Compilation of CNN debate moderator Jake Tapper comparing Trump to Hitler.

Just timing. Trump is on record saying he doesnt support Ukraine and thinks they should just give up to Putin. Trump emboldened Putin for 4 years. You cant sit around and not listen to what Trump actually says about Ukraine. Ridiculous.
Timing? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Just timing. Trump is on record saying he doesnt support Ukraine and thinks they should just give up to Putin. Trump emboldened Putin for 4 years. You cant sit around and not listen to what Trump actually says about Ukraine. Ridiculous.
I support Ukraine. Biden does not. How to tell? Biden would have enormously armed them had he supported them. Biden would not dictate where they could use the weapons had he supported them. Biden prolonged it is the simple fact.
I support Ukraine. Biden does not. How to tell? Biden would have enormously armed them had he supported them. Biden would not dictate where they could use the weapons had he supported them. Biden prolonged it is the simple fact.
It is touchy. I get it. If we had armed them faster theyd be better off but most people expected them to fall fast. After that didnt happen arming Ukraine became much more palatable. Shit, Joe had to drag the commie GOP kicking and screaming into the last funding bill for Ukraine.
If we had armed them faster theyd be better off but most people expected them to fall fast.
Trump would have armed them much faster were he president. But Trump has no choice but to deal with how we Americans now feel about the mess Biden made for us to solve. We will solve it. I know Trump would have armed them since he poured M-2 Tanks into Poland in case Russia attacked. Trump has said over and over he was much tougher on Putin than Biden has been. Believe Trump. He told the truth. Biden could have poured into Ukraine the tanks Trump put there. But he goofed off.
Trump would have armed them much faster were he president. But Trump has no choice but to deal with how we Americans now feel about the mess Biden made for us to solve. We will solve it. I know Trump would have armed them since he poured M-2 Tanks into Poland in case Russia attacked. Trump has said over and over he was much tougher on Putin than Biden has been. Believe Trump. He told the truth. Biden could have poured into Ukraine the tanks Trump put there. But he goofed off.
You’re crazy. Trump wanted to abandon them.
You’re crazy. Trump wanted to abandon them.
Not what Trump said to Poland.
And now it is my honor to introduce to you my husband, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. (Applause.)

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much. That’s so nice. The United States has many great diplomats, but there is truly no better ambassador for our country than our beautiful First Lady, Melania. Thank you, Melania. That was very nice. (Applause.)

We’ve come to your nation to deliver a very important message: America loves Poland, and America loves the Polish people. (Applause.) Thank you.

The Poles have not only greatly enriched this region, but Polish-Americans have also greatly enriched the United States, and I was truly proud to have their support in the 2016 election. (Applause.)

It is a profound honor to stand in this city, by this monument to the Warsaw Uprising, and to address the Polish nation that so many generations have dreamed of: a Poland that is safe, strong, and free. (Applause.)

President Duda and your wonderful First Lady, Agata, have welcomed us with the tremendous warmth and kindness for which Poland is known around the world. Thank you. (Applause.) My sincere — and I mean sincerely thank both of them. And to Prime Minister Syzdlo, a very special thanks also. (Applause.)

We are also pleased that former President Lech Walesa, so famous for leading the Solidarity Movement, has joined us today, also. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

On behalf of all Americans, let me also thank the entire Polish people for the generosity you have shown in welcoming our soldiers to your country. These soldiers are not only brave defenders of freedom, but also symbols of America’s commitment to your security and your place in a strong and democratic Europe.

We are proudly joined on stage by American, Polish, British, and Romanian soldiers. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you. Great job.

President Duda and I have just come from an incredibly successful meeting with the leaders participating in the Three Seas Initiative. To the citizens of this great region, America is eager to expand our partnership with you. We welcome stronger ties of trade and commerce as you grow your economies. And we are committed to securing your access to alternate sources of energy, so Poland and its neighbors are never again held hostage to a single supplier of energy. (Applause.)

Mr. President, I congratulate you, along with the President of Croatia, on your leadership of this historic Three Seas Initiative. Thank you. (Applause.)

This is my first visit to Central Europe as President, and I am thrilled that it could be right here at this magnificent, beautiful piece of land. It is beautiful. (Applause.) Poland is the geographic heart of Europe, but more importantly, in the Polish people, we see the soul of Europe. Your nation is great because your spirit is great and your spirit is strong. (Applause.)
But I'm sure he isn't biased. I wonder how Democrats on this board and elsewhere would feel if for the second debate Trump got to make all the rules and pick the moderators.

I'm sure they would be good with that, right?

I was reading earlier about John Berman from CNN defending Vivek Ramaswamy's attacks on moderators Tapper and Bash, saying, “Look, every aspect of this debate was agreed to by the Trump campaign. And, you know, Jake and Dana are award-winning journalists who are relentlessly fair". It made me laugh out loud. Relentlessly fair, huh? Comparing Trump to Hitler 47 times is relentlessly fair?

Was the only way they could get Biden to show.

No crowd.
2 Dick Heads asking Get Trump Questions.
Pre set questions that a team is training the Veggie to answer.

Useless. And Biden still might not be able to HANDLE IT.

Was the only way they could get Biden to show.

No crowd.
2 Dick Heads asking Get Trump Questions.
Pre set questions that a team is training the Veggie to answer.

Useless. And Biden still might not be able to HANDLE IT.

So Trump is a shit negotiator. Noted.
I mean this is the best the left have to offer. A Senile old Money Lauderer. Followed by a HO.

Only way for a debate is to make it stacked for the Veggie with 2 KNOWN TRUMP HATERS.

And even then they dont know if the drugs will keep the Veggie going for 90 minute rehearsed show

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