I feel like my Demise is not far off

Sturge Weber Syndrome is a genetic but non-hereditary neurological birth defect. Iā€™ve had it since I was born in 1974. I was fully diagnosed at age 4 in 1978 when I had a trio of seizures and a cat scan identified the calcium deposits in my brain.

I was on Phenobarbital from 1978-1985, when my parents decided to try removing me from the medicine since I hadnā€™t had another seizure and the medication was stunting my growth pattern.

I never had another recognized seizure until October of 2013 (39 years old). I was put back on medication and will be on it for life. I had another major incident in February of 2020 that caused my migraines to finally be diagnosed and my medication increased. Weā€™ve been good since then.

The initial limits on my activities started in 2013 and the full ban on most of my activities occurred in 2020 (45 years old).
Very sad news
I did KRav MAga for a few years and it was fun with the palm strikes, eye pokes, elbows and 7 elbow strikes
Itā€™s fun but more importantly itā€™s USEFUL. It has actual real world applications thst many martial arts donā€™t. Additionally, I enjoyed the lack of psycho-babble zen bs thst you get with many martial arts.
I see doctor next Friday

I am open to
Drugs , surgery and even chiropractic
I see doctor next Friday

I am open to
Drugs , surgery and even chiropractic

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