I don't support BLM


Active Member
Aug 19, 2021
First and foremost we can't deny African American's have had extreme adversity due to the color of their skin but I must say after hearing Makiyah Bryant story that went global it has been brought to my attention that African American's are trying to turn every situation into a killing the police officer that shot Makiyah Bryant had every right to shoot her. she didn't put the weapon down when holding a knife in her hand while trying to stab another person ft from the officer she died in the process because she didn't listen regardless of age wrong is wrong stop with the BLM BS all lives matter and I understand that African Americans are trying to have a movement based on black lives but not if your trying to bring innocent people to prison because you disagree with how a situation was handled
Soul blacks are and have been doing very well for years--especially considering they graduate at lower rates.....having adversity has nothing to do with it.....BLM doesn't make sense = total bullshit ......they commit crimes/VIOLENT crimes at much higher rates---I've got a thread on supposed police brutality ...whites are killed at a higher rate because blacks commit crimes at a higher rate...police are doing a great job at NOT killing them
...we laugh at BLM crap and when they use the RACISM word

...blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa

blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate :

blacks murder blacks at FOUR times the national rate:
It is pretty easy for me.

The Black culture as a whole has a 70% fatherless household rate. That means the Black culture, or any culture for that matter with the same percentage of fatherlessness, is doomed to poverty. Then what comes next as you combine poverty and a lack of authority in the home, you guessed it, increased crime and increased encounters with law enforcement.

BLM has always fought against the notion of a Patriarchal family, the traditional two parent home where a father figure is needed to lay down the law and help support the family.

BLM is part of the problem
More silly white racism. Larry Nassar was a father. He molested over 150 little girls But he lived with his children.

Single moms have boyfriends.
My opinion on BLM isn't because of white racism there is a number of reasons why I don't support this cause, it has nothing to do with how dark someone's skin is!

If you speaking about Votto comment "The Black culture as a whole has a 70% fatherless household rate. That means the Black culture or any culture for that matter with the same percentage of fatherlessness is doomed to poverty. Then what comes next as you combine poverty and a lack of authority in the home, you guessed it, increased crime and increased encounters with law enforcement"

it absolutely true there is plenty of families who are fatherless and it's always been a higher percentage in Black cultures household statistics don't lie I'm starting to think you are in denial about what the truth really is!
My opinion on BLM isn't because of white racism there is a number of reasons why I don't support this cause, it has nothing to do with how dark someone's skin is!

If you speaking about Votto comment "The Black culture as a whole has a 70% fatherless household rate. That means the Black culture or any culture for that matter with the same percentage of fatherlessness is doomed to poverty. Then what comes next as you combine poverty and a lack of authority in the home, you guessed it, increased crime and increased encounters with law enforcement"

it absolutely true there is plenty of families who are fatherless and it's always been a higher percentage in Black cultures household statistics don't lie I'm starting to think you are in denial about what the truth really is!
I am not the one in denial. A father in the house does not solve the problems caused by white racism. I'm sure your opposition to BLM has nothing to do with white racism. No ones ever does. It's classic.
I am not the one in denial. A father in the house does not solve the problems caused by white racism. I'm sure your opposition to BLM has nothing to do with white racism. No ones ever does. It's classic.
Im not in denial if you wanna talk about racism lets talk about it African American's are racist to anyone who's skin is lighter than them this is a FACT!

They feel intimidated by lighter skin complexions Lets talk about the term “******” a term used by rappers and other popular African Americans and black culture they use the name liberally whenever they feel like it! but want to call a caucasian racist if they say the same word!

Lets talk about how a BLACK AFRICAN AMERICAN ACTIVIST of black lives matter resigned after The BLM Foundation told AP in February that it had raised $90m (£63m) amid last year's racial justice protests following the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota.black activists - called for an investigation into whether Ms Cullors had used the organisation's funds to enrich herself. People have reportedly complained the organisation had done nothing to help them meanwhile A BLACK AFRICAN AMERICAN CO FOUNDER OF BLM bought a $1.4m luxury home in Topanga Canyon, near Malibu, and owned three other homes, including a custom ranch in Georgia. DID she help support her own people by using that money to help her community NO she DIDN'T did she purchases homes in BLACK COMMUNITIES NO SHE DIDN'T She now lives in a white neighborhood HOW IRONIC
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Soul blacks are and have been doing very well for years--especially considering they graduate at lower rates.....having adversity has nothing to do with it.....BLM doesn't make sense = total bullshit ......they commit crimes/VIOLENT crimes at much higher rates---I've got a thread on supposed police brutality ...whites are killed at a higher rate because blacks commit crimes at a higher rate...police are doing a great job at NOT killing them
...we laugh at BLM crap and when they use the RACISM word

...blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa

blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate :

blacks murder blacks at FOUR times the national rate:
You're like the quintessential disconnected racist old white guy. You are a meme.
Anomalism you fkd up!!!!!! it says '''like'''
and that doesn't mean you can't be a racist
..we laugh whenever you people use the R words--it means nothing now
First and foremost we can't deny African American's have had extreme adversity due to the color of their skin but I must say after hearing Makiyah Bryant story that went global it has been brought to my attention that African American's are trying to turn every situation into a killing the police officer that shot Makiyah Bryant had every right to shoot her. she didn't put the weapon down when holding a knife in her hand while trying to stab another person ft from the officer she died in the process because she didn't listen regardless of age wrong is wrong stop with the BLM BS all lives matter and I understand that African Americans are trying to have a movement based on black lives but not if your trying to bring innocent people to prison because you disagree with how a situation was handled

Greetings. Keeping it REAL, Mr. Oshay Duke Jackson, Founder & CEO of the Negromanosphere, talks about the tragic circumstances leading to this human tragedy.

