I figured out why Biden wears a mask MOST of the time..

That fucking idiot wears a mask to cover up the stammering and the mumbling. The mask gives the communist politburo an excuse for the incoherent drivel that comes from that drooling fucktard.... "well, it's the mask!".... well, no it's actually a hardcore racist with a mild case of pedophilia that is falling apart in front of the entire planet. Thanks Dominion!!
But can you believe it, this weak incoherent Democrat candidate beat the 2nd coming of Christ by a landslide of epic proportions. Trump got slaughtered and because of him the Democrats also scored the Senate. I sure hope Trump does run in 2024 as President Biden will kick his ass by a larger margin than he did in 2020! Bigly!!!
That's exactly the point. How did a dumbfuck like you stumble on it?

Most of the planet knows your stuttering fuck lost the election by "a landslide of epic proportions" (your words). President Trump mopped the floor with it. Not only did President Trump win all the swing states, but also ME, VA and NH. Somehow you got left behind. Imagine that.
Our President is trying to lead by example.

Something his predecessor refused to do.

What's the "example"? He lied about getting vaccinated, or he doesn't believe that it works?
Biden proudly showed himself being vaccinated for all to see.

Trump snuck off to get himself and his call girl vaccinated. Forbid any photos

Biden leads by example

Once again, is the "example" that the vaccine doesn't work, and masks are still required?
The EXAMPLE is we are not out of the woods yet
Too early to run a victory lap.

Trump was disdaining masks while hundreds of thousands were dying

The CDC says vaccinated people do not need to wear masks outdoors. So does Biden believe the vaccine doesn't work, and the CDC should be ignored? Joe Biden is anti-science.

Look everyone!
Our President wears a mask to protect others

Maybe I should too

So he believes he can still transmit the virus despite being fully vaccinated, contradicting the CDC's findings? Once again, the science denial from Biden is stunning! He is anti-vaxx and anti-science.

CDC recommends still wearing masks in spite of being vaccinated

Too early to declare victory

Trump declared “Mission Accomplished” a year ago

Joe Biden is anti-vaxx and anti-science.

CDC: You can gather or conduct activities outdoors without wearing a mask except in certain crowded settings and venues. (which this was NOT)

Better to wear a mask and have it not be needed than refuse to wear one and spread a deadly disease

Have you been vaccinated?

He can't spread the disease if he's been vaccinated!!! Unless, of course, he's an anti-vaxxer and doesn't believe the CDC. Is that it?
Have you been vaccinated?
Hundreds of million have

You dodged my question. Why does Biden (and you) believe he can spread the virus after he's been fully vaccinated? That is an anti-vaxx and anti-science position. If that's what you believe, you're a backwards idiot.
Have you been vaccinated?

That is the real issue in this country

I'll answer your question when you answer the one I asked first:

Why does Biden (and you) believe he can spread the virus after he's been fully vaccinated?

Already answered several times
Biden is wearing a mask to set an example
He is also vaccinated

Are you?
Our President is trying to lead by example.

Something his predecessor refused to do.

What's the "example"? He lied about getting vaccinated, or he doesn't believe that it works?
Biden proudly showed himself being vaccinated for all to see.

Trump snuck off to get himself and his call girl vaccinated. Forbid any photos

Biden leads by example

Once again, is the "example" that the vaccine doesn't work, and masks are still required?
The EXAMPLE is we are not out of the woods yet
Too early to run a victory lap.

Trump was disdaining masks while hundreds of thousands were dying

The CDC says vaccinated people do not need to wear masks outdoors. So does Biden believe the vaccine doesn't work, and the CDC should be ignored? Joe Biden is anti-science.

Look everyone!
Our President wears a mask to protect others

Maybe I should too

So he believes he can still transmit the virus despite being fully vaccinated, contradicting the CDC's findings? Once again, the science denial from Biden is stunning! He is anti-vaxx and anti-science.

Biden is wearing a mask for theatrical purposes, nothing more. No different than the make up he wears to hide his age spots.

Leading by example until COVID is licked
Keep wearing your mask, slave......The prog masters demand you comply.

I am vaccinated and wear a mask in tight circumstances.
Do you?
No, i havent worn a mask since Dr. Fauxi was caught at the Nationals game, without using his mask. Guess what? My immune system rocks against the Kung Flu, i have flown to Californication, drove to Texas and back, and still that little fucker just doesnt want to take me on. Are you such a pussy that you would die from the Chinese Virus? Are you a pajama boy slave?

