I Can't Wait

As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
that party already exist,,,

its called the constitution party
They must really hate Trump.
not sure they have ever said,,,but they do love and respect the constitution
They hate gambling. Bigly.

And they hate adulterers. And they hate Executive Orders.

And they hate tariffs imposed by anybody other than Congress.

It's all right there in their platform!

So they MUST hate Trump for pretty much all the same reasons I do.

For the Record:

"Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities. We are opposed to government sponsorship, involvement in or promotion of gambling such as lotteries, casinos or subsidization of Native American casinos."

by inference the Constitution Party opposes Native American's and thus supports the Casino's in Atlantic City, Las Vegas and other states wherein they can accept campaign donations from them, that includes Sheldon Adelson.
"Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities."

How could anyone who believes that have anything but contempt for a casino owner?

that party already exist,,,

its called the constitution party
They must really hate Trump.
not sure they have ever said,,,but they do love and respect the constitution
They hate gambling. Bigly.

And they hate adulterers. And they hate Executive Orders.

And they hate tariffs imposed by anybody other than Congress.

It's all right there in their platform!

So they MUST hate Trump for pretty much all the same reasons I do.

For the Record:

"Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities. We are opposed to government sponsorship, involvement in or promotion of gambling such as lotteries, casinos or subsidization of Native American casinos."

by inference the Constitution Party opposes Native American's and thus supports the Casino's in Atlantic City, Las Vegas and other states wherein they can accept campaign donations from them, that includes Sheldon Adelson.
"Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities."

How could anyone who believes that have anything but contempt for a casino owner?

why do you keep posting edited statements???
and who said they didnt have contempt, and since what they claim is true they have good reason

but if you would read the unedited statement you would notice they only want the government out of it
They must really hate Trump.
not sure they have ever said,,,but they do love and respect the constitution
They hate gambling. Bigly.

And they hate adulterers. And they hate Executive Orders.

And they hate tariffs imposed by anybody other than Congress.

It's all right there in their platform!

So they MUST hate Trump for pretty much all the same reasons I do.

For the Record:

"Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities. We are opposed to government sponsorship, involvement in or promotion of gambling such as lotteries, casinos or subsidization of Native American casinos."

by inference the Constitution Party opposes Native American's and thus supports the Casino's in Atlantic City, Las Vegas and other states wherein they can accept campaign donations from them, that includes Sheldon Adelson.
"Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities."

How could anyone who believes that have anything but contempt for a casino owner?

why do you keep posting edited statements???
and who said they didnt have contempt, and since what they claim is true they have good reason

but if you would read the unedited statement you would notice they only want the government out of it
Nope. They make very clear that they hate gambling.

And so it follows they would hate a casino owner.


Your obtuseness is getting really, really stupid at this point.
not sure they have ever said,,,but they do love and respect the constitution
They hate gambling. Bigly.

And they hate adulterers. And they hate Executive Orders.

And they hate tariffs imposed by anybody other than Congress.

It's all right there in their platform!

So they MUST hate Trump for pretty much all the same reasons I do.

For the Record:

"Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities. We are opposed to government sponsorship, involvement in or promotion of gambling such as lotteries, casinos or subsidization of Native American casinos."

by inference the Constitution Party opposes Native American's and thus supports the Casino's in Atlantic City, Las Vegas and other states wherein they can accept campaign donations from them, that includes Sheldon Adelson.
"Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities."

How could anyone who believes that have anything but contempt for a casino owner?

why do you keep posting edited statements???
and who said they didnt have contempt, and since what they claim is true they have good reason

but if you would read the unedited statement you would notice they only want the government out of it
Nope. They make very clear that they hate gambling.

And so it follows they would hate a casino owner.


Your obtuseness is getting really, really stupid at this point.

no it doesnt,,,you can not like car racing and like the drivers
I really dont see where your going with this
They hate gambling. Bigly.

And they hate adulterers. And they hate Executive Orders.

And they hate tariffs imposed by anybody other than Congress.

It's all right there in their platform!

So they MUST hate Trump for pretty much all the same reasons I do.

For the Record:

"Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities. We are opposed to government sponsorship, involvement in or promotion of gambling such as lotteries, casinos or subsidization of Native American casinos."

by inference the Constitution Party opposes Native American's and thus supports the Casino's in Atlantic City, Las Vegas and other states wherein they can accept campaign donations from them, that includes Sheldon Adelson.
"Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities."

