Zone1 I had a unique dream, so compelling that I believe it came from the Lord.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I've had sime intense dreams but none like this. Woke up in the middle of the night and it influenced my actions. Gotta have Faith.
I was hoping othrs would have a perceived similar experience. No need to share
People are willing. Oh, you will get those atheists who will spew out some stupid thing about chemical in the brains. But, those of us who have had spiritual events in our lives know better. Even if we can't explain it to their secular empirical likings. I really liked the ending of the movie "Contact." She knew she had been on an 18 hour trip through wormholes but had no way of explaining it to the naysayers. However, the creep government guy knew it really was true because there was than 18 hours of static that the camera had on it. Why did they hide that little fact from the proceedings? I believe most atheists know what we talk about when we have these events in our lives. But, they want to hide it for a variety of reasons. Usually to hide some things they did that they aren't proud of.
I u/stand.

I had a very very strange dream the other night and it still haunts me (or at least when I think about it)

I think it was a dream about Hell itself.. although it .. the scenes didn't look like the images of Hell I've heard about from saints.. but it seems God helped me interpret the dream...

I also don't want to talk about it because... not sure why. I guess people would think I am totally NUTs to have a dream like that, and I wouldn't blame them one bit. It was probably the strangest dream I've ever had.

I wasn't thinking of anything remotely like .. the stuff in that dream before falling asleep

I'll just say this: it SEEMS (can't prove but it seems) the dream was about someone I know who appears to be on the way to Hell (though I am far from knowing this person well).. maybe thinks about repenting here and there (God knows) but decides not to... (in the dream).

I read this dream analysis book years ago and the author said that when you dream about certain people, it's really not a dream about those people but others... If you dream that you are doing this or that, the dream may be about someone else you know, not you.

I think some dreams mean something... are maybe God trying to tell you something... and others are just... the brain working while asleep to figure things out... That dream was in the category of the former, I am 99% certain..
i think when they are very different from... what we normally think about .. and are super strange or super-whatever... they are from God..


Sometimes dreams are so beautiful you never want to wake up......and sometimes the nightmares seem so real it's truly frightening.

It's all in the mind! LOL
Sometimes dreams are so beautiful you never want to wake up......and sometimes the nightmares seem so real it's truly frightening.

It's all in the mind! LOL

But I just cannot believe the dream i had a few nights ago (written about a few posts above) was not from God... it's possible I put too much emphasis on the way God seemed to help me interpret it but I don't know... I didn't even set out to interpret it but had decided to write about it just because it was so strange... a habit I have when trying to figure things out.. and found myself interpreting it or letting God do that for me.

again, I'm 99% sure it was from God
I've had sime intense dreams but none like this. Woke up in the middle of the night and it influenced my actions. Gotta have Faith.

might imply not a pleasant one if it woke you up ... "gotta have faith" - a warning of some kind ... from mr big.

- too bad it's a secret.
So much for this thread. Let us know when you are going to share your dream and we may come back and visit with you...
He is in love with telling as many as possible and as often as possible about himself , his trials and tribulations and how unfair and unjust everything is .
A truly narcissistic individual constantly seeking attention.
According to my files, we should get a headaches and depression update very soon .
He is in love with telling as many as possible and as often as possible about himself , his trials and tribulations and how unfair and unjust everything is .
A truly narcissistic individual constantly seeking attention.
According to my files, we should get a headaches and depression update very soon .
I had a headache last night and I've suffered from depression since I was a kid. You are a regular Nostrodaumus banana, or should we call you Luiza?...
I had a headache last night and I've suffered from depression since I was a kid. You are a regular Nostrodaumus banana, or should we call you Luiza?...
i know someone like that poster... calls every other person in his life a narcissist

of course if 'everyone' is, no one is... or maybe everyone is... Either way, the word becomes meaningless

and indeed everyone is a narcissist to one extent or another... oh freaking well...

the word really doesn't mean anything (except when it is used for people like... say... A-damn Schifty... He really seems to be a narcissist... always manages to find a news camera, even when the press has gone home for the evening..

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