Had to fight against Socialists...........Can't fight against the Kung Flu...
That fucking idiot wears a mask to cover up the stammering and the mumbling. The mask gives the communist politburo an excuse for the incoherent drivel that comes from that drooling fucktard.... "well, it's the mask!".... well, no it's actually a hardcore racist with a mild case of pedophilia that is falling apart in front of the entire planet. Thanks Dominion!!
But can you believe it, this weak incoherent Democrat candidate beat the 2nd coming of Christ by a landslide of epic proportions. Trump got slaughtered and because of him the Democrats also scored the Senate. I sure hope Trump does run in 2024 as President Biden will kick his ass by a larger margin than he did in 2020! Bigly!!!
Only if he's allowed to cheat like he did in this election.
Our President is trying to lead by example.

Something his predecessor refused to do.
Well he certainly is a lonely leader as this photo shows he also is a very illogical person.
I mean the "SCIENCE" says if you are using video teleconferencing and you are sitting by yourself, how would you
get COVID? The entire area was disinfected. Why then when most logical thinking people seeing the below photo
are wondering What the hell is Biden doing??? The ONLY world leader wearing a mask. Evidently doesn't believe the Science!!!View attachment 485704
You want to follow Putin’s example?
If Putin is "following the science" which is Biden's false claim, why not follow the science?
Keep 6 feet, when indoors were the mask if you aren't with the same people everyday...i.e. your family.
Our President is trying to lead by example.

Something his predecessor refused to do.

What's the "example"? He lied about getting vaccinated, or he doesn't believe that it works?
Biden proudly showed himself being vaccinated for all to see.

Trump snuck off to get himself and his call girl vaccinated. Forbid any photos

Biden leads by example

Once again, is the "example" that the vaccine doesn't work, and masks are still required?
The EXAMPLE is we are not out of the woods yet
Too early to run a victory lap.

Trump was disdaining masks while hundreds of thousands were dying

The CDC says vaccinated people do not need to wear masks outdoors. So does Biden believe the vaccine doesn't work, and the CDC should be ignored? Joe Biden is anti-science.

Look everyone!
Our President wears a mask to protect others

Maybe I should too

So he believes he can still transmit the virus despite being fully vaccinated, contradicting the CDC's findings? Once again, the science denial from Biden is stunning! He is anti-vaxx and anti-science.

CDC recommends still wearing masks in spite of being vaccinated

Too early to declare victory

Trump declared “Mission Accomplished” a year ago

Joe Biden is anti-vaxx and anti-science.

CDC: You can gather or conduct activities outdoors without wearing a mask except in certain crowded settings and venues. (which this was NOT)

Better to wear a mask and have it not be needed than refuse to wear one and spread a deadly disease

Have you been vaccinated?

He can't spread the disease if he's been vaccinated!!! Unless, of course, he's an anti-vaxxer and doesn't believe the CDC. Is that it?
Have you been vaccinated?
Hundreds of million have

You dodged my question. Why does Biden (and you) believe he can spread the virus after he's been fully vaccinated? That is an anti-vaxx and anti-science position. If that's what you believe, you're a backwards idiot.
Have you been vaccinated?

That is the real issue in this country

I'll answer your question when you answer the one I asked first:

Why does Biden (and you) believe he can spread the virus after he's been fully vaccinated?

Already answered several times
Biden is wearing a mask to set an example
He is also vaccinated

Are you?

And once again, what is the example he's setting? That the vaccine doesn't work? Why is he ignoring the CDC's recommendations?
Our President is trying to lead by example.

Something his predecessor refused to do.

What's the "example"? He lied about getting vaccinated, or he doesn't believe that it works?
Biden proudly showed himself being vaccinated for all to see.

Trump snuck off to get himself and his call girl vaccinated. Forbid any photos

Biden leads by example

Once again, is the "example" that the vaccine doesn't work, and masks are still required?
The EXAMPLE is we are not out of the woods yet
Too early to run a victory lap.

Trump was disdaining masks while hundreds of thousands were dying

The CDC says vaccinated people do not need to wear masks outdoors. So does Biden believe the vaccine doesn't work, and the CDC should be ignored? Joe Biden is anti-science.

Look everyone!
Our President wears a mask to protect others

Maybe I should too

So he believes he can still transmit the virus despite being fully vaccinated, contradicting the CDC's findings? Once again, the science denial from Biden is stunning! He is anti-vaxx and anti-science.