How could anyone who believes that have anything but contempt for a casino owner?

why do you keep posting edited statements???
and who said they didnt have contempt, and since what they claim is true they have good reason

but if you would read the unedited statement you would notice they only want the government out of it
Nope. They make very clear that they hate gambling.

And so it follows they would hate a casino owner.


Your obtuseness is getting really, really stupid at this point.

no it doesnt,,,you can not like car racing and like the drivers
I really dont see where your going with this
Wow. You're getting dumber by the post!

Your illogic is akin to, "I hate guns, but I'm okay with the people who sell them!"

"I hate gambling, but I'm okay with the guy who runs the gambling house!"

Just how much more stupid can you get?
For the Record:

"Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities. We are opposed to government sponsorship, involvement in or promotion of gambling such as lotteries, casinos or subsidization of Native American casinos."

by inference the Constitution Party opposes Native American's and thus supports the Casino's in Atlantic City, Las Vegas and other states wherein they can accept campaign donations from them, that includes Sheldon Adelson.
"Gambling increases crimes, destroys families, grows governmental bureaucracies, exploits those who are addicted and leaches the economic prosperity out of our communities."

How could anyone who believes that have anything but contempt for a casino owner?

why do you keep posting edited statements???
and who said they didnt have contempt, and since what they claim is true they have good reason

but if you would read the unedited statement you would notice they only want the government out of it
Nope. They make very clear that they hate gambling.

And so it follows they would hate a casino owner.


Your obtuseness is getting really, really stupid at this point.

no it doesnt,,,you can not like car racing and like the drivers
I really dont see where your going with this
Wow. You're getting dumber by the post!

Your illogic is akin to, "I hate guns, but I'm okay with the people who sell them!"

"I hate gambling, but I'm okay with the guy who runs the gambling house!"

Just how much more stupid can you get?

As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
I'm not so sure. The gop is running trump, who is not a Republican ... whatever republican means. Reagan would shit on him.

Can s dem honestly run in the primary as wanting single payor, but then pivot in the general to state the truth that ideals are not always obtainable in one election?
------------------------------------- both reagan and the 'bush' familia but who cares about those two that started lots of problems for Americans . Thankfully they are both leaving the planet with only 'jebito' and his little mexican son 'jorge' remaining BDog .
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
Might be our only hope.
Every person who is clamoring for more parties ought to be clamoring for campaign finance reform instead.


McCain had a CFR bill passed and it gave us the damn Citizens United ruling. Congress is incompetent and would not go against their best interests, so it is doubtful we would ever get a good CFR bill.

The GOP has made sure that our elections will not be about issues or the character of candidates for elective offices by packing the court with anti democratic justices [anti-democratic does not mean to reflect the Democratic Party); the GOP cannot win elections on ideas, so they pack the courts, suppress voting and claim the meme that we are not a democratic republic.

What legislation has the Democratic party set forth since the Citizens United ruling to change the campaign laws?

Why didn't they? McConnell and Ryan, that's why.
Bernie Sanders proposed free college education. Donald Trump proposed a border wall. Both were pretty damn radical.

Holy false equivalence, Batman! A fucking wall is no where near as radical an idea as free higher education. Not even the same league. Or sport, for that matter

Free higher education benefits all, but it depends what free means. The first two years can be completed at a community college, funded by the same taxes which fund K - 12. Upper division can be less expensive when per unit charges are eliminated, and fees for each course are determined by the number of students in each class, and if they are taught by FT professors with Ph. D's, Graduate Students or technology.
Every person who is clamoring for more parties ought to be clamoring for campaign finance reform instead.


McCain had a CFR bill passed and it gave us the damn Citizens United ruling. Congress is incompetent and would not go against their best interests, so it is doubtful we would ever get a good CFR bill.

The GOP has made sure that our elections will not be about issues or the character of candidates for elective offices by packing the court with anti democratic justices [anti-democratic does not mean to reflect the Democratic Party); the GOP cannot win elections on ideas, so they pack the courts, suppress voting and claim the meme that we are not a democratic republic.

What legislation has the Democratic party set forth since the Citizens United ruling to change the campaign laws?

Why didn't they? McConnell and Ryan, that's why.

Seems the answer to my question finds it funny. To bad he can't offer a rebuttal.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
Repubs are catering to racists and Dems to transgenders. We need a new party!
I googled the Party, and it says this:
The goal of the Constitution Party is to restore American jurisprudence to its Biblical foundations and to limit the federal government to its Constitutionalboundaries.

