I Can't Wait

As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
We have 3rd parties, Green Party, Libertarian Party, ect. In fact, we've had dozens of third parties, yet not one third party candidate has every occupied the White House. Also Third Party members rarely win congressional seats.

There're several reasons why there are no strong third parties.
First being the chips are stacked against any third party in congressional elections. For example, a third party might will 20% of congressional vote but unless they win majorities within the state, it gets no representation in congress.

Second, if a third party hit's on a message that's a winner with the public, the two major parties will incorporate that message into their platform. Just about ever major issue championed by Ross Perot was incorporated in the platforms of at least one of the major parties within two election cylces.

Lastly, just as with Congressional voting, the winner take all scheme makes it very difficult for third party presidential candidates. Electoral votes are given to whomever has the largest plurality, so getting 50+ percent of the vote in a given state or 40 percent in a three-way race are effectively the same.

When looking at polling for president there is always a strong vote for Other. However, in an election once a name and face replaces Other, those numbers disappear.

It's as if the founders really wanted a two party system to the exclusion of a multi-party system.
I said I welcome a new MAJOR party.

The current third parties are comprised of propellerheads. They propound crackpot ideas and are further from sanity than even our fucked up two major parties.

That's why they are so tiny. Not because of some conspiracy, but because of their own idiocy.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
We have 3rd parties, Green Party, Libertarian Party, ect. In fact, we've had dozens of third parties, yet not one third party candidate has every occupied the White House. Also Third Party members rarely win congressional seats.

There're several reasons why there are no strong third parties.
First being the chips are stacked against any third party in congressional elections. For example, a third party might will 20% of congressional vote but unless they win majorities within the state, it gets no representation in congress.

Second, if a third party hit's on a message that's a winner with the public, the two major parties will incorporate that message into their platform. Just about ever major issue championed by Ross Perot was incorporated in the platforms of at least one of the major parties within two election cylces.

Lastly, just as with Congressional voting, the winner take all scheme makes it very difficult for third party presidential candidates. Electoral votes are given to whomever has the largest plurality, so getting 50+ percent of the vote in a given state or 40 percent in a three-way race are effectively the same.

When looking at polling for president there is always a strong vote for Other. However, in an election once a name and face replaces Other, those numbers disappear.

It's as if the founders really wanted a two party system to the exclusion of a multi-party system.
I said I welcome a new MAJOR party.

The current third parties are comprised of propellerheads. They propound crackpot ideas and are further from sanity than even our fucked up two major parties.

That's why they are so tiny. Not because of some conspiracy, but because of their own idiocy.
What? You don't like my Helium Party? Free, breathable helium for everybody!!!!
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
We have 3rd parties, Green Party, Libertarian Party, ect. In fact, we've had dozens of third parties, yet not one third party candidate has every occupied the White House. Also Third Party members rarely win congressional seats.

There're several reasons why there are no strong third parties.
First being the chips are stacked against any third party in congressional elections. For example, a third party might will 20% of congressional vote but unless they win majorities within the state, it gets no representation in congress.

Second, if a third party hit's on a message that's a winner with the public, the two major parties will incorporate that message into their platform. Just about ever major issue championed by Ross Perot was incorporated in the platforms of at least one of the major parties within two election cylces.

Lastly, just as with Congressional voting, the winner take all scheme makes it very difficult for third party presidential candidates. Electoral votes are given to whomever has the largest plurality, so getting 50+ percent of the vote in a given state or 40 percent in a three-way race are effectively the same.

When looking at polling for president there is always a strong vote for Other. However, in an election once a name and face replaces Other, those numbers disappear.

It's as if the founders really wanted a two party system to the exclusion of a multi-party system.
I said I welcome a new MAJOR party.

The current third parties are comprised of propellerheads. They propound crackpot ideas and are further from sanity than even our fucked up two major parties.

That's why they are so tiny. Not because of some conspiracy, but because of their own idiocy.
What? You don't like my Helium Party? Free, breathable helium for everybody!!!!
I'm hearing you say that in a voice that sounds like Donald Duck.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
that party already exist,,,

its called the constitution party
Every person who is clamoring for more parties ought to be clamoring for campaign finance reform instead.

Campaign finance is a symptom, not the disease.