CDC recommends still wearing masks in spite of being vaccinated

Too early to declare victory

Trump declared “Mission Accomplished” a year ago

Joe Biden is anti-vaxx and anti-science.

CDC: You can gather or conduct activities outdoors without wearing a mask except in certain crowded settings and venues. (which this was NOT)

Better to wear a mask and have it not be needed than refuse to wear one and spread a deadly disease

Have you been vaccinated?

He can't spread the disease if he's been vaccinated!!! Unless, of course, he's an anti-vaxxer and doesn't believe the CDC. Is that it?
Have you been vaccinated?
Hundreds of million have

You dodged my question. Why does Biden (and you) believe he can spread the virus after he's been fully vaccinated? That is an anti-vaxx and anti-science position. If that's what you believe, you're a backwards idiot.
Have you been vaccinated?

That is the real issue in this country

I'll answer your question when you answer the one I asked first:

Why does Biden (and you) believe he can spread the virus after he's been fully vaccinated?

Already answered several times
Biden is wearing a mask to set an example
He is also vaccinated

Are you?

And once again, what is the example he's setting? That the vaccine doesn't work? Why is he ignoring the CDC's recommendations?

The example he is setting is that even the President of the US is willing to wear a mask during a global pandemic

So are you vaccinated or not?
Why are you afraid to answer?
Why do Conservatives whine so much about wearing a mask?
Is it because Trump told you to?

It s no big deal
Put it on when you are around other people, you can take it off when you are not.

Do it till the pandemic is over
Our President is trying to lead by example.

Something his predecessor refused to do.

What's the "example"? He lied about getting vaccinated, or he doesn't believe that it works?
Biden proudly showed himself being vaccinated for all to see.

Trump snuck off to get himself and his call girl vaccinated. Forbid any photos

Biden leads by example

Once again, is the "example" that the vaccine doesn't work, and masks are still required?
The EXAMPLE is we are not out of the woods yet
Too early to run a victory lap.

Trump was disdaining masks while hundreds of thousands were dying

The CDC says vaccinated people do not need to wear masks outdoors. So does Biden believe the vaccine doesn't work, and the CDC should be ignored? Joe Biden is anti-science.

Look everyone!
Our President wears a mask to protect others

Maybe I should too

So he believes he can still transmit the virus despite being fully vaccinated, contradicting the CDC's findings? Once again, the science denial from Biden is stunning! He is anti-vaxx and anti-science.

CDC recommends still wearing masks in spite of being vaccinated

Too early to declare victory

Trump declared “Mission Accomplished” a year ago

Joe Biden is anti-vaxx and anti-science.

CDC: You can gather or conduct activities outdoors without wearing a mask except in certain crowded settings and venues. (which this was NOT)

Better to wear a mask and have it not be needed than refuse to wear one and spread a deadly disease

Have you been vaccinated?

He can't spread the disease if he's been vaccinated!!! Unless, of course, he's an anti-vaxxer and doesn't believe the CDC. Is that it?
Have you been vaccinated?
Hundreds of million have

You dodged my question. Why does Biden (and you) believe he can spread the virus after he's been fully vaccinated? That is an anti-vaxx and anti-science position. If that's what you believe, you're a backwards idiot.
Have you been vaccinated?

That is the real issue in this country

I'll answer your question when you answer the one I asked first:

Why does Biden (and you) believe he can spread the virus after he's been fully vaccinated?

Already answered several times
Biden is wearing a mask to set an example
He is also vaccinated

Are you?

And once again, what is the example he's setting? That the vaccine doesn't work? Why is he ignoring the CDC's recommendations?

The example he is setting is that even the President of the US is willing to wear a mask during a global pandemic

So are you vaccinated or not?
Why are you afraid to answer?

But why is he ignoring the CDC guidance? Is it because he doesn't think the vaccine works? He's anti-vaxx and anti-science.
Our President is trying to lead by example.

Something his predecessor refused to do.

What's the "example"? He lied about getting vaccinated, or he doesn't believe that it works?
Biden proudly showed himself being vaccinated for all to see.

Trump snuck off to get himself and his call girl vaccinated. Forbid any photos

Biden leads by example

Once again, is the "example" that the vaccine doesn't work, and masks are still required?
The EXAMPLE is we are not out of the woods yet
Too early to run a victory lap.