"What The Black Community Is Ignoring Regarding The Ma'Khia Bryant Situation"

MD, PhD SCIENTIST spills the beans to Oprah about how Childhood Trauma affects ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:

Cali Surgeon General explains Childhood Trauma, Neglect, Maltreatment & ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:


#BeAHero >>>


☮️♥️ EndHate2021
Greetings. Keeping it REAL, Mr. Oshay Duke Jackson, Founder & CEO of the Negromanosphere, talks about the tragic circumstances leading to this human tragedy.

"What The Black Community Is Ignoring Regarding The Ma'Khia Bryant Situation"
Black people aren't ignoring anything, Ma'khia bryant situation is a tragedy to dumbness thats what got her killed, her OWN actions! she was told more than once to put the knife down SHE DID NOT as she tried stabbing the girl next to her with a kitchen knife the cop did what he is trained to do in this situation he had no choice but to shoot her because she was risking someone elses life by trying to stab another woman its unfortunite that this was a white man who shot her because if the shoe was on the other foot trust and believe the black man wouldn't be accused of "killing a young girl" I do not support BLM because they are racially profiling white men kettle calling the kettle black, not every person who carried a gun or a bage is a killer or a racist its funny how black people can be racist to whites and they think its okay its NOT and never will be we are all equal as human beings! Black people are brainwashed & truly believe they were the ONLY BLACK PEOPLE ON EARTH WHO ENDURED SLAVERY, one thing that is true about black slavery black people in America were being enslaved for life, while the protections of whiteness were formalized many races from across the globe was slaves! the majority of people who were transported to the Americas were enslaved by other Africans
Black people aren't ignoring anything, Ma'khia bryant situation is a tragedy to dumbness thats what got her killed, her OWN actions! she was told more than once to put the knife down SHE DID NOT as she tried stabbing the girl next to her with a kitchen knife the cop did what he is trained to do in this situation he had no choice but to shoot her because she was risking someone elses life by trying to stab another woman its unfortunite that this was a white man who shot her because if the shoe was on the other foot trust and believe the black man wouldn't be accused of "killing a young girl" I do not support BLM because they are racially profiling white men kettle calling the kettle black, not every person who carried a gun or a bage is a killer or a racist its funny how black people can be racist to whites and they think its okay its NOT and never will be we are all equal as human beings! Black people are brainwashed & truly believe they were the ONLY BLACK PEOPLE ON EARTH WHO ENDURED SLAVERY, one thing that is true about black slavery black people in America were being enslaved for life, while the protections of whiteness were formalized many races from across the globe was slaves! the majority of people who were transported to the Americas were enslaved by other Africans

"Gov Stats Reveal Child Neglect, Abuse, Maltreatment Is Destroying The Black Community" ~Devils Advocate

Hello, Soul. Are you aware Scientific Medical Research reveals children who THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN experience or witness traumatic events during a critical period of childhood development are at Higher Risk for developing emotional or mental health problems?

Witness Early Brain Child Development SCIENTIST, Dr. Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD, spill the beans to Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victim Oprah Winfrey, offering SCIENTIFIC medical research explaining why children who grow up witnessing or experiencing violence, chaos, uncertainty, inconsistency or neglect are more vulnerable, having much HIGHER RATES OF RISK FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS, much higher rates of risk for doing poorly in school or just functioning in the world:

tupac Nadine Burke Harris.jpg

☮️ EndHate2021
BLM is part of the problem

Black people should be outraged at the phony founders of BLM who abandoned the organization as soon as they got the money and notoriety they desired. They laughed all the way to the bank. You want reparations? Go picket in front of Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi or Patrice Cullors house for your fair share. They got a ton.
Im not in denial if you wanna talk about racism lets talk about it African American's are racist to anyone who's skin is lighter than them this is a FACT!

They feel intimidated by lighter skin complexions Lets talk about the term “******” a term used by rappers and other popular African Americans and black culture they use the name liberally whenever they feel like it! but want to call a caucasian racist if they say the same word!

Lets talk about how a BLACK AFRICAN AMERICAN ACTIVIST of black lives matter resigned after The BLM Foundation told AP in February that it had raised $90m (£63m) amid last year's racial justice protests following the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota.black activists - called for an investigation into whether Ms Cullors had used the organisation's funds to enrich herself. People have reportedly complained the organisation had done nothing to help them meanwhile A BLACK AFRICAN AMERICAN CO FOUNDER OF BLM bought a $1.4m luxury home in Topanga Canyon, near Malibu, and owned three other homes, including a custom ranch in Georgia. DID she help support her own people by using that money to help her community NO she DIDN'T did she purchases homes in BLACK COMMUNITIES NO SHE DIDN'T She now lives in a white neighborhood HOW IRONIC
Actually what you describe in your first couple of paragraphs is called internalized racism. It has nothing to do with darker blacks being intimidated by lighter ones. But that's what racist will say. Light skinned blacks suffer from internalized racism too.

Whites call each other all kinds of things and we don't whine because we can't do it. You've got mental problems.

Let's talk about the effect of racist public policy on blacks instead of you being disingenuous and pretending that Black Lives Matter is the only group representing black people. Because at last check the NAACP and National Urban League were the 2 largest and most resprcted black organizations.

Patrice McCullers has written 7 books and did lectures. But you would know nothing about that.

So yes, you are in denial.
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