"I don't know how this could have ended without chaos!!!!"


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Well that isn't surprising since brain damaged Biden can barely get through a softball interview without crapping himself. But this isn't just politics. This is not just "optics". People are dying, women are being raped, little girls are meeting their new 30 year old husbands. Yes it's happening and no you won't see it on CNN. We have NO LEADERSHIP. Our Federal government, our intelligence agencies, our military, are all led by fakes who are more concerned with not offending BLM and LGBTQ than doing their jobs protecting Americans and American interests.

So our so called "leadership" put all of our eggs in the Afghan military basket even though there was plenty of intelligence that indicated they were not up to the task. So how did that work out? Have this idiots ever heard of "worst case scenario"? How can leadership with the stakes this high be this stupid?
The problem may be that our military generals were busy lying to Joe Biden about how capable the Afghanistan military forces were. If so that is shades of what happened in Vietnam.

However that leads to the question of if our intelligence agencies are competent or basically useless.

Hopefully the hearings House democrats plan on this fiasco will be politically unbiased and will reveal why the withdrawal went so wrong. However knowing the democrats I suspect they will try to find a way to blame Trump once again.

Very easy moron
Biden is the biggest buffoon and ignoramus ever

You use the US army to set a massive buffer ; then you simply evacuate the folks and allies . Lastly , all US weapons
Millions of young Afghanistan’s will now live in Nazi germany and Afghanistan is the terror epicenter along with Iran
Obama leaving Iraq only lead to Isis
Imagine being even more evil than the Taliban
Tramp made a deal with evil.
You are confused Moon Bat.

This is the silly shit we hear from the Democrats unwilling to take responsibility for screwing up the troops withdrawal.

Trump is smarter than Joe Dufus and knew that the nation building in Afghanistan was failing. He was not optimistic about the Afghan National Government holding power. He knew that Afghanistan was going to revert to tribal factions and that the Taliban was going to get a sizeable piece of that pie.

The talks he had with the Taliban was to make the troops withdrawal smooth and to prevent what we are seeing now. It was the right thing to do from an American and Allied perspective.

Joe Dufus was not minding the store and didn't do the same homework that Trump did and he fucked it up, big time. Dufus didn't make a deal with the Devil. He was impervious that the Devil existed just like he is impervious to most things.

Joe Dufus own this shit sandwich. Great example of his incompetency.

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