Trump was disdaining masks while hundreds of thousands were dying

The CDC says vaccinated people do not need to wear masks outdoors. So does Biden believe the vaccine doesn't work, and the CDC should be ignored? Joe Biden is anti-science.

Look everyone!
Our President wears a mask to protect others

Maybe I should too

So he believes he can still transmit the virus despite being fully vaccinated, contradicting the CDC's findings? Once again, the science denial from Biden is stunning! He is anti-vaxx and anti-science.

CDC recommends still wearing masks in spite of being vaccinated

Too early to declare victory

Trump declared “Mission Accomplished” a year ago

Joe Biden is anti-vaxx and anti-science.

CDC: You can gather or conduct activities outdoors without wearing a mask except in certain crowded settings and venues. (which this was NOT)

Better to wear a mask and have it not be needed than refuse to wear one and spread a deadly disease

Have you been vaccinated?

He can't spread the disease if he's been vaccinated!!! Unless, of course, he's an anti-vaxxer and doesn't believe the CDC. Is that it?
Have you been vaccinated?
Hundreds of million have

You dodged my question. Why does Biden (and you) believe he can spread the virus after he's been fully vaccinated? That is an anti-vaxx and anti-science position. If that's what you believe, you're a backwards idiot.
Have you been vaccinated?

That is the real issue in this country

I'll answer your question when you answer the one I asked first:

Why does Biden (and you) believe he can spread the virus after he's been fully vaccinated?

Already answered several times
Biden is wearing a mask to set an example
He is also vaccinated

Are you?

And once again, what is the example he's setting? That the vaccine doesn't work? Why is he ignoring the CDC's recommendations?

The example he is setting is that even the President of the US is willing to wear a mask during a global pandemic

So are you vaccinated or not?
Why are you afraid to answer?

But why is he ignoring the CDC guidance? Is it because he doesn't think the vaccine works? He's anti-vaxx and anti-science.

Are you vaccinated or not?

If not, what are you afraid of?
Let's face it....the Cretin in Chief is the laughingstock of the whole world.
Probably something to do with those pesky scientists at the CDC recommending the wearing of masks by vaccinated individuals to help prevent them spreading the disease to others.

Someone would have to be an extremely poor leader to disregard the recommendations coming from his/her own subordinate organization (in this case the CDC falling under the authority of the Executive Branch).
Who was around him? I see no one at least in 6 feet! NOT one person. So who would he spread it to?


It's all for show! such hypocrites! :mad-61:
Probably something to do with those pesky scientists at the CDC recommending the wearing of masks by vaccinated individuals to help prevent them spreading the disease to others.

Someone would have to be an extremely poor leader to disregard the recommendations coming from his/her own subordinate organization (in this case the CDC falling under the authority of the Executive Branch).
The CDC said there's no need to wear a mask outside if you are vaccinated and they also said there's no need for a mask on zoom meetings.
So, he's contradicting the CDC guidelines.
I guess you missed the whole LEADERSHIP point.

I’m not a fan of Joe Biden, however his behavior relative to setting an example on this point is exactly what one would expect of a leader (I.e. lead by example), to do otherwise would be to undermine his own subordinates.
Probably something to do with those pesky scientists at the CDC recommending the wearing of masks by vaccinated individuals to help prevent them spreading the disease to others.

Someone would have to be an extremely poor leader to disregard the recommendations coming from his/her own subordinate organization (in this case the CDC falling under the authority of the Executive Branch).
Yes, because disease spreads through remote connections like virtual conferences.
Our President is trying to lead by example.

Something his predecessor refused to do.

What's the "example"? He lied about getting vaccinated, or he doesn't believe that it works?
Biden proudly showed himself being vaccinated for all to see.

Trump snuck off to get himself and his call girl vaccinated. Forbid any photos

Biden leads by example

Lord................The only reason Dementia Joe wears a mask is because he has forgotten that he has it on..........
Probably something to do with those pesky scientists at the CDC recommending the wearing of masks by vaccinated individuals to help prevent them spreading the disease to others.

Someone would have to be an extremely poor leader to disregard the recommendations coming from his/her own subordinate organization (in this case the CDC falling under the authority of the Executive Branch).
Yes, because disease spreads through remote connections like virtual conferences.
That's an interesting theory, have run that one past anyone with a background in epidemiology ? :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, back in reality, rumor has it that more than one individual may be present traveling to and attending a site from which a virtual conference takes place.

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