I don't get it.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
I am renting a room out and a guy came to look at it today. Nice guy. I liked him. But both of us are still pondering whether it is a good fit. Problem is...he has a dog. I am a pack animal myself and I love my fur kids. It would be a cold day in hell before I would ever get rid of one of my fur kids for a place to live. I'll sleep in my car with them if I have to. This guy, nice though he is, said it hurt his heart to have to find a home for his dog and I wanted to say "then why do it?", but I didn't. He is looking for a room to rent that will allow the dog and I already stated in my ad that no more dogs because I am at the limit already...any more, I would have to get a kennel license.
I told him I saw lots of ads where dogs were ok. So my question is...why do people get dogs..have them for a few months or even 15 years, decide to move, and give away their dog? I just flat don't understand this mindset.
What if someone said no kids? Would they put their child in a foster home? No. Well, let's hope not. But for dogs....eh. Just find another home, no matter the years spent with it as a companion.

I don't understand. And for that reason...I probably will not rent to him because it just turns me off he could do that to his friend. His dog.
No clue on this but I find it strange. My SIL had to move from her house to an apt due to advancing R/A and she gave her dog away because the apt didn't take dogs. What?? Then find another apartment that does take dogs! Our oldest dog was dropped off at the spca when she was just 10 months old. Story we were told was that the people who had her lived in an apt and weren't allowed to have dogs. Then why the hell did you get a dog while living there? Similar story with our second dog, who was also 10 months old and being dropped at the spca ... people were moving and the new place didnt' allow dogs. Their loss, our good fortune! I'm with you, Gracie. The animals stay with us, period. No give-aways. Period.
I have RA. It sucks. But guess who got me up when I fell? Karma did. Hubby was weed eating and didn't see me fall, or hear me holler for help. Karma is always by my side. I laid there, wondering if I broke anything because I landed on the damn hydraulic jack hubby had there when he took the weed eater out. It hurt when I landed on it. So I just laid there...and moved everything slowly to see if anything was busted. I had a scraped knee and it was bleeding but that was it. And Karma stood over me..straddling me. I couldn't figure out why she was doing it until I finally realized she was tensing up as she stared down in my eyes. I put my arms around her sturdy neck and she tensed again...then began to back up every so slowly...pulling me up with her. When I got to my bloody knee, I cried out in pain and lifted it, then used her back as a brace to get myself up the rest of the way. By then, hubby saw me and was running over to me and he got me up all the way to a standing position. My dogs are my best friends. My children.

This is Karma..playing in her pool. She is a yellow lab. Gracie is the black and white aussie. She has epilepsy :(. The cat belongs to Gracie..not me. The cat thinks she is a dog.

The cat giving her buddy a face wash while Gracie gives the cat a neck groom.


Karma and the cat taking a nap.

I am renting a room out and a guy came to look at it today. Nice guy. I liked him. But both of us are still pondering whether it is a good fit. Problem is...he has a dog. I am a pack animal myself and I love my fur kids. It would be a cold day in hell before I would ever get rid of one of my fur kids for a place to live. I'll sleep in my car with them if I have to. This guy, nice though he is, said it hurt his heart to have to find a home for his dog and I wanted to say "then why do it?", but I didn't. He is looking for a room to rent that will allow the dog and I already stated in my ad that no more dogs because I am at the limit already...any more, I would have to get a kennel license.
I told him I saw lots of ads where dogs were ok. So my question is...why do people get dogs..have them for a few months or even 15 years, decide to move, and give away their dog? I just flat don't understand this mindset.
What if someone said no kids? Would they put their child in a foster home? No. Well, let's hope not. But for dogs....eh. Just find another home, no matter the years spent with it as a companion.

I don't understand. And for that reason...I probably will not rent to him because it just turns me off he could do that to his friend. His dog.

Gracie, I know exactly what you mean, and I don't get it either. I've also said I would live with my animals in my car before I'd give them up.

I don't know how much you need to rent your room, but I wouldn't be comfortable with this guy in my house, just because he had to give up his dog to move in. Help him, encourage him to find a place where he can have the dog.
I think I already rented it, to the new roomie's friend. He is a pc geek and works at Best Buy so....he sure will be handy to have around! And, he doesn't have a pet. He said he wants a hamster, lol. I said fine. :)

The other guy....I did like him. Until he told me he had to find a home for his dog if he couldn't have it here. My ad states no pets. And he brought the dog with him to try to get me to ok it. Loved the dog. But...I can't have more dogs here. I don't own this house. Landlord said no more. But that doesn't matter anyway. This guy, nice though he seemed, was going to get rid of his best friend!!!

Some of you know about my recent bout of breast cancer. Some of you don't. I decided not to talk about it here and I haven't..at least not that I remember. Anyway, I was trying to quit smoking and last week...or was it 2 weeks ago?....a guy I gave a dog to 13 years ago came over and said he was moving and Lily needed a place to go or he was going to take her to the pound if I couldn't take her back. THIRTEEN YEARS AGO I gave her to him. For 13 years she has been a part of his family. His kids are grown now and don't want her..she is old. He doesn't want her because he wants to be free of responsibility and needs a new place and it's too hard with a dog. So he said he would take her...a 15 year old dog...to the pound. I freaked out. I cried and cried and cried...and I called my vet and every animal rescue person I could find and I said I would take her before I would let her go to the damn pound to be put to death by strangers, locked up in a cage, crying for those who supposedly loved her. But it didn't come to that. I had such a fit, I scared the guy. He called my vet, my vet made a few calls and a home was found for Lily with the promise that she would NEVER go to the pound. My vet would take her if he had to.

Needless to say...this guy is no longer my friend. He betrayed Lily..and he betrayed me as well.

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