The thing about restoring American jurisprudence to its Biblical foundations sounds too much like radical you-know-who's to me.

its not like they are saying people would be required to do anything biblical, just that lying cheating ,stealing and murder are wrong

and what about the constitutional boundaries???
Lying, cheating, stealing and murder are already wrong. Under secular law.
If you want to talk about constitutional boundaries, I believe there is something in there about NOT involving religion in the laws established by our government.

What's wrong with jurisprudence restored to its Biblical foundations? Just look at the countries that are already doing that, with the Koran. The Bible advocates cutting off a hand to stop a person from thieving. Stoning a woman to death for adultery. etc. Those are "jurisprudence restored to its Biblical foundations." Or could be. We are no longer Puritans. They lived in a closed, intolerant community and I would hate to be back in those days.
thats why they said foundation and not principles or doctrine,,,
and lying cheating stealing and murder are not secular but religious beliefs
whether you like it or not this country was founded on Judaeo christian values,,,
The bible sure doesn't have good things to say about people who get divorce....
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
Repubs are catering to racists and Dems to transgenders. We need a new party!

Aww. Look at you! Equating racists with trans people and expressing a need to treat them both as outcasts.

How moronic of you.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
Repubs are catering to racists and Dems to transgenders. We need a new party!

Aww. Look at you! Equating racists with trans people and expressing a need to treat them both as outcasts.

How moronic of you.
Yes they are both minorities. We shouldn't be catering to extremes.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
Repubs are catering to racists and Dems to transgenders. We need a new party!

Aww. Look at you! Equating racists with trans people and expressing a need to treat them both as outcasts.

How moronic of you.
Yes they are both minorities. We shouldn't be catering to extremes.

That's ridiculous. Those in one of those "minority" groups is born into their group. The other is
made up of ignorant morons.

We should absolutely allow trans people to have equal rights and to be free from bigotry and persecution.

That isn't catering to anyone. You've exposed yourself here.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
Repubs are catering to racists and Dems to transgenders. We need a new party!

Aww. Look at you! Equating racists with trans people and expressing a need to treat them both as outcasts.

How moronic of you.
Yes they are both minorities. We shouldn't be catering to extremes.

That's ridiculous. Those in one of those "minority" groups is born into their group. The other is
made up of ignorant morons.

We should absolutely allow trans people to have equal rights and to be free from bigotry and persecution.

That isn't catering to anyone. You've exposed yourself here.
And that is why Dems lost to Trump. The real people get ignored while the minorities get all the attention.
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
Repubs are catering to racists and Dems to transgenders. We need a new party!

Aww. Look at you! Equating racists with trans people and expressing a need to treat them both as outcasts.

How moronic of you.
Yes they are both minorities. We shouldn't be catering to extremes.

That's ridiculous. Those in one of those "minority" groups is born into their group. The other is
made up of ignorant morons.

We should absolutely allow trans people to have equal rights and to be free from bigotry and persecution.

That isn't catering to anyone. You've exposed yourself here.
but they do have equal rights,,,if you say they should be free from bigots and persecuted would give them special rights since no one else has those rights
As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
Repubs are catering to racists and Dems to transgenders. We need a new party!

Aww. Look at you! Equating racists with trans people and expressing a need to treat them both as outcasts.

How moronic of you.
Yes they are both minorities. We shouldn't be catering to extremes.

That's ridiculous. Those in one of those "minority" groups is born into their group. The other is
made up of ignorant morons.

We should absolutely allow trans people to have equal rights and to be free from bigotry and persecution.

That isn't catering to anyone. You've exposed yourself here.
And that is why Dems lost to Trump. The real people get ignored while the minorities get all the attention.

As I watch the two major parties cater more and more to the fringes, it is just a matter of time before a new major party comes along which caters to the intelligent, critically thinking people who have rejected both of the current major parties.

I cannot wait for that day.

As we watch billionaires toy with the idea of running as independents, it is just a matter of time before some of them pool their money to supply the necessary resources to get a new major party off the ground.

Then we can truly make America great again. Then it will be a new morning in America.
Repubs are catering to racists and Dems to transgenders. We need a new party!

Aww. Look at you! Equating racists with trans people and expressing a need to treat them both as outcasts.

How moronic of you.
Yes they are both minorities. We shouldn't be catering to extremes.

That's ridiculous. Those in one of those "minority" groups is born into their group. The other is
made up of ignorant morons.

We should absolutely allow trans people to have equal rights and to be free from bigotry and persecution.

That isn't catering to anyone. You've exposed yourself here.
but they do have equal rights,,,if you say they should be free from bigots and persecuted would give them special rights since no one else has those rights

Bullshit. The president has tried to ban them from serving in the military. Fuck off.

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