The more you concentrate power at the top, the easier you make it to capture that power. And to capture that power takes money.

The more power you put at the top, the more money flows to the top.

You want campaign finance reform? Do it the right way. Take power away from the hands of the few.

You take away the incentive to bribe politicians when you take power away from the politicians!

The very same liberals who whine about all the money in politics out of one side of their mouths are screaming for more centralized power out of the other side of their mouths.

Positively schizophrenic.

You take away the incentive to bribe politicians when you take power away from the politicians!
So they should no longer be able to make laws?
Who are you going to let have that power? Because someone is going to grab it. No one leaves power laying on the floor.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
that party already exist,,,

its called the constitution party
They must really hate Trump.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
that party already exist,,,

its called the constitution party
They must really hate Trump.
not sure they have ever said,,,but they do love and respect the constitution
Every person who is clamoring for more parties ought to be clamoring for campaign finance reform instead.

Campaign finance is a symptom, not the disease.

The more you concentrate power at the top, the easier you make it to capture that power. And to capture that power takes money.

The more power you put at the top, the more money flows to the top.

You want campaign finance reform? Do it the right way. Take power away from the hands of the few.

You take away the incentive to bribe politicians when you take power away from the politicians!

The very same liberals who whine about all the money in politics out of one side of their mouths are screaming for more centralized power out of the other side of their mouths.

Positively schizophrenic.

You take away the incentive to bribe politicians when you take power away from the politicians!
So they should no longer be able to make laws?
Who are you going to let have that power? Because someone is going to grab it. No one leaves power laying on the floor.
Power should be returned to the individual and to the states.

And you're damned right I would take away the ability to make laws. We allow our federal officials to make decisions about our very lives and our health. And the fucking left wing retards will be so shocked when that power over their lives and health is captured by special interests.

They never learn.

Our federal government at this very moment rewards and punishes you based on what products you buy. If you don't take out a mortage and help make a banker rich, you are punished with higher taxes. God forbid you should buy a house outright. Or God forbid you should rent.

If you don't BREED, you are punished with higher taxes. If you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator or the right kind of energy, you are punished with higher taxes.

Don't get me wrong. It isn't just left wing retards who are all for this bullshit. There are pseudocons who scream like welfare queens whenever I say we should remove the ability of our federal government to control our behaviors and our lives.

If a Congressman was no longer given the power to create tax deductions, or exemptions, or credits, then there would no longer be any incentive for a special interest to bribe him to put those deductions, exemptions, or credits in the tax code.

Presto. Instant campaign finance reform. The RIGHT way.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
that party already exist,,,

its called the constitution party
They must really hate Trump.
not sure they have ever said,,,but they do love and respect the constitution
They hate gambling. Bigly.

And they hate adulterers. And they hate Executive Orders.

And they hate tariffs imposed by anybody other than Congress.

It's all right there in their platform!

So they MUST hate Trump for pretty much all the same reasons I do.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.

sorry to break it to you but the 2 existing parties will just destroy any and all rational competition.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
that party already exist,,,

its called the constitution party
They must really hate Trump.
not sure they have ever said,,,but they do love and respect the constitution
They hate gambling. Bigly.

And they hate adulterers. And they hate Executive Orders.

And they hate tariffs imposed by anybody other than Congress.

It's all right there in their platform!

So they MUST hate Trump for pretty much all the same reasons I do.

sorry but im not a mind reader,
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
that party already exist,,,

its called the constitution party
They must really hate Trump.
not sure they have ever said,,,but they do love and respect the constitution
They hate gambling. Bigly.

And they hate adulterers. And they hate Executive Orders.

And they hate tariffs imposed by anybody other than Congress.

It's all right there in their platform!

So they MUST hate Trump for pretty much all the same reasons I do.

sorry but im not a mind reader,
You can read their platform, can't you?

If they believe in what they say, then they hate Trump.

Of course, they could be raging hypocrites like the pseudocons on this forum.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
We have 3rd parties, Green Party, Libertarian Party, ect. In fact, we've had dozens of third parties, yet not one third party candidate has every occupied the White House. Also Third Party members rarely win congressional seats.

There're several reasons why there are no strong third parties.
First being the chips are stacked against any third party in congressional elections. For example, a third party might will 20% of congressional vote but unless they win majorities within the state, it gets no representation in congress.

