I Got a Job Again!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Thank God, and Trump is back in my good graces.

I am sure he will be glad to hear that (got it NSA?)
Good deal man.
Since you are back at it, come clean up my walkway

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Congrats! Whatcha be doin???
PL/SQL maintenance on a Oracle DB, as I have done for 20+ years now.

It will be on a Unix system, which is unusual for me, but it shouldnt be all that much a factor. I will bone up on my Unix though.

Hey, good for you!

Unix? Master/slave system and all that? I haven't heard that in years, but I'm sure they've kept up with upgrades
So what, did Trump get the INS to kick out some H-1B's so your skills would be in demand?
So what, did Trump get the INS to kick out some H-1B's so your skills would be in demand?

Really? You can't just be glad for the guy without bitching? :ahole-1:
Oh, I am happy for him, overjoyed.

I was just wondering how he connected this to Trump.

I know he blamed H1-B's for drying up his job opportunities, and he also blamed Obama for doing a shitty job of managing the economy. So I was just curious as to which aspect of Trump's leadership he more attributed the job to.

It really was, just an honest inquiry.

Since Trump was elected, I have had no less than three chronically unemployed friends land work, I shit you not.

I am, really, over joyed. It's wonderful news, and it is happening all around the nation, it really is. It is amazing.

Folks really under estimate the joys of being a productive and useful member of society.
Thank God, and Trump is back in my good graces.

I am sure he will be glad to hear that (got it NSA?)
while in there, maybe you can find those missing emails of Lois Lerner(IRS), Hitlery CLinton(State Dept), Loretta Lynch(DOJ) and FBI. Seems that in Obama's admin those incompetent agencies misplaced them while your agency was mining data so has it backed up somewhere...
So what, did Trump get the INS to kick out some H-1B's so your skills would be in demand?

Really? You can't just be glad for the guy without bitching? :ahole-1:
Well now that DACA and the DREAMERS are going to be kicked up, because Sell out Schumer wont have the wall funded, seems that those illegals who have overstayed are on their way out, and more US citizens will be back to work. More of the Obama legacy is crumbling down around the feet of Chuckie who is such a coward and hates his own people....
Good work, Jim--that was a long time coming and I'm sure it was tough.
It's great to see perseverance pay off--for you and I'm sure for the employer, as well. You have a lot of experience to bring them.

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