I got just one question...what are we expecting to find from the Hillary texts?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
One thing is certain, the GOP are salivating over the prospect of Hillary having her version of the Nixon tapes....that is certain...Nixon had watergate and clearly there was something there....BUT WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE EXPECTING FROM THESE TAPES.....JUST ASKIN????????
One thing is certain, the GOP are salivating over the prospect of Hillary having her version of the Nixon tapes....that is certain...Nixon had watergate and clearly there was something there....BUT WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE EXPECTING FROM THESE TAPES.....JUST ASKIN????????

I guess you have not been folowing the story all that much...
But what is the big deal behind this, other than her violating security measures??? I mean, I don't get the big deal in all this.
One thing is certain, the GOP are salivating over the prospect of Hillary having her version of the Nixon tapes....that is certain...Nixon had watergate and clearly there was something there....BUT WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE EXPECTING FROM THESE TAPES.....JUST ASKIN????????

I guess you have not been folowing the story all that much...

Actually I have been following the story and other than wanting to find some secret email of her plotting the Benganzi mess, I still don't get the effin big deal in all this.
Hillary: I had no idea these e mails were classified......
Everyone else: That's the reason why we wanted you to use a secured server....Duh!
Hillary:Go fuck yourself.Do you have any idea who the fuck you're talking to.I can do whatever the fuck I want.Do you have any idea how many low information voters are lining up to vote for me.....
Everyone else:.... Urgh!
Nancy Pelosi told me to tell you that you have to wait for the indictment to find out what's in it!
Will Hillary be treated fairly?
That is to say.Will she be treated like she was someone other then Hillary Clinton.
One thing is certain, the GOP are salivating over the prospect of Hillary having her version of the Nixon tapes....that is certain...Nixon had watergate and clearly there was something there....BUT WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE EXPECTING FROM THESE TAPES.....JUST ASKIN????????

Nancy Pelosi told me to tell you that you have to wait for the indictment to find out what's in it!

Like waiting for Obama care? Still waiting for what that all involved. No doctor, insurance or tax filer seem to actually know. Even after the fact they are still scratching their heads.
Looking for a final number so they know how many counts to charge her with.
One thing is certain, the GOP are salivating over the prospect of Hillary having her version of the Nixon tapes....that is certain...Nixon had watergate and clearly there was something there....BUT WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE EXPECTING FROM THESE TAPES.....JUST ASKIN????????

Lets see, some Yoga positions, cake sampling appointment, google maps of government interest, grammy burping little what's his name, ETA of gun shipment arrivals to Islam terrorists, order to Kentucky Fried Chicken, plans to land a drone in Iran, google search-how to wipe a server squeaky clean......
Once classified or secret information is discovered it doesn't matter what the information is, she mishandled it. That's a felony.

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