Second, if a third party hit's on a message that's a winner with the public, the two major parties will incorporate that message into their platform. Just about ever major issue championed by Ross Perot was incorporated in the platforms of at least one of the major parties within two election cylces.

Lastly, just as with Congressional voting, the winner take all scheme makes it very difficult for third party presidential candidates. Electoral votes are given to whomever has the largest plurality, so getting 50+ percent of the vote in a given state or 40 percent in a three-way race are effectively the same.

When looking at polling for president there is always a strong vote for Other. However, in an election once a name and face replaces Other, those numbers disappear.

It's as if the founders really wanted a two party system to the exclusion of a multi-party system.
I said I welcome a new MAJOR party.

The current third parties are comprised of propellerheads. They propound crackpot ideas and are further from sanity than even our fucked up two major parties.

That's why they are so tiny. Not because of some conspiracy, but because of their own idiocy.
What? You don't like my Helium Party? Free, breathable helium for everybody!!!!
I'm hearing you say that in a voice that sounds like Donald Duck.
Now imagine all politicians and political pundits on helium........ :thup:
that party already exist,,,

its called the constitution party
They must really hate Trump.
not sure they have ever said,,,but they do love and respect the constitution
They hate gambling. Bigly.

And they hate adulterers. And they hate Executive Orders.

And they hate tariffs imposed by anybody other than Congress.

It's all right there in their platform!

So they MUST hate Trump for pretty much all the same reasons I do.

sorry but im not a mind reader,
You can read their platform, can't you?

If they believe in what they say, then they hate Trump.

Of course, they could be raging hypocrites like the pseudocons on this forum.
maybe you should read it because I dont see where they do anything but quote the constitution

and you can disagree with someones policy and not hate them
They must really hate Trump.
not sure they have ever said,,,but they do love and respect the constitution
They hate gambling. Bigly.

And they hate adulterers. And they hate Executive Orders.

And they hate tariffs imposed by anybody other than Congress.

It's all right there in their platform!

So they MUST hate Trump for pretty much all the same reasons I do.

sorry but im not a mind reader,
You can read their platform, can't you?

If they believe in what they say, then they hate Trump.

Of course, they could be raging hypocrites like the pseudocons on this forum.
maybe you should read it because I dont see where they do anything but quote the constitution

and you can disagree with someones policy and not hate them
Wow. So you need to be lead by the nose, eh?

Okay then!

Lesson 1:


Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities.

Lesson 2:


We oppose the use of Presidential executive orders that make law or otherwise usurp the Constitutional authority and responsibilities of the legislative and judicial branches. Congress must stop this Constitutionally subversive practice. All unconstitutional executive orders are null and void.
not sure they have ever said,,,but they do love and respect the constitution
They hate gambling. Bigly.

And they hate adulterers. And they hate Executive Orders.

And they hate tariffs imposed by anybody other than Congress.

It's all right there in their platform!

So they MUST hate Trump for pretty much all the same reasons I do.

sorry but im not a mind reader,
You can read their platform, can't you?

If they believe in what they say, then they hate Trump.

Of course, they could be raging hypocrites like the pseudocons on this forum.
maybe you should read it because I dont see where they do anything but quote the constitution

and you can disagree with someones policy and not hate them
Wow. So you need to be lead by the nose, eh?

Okay then!

Lesson 1:


Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities.

Lesson 2:


We oppose the use of Presidential executive orders that make law or otherwise usurp the Constitutional authority and responsibilities of the legislative and judicial branches. Congress must stop this Constitutionally subversive practice. All unconstitutional executive orders are null and void.
I agree,,, dont you???
Lesson 3: Platform

Congress may not abdicate or transfer to others these Constitutional powers. We oppose, therefore, the unconstitutional transfer of authority over U.S. trade policy from Congress to agencies, domestic or foreign, which improperly exercise policy-setting functions with respect to U.S. trade policy.
Lesson 2:


We oppose the use of Presidential executive orders that make law or otherwise usurp the Constitutional authority and responsibilities of the legislative and judicial branches. Congress must stop this Constitutionally subversive practice. All unconstitutional executive orders are null and void.
I agree,,, dont you???
Like I said.

They MUST hate Trump.

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