parties run by billionaires. Pass.
Every person who is clamoring for more parties ought to be clamoring for campaign finance reform instead.

Campaign finance is a symptom, not the disease.

The more you concentrate power at the top, the easier you make it to capture that power. And to capture that power takes money.

The more power you put at the top, the more money flows to the top.

You want campaign finance reform? Do it the right way. Take power away from the hands of the few.

You take away the incentive to bribe politicians when you take power away from the politicians!

The very same liberals who whine about all the money in politics out of one side of their mouths are screaming for more centralized power out of the other side of their mouths.

Positively schizophrenic.

As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
You have YOUR third party...Communist Party USA.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
You have YOUR third party...Communist Party USA.
Every person who is clamoring for more parties ought to be clamoring for campaign finance reform instead.

Campaign finance is a symptom, not the disease.

The more you concentrate power at the top, the easier you make it to capture that power. And to capture that power takes money.

The more power you put at the top, the more money flows to the top.

You want campaign finance reform? Do it the right way. Take power away from the hands of the few.

You take away the incentive to bribe politicians when you take power away from the politicians!

The very same liberals who whine about all the money in politics out of one side of their mouths are screaming for more centralized power out of the other side of their mouths.

Positively schizophrenic.


Your final paragraph is not accurate. That's your problem.
There is turmoil in both parties...the swamp extends from the left to the right and when they are threatened they circle their wagons and whip the swamp media into gear....and then people get hurt.....what a mess we have allowed to fester in our nations capitol...the only real fix is term limits for all elected positions and term limits for staff as well...
It's really simple: we need tiered voting.

Instead of having to pick ONE candidate (and usually the lesser of two evils), we rank the top several candidates we want.

This would ENCOURAGE people to vote 3rd party instead of our current system that discourages 3rd party voting as throwing our vote away. We get representatives that are more reflective of the different demographics of this country instead of forcing people into one of two tribes. Without the tribal bullshit, people are more likely to work together.

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