Zone1 I was asked what my religion was, I told them "I'm a Christian". Was I lying?

To quote Ruth, "your people shall be my people".

It is a long process, but I believe firmly in G-d and what he wished for our species. We are so far removed today and some of us have to stand up when others won't.
Why? It weren't I who introduced the term. I was responding to the one who did. If you'd have been following the dialogue you'd know that but you didn't so you don't.
I am following the thread. Im still responding to YOUR statement

It IS YHVH, not Jehovah
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  • "Jehovah" at Exodus 6:3 (King James Version) Jehovah (/ dʒ ɪ ˈ h oʊ v ə /) is a Latinization of the Hebrew יְהֹוָה ‎ Yəhōwā, one vocalization of the Tetragrammaton יהוה ‎ (YHWH), the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament.
It wasn't intentional but, I wear a cross with the star of David connected to it. I consider myself a Noahide and I have been listening to ministers, priests and rabbis on and off for a number of years. I was first interested in Judaism well before 2010.

The last year I have been clearly pulled in one direction. Even in the most profound dream I have ever had and I am NOT one who usually believes in ghosts, psychics and messages in dreams, but I cannot deny this dream that came out of left field and in which I have a visceral reaction during it (it was short but powerful).

I was awoken by the dream and I still remember it vividly. My focus has been on G-d, as much as some in my country try to pull me away from him through the experiences I have suffered from here; I do not pray to a prophet and I don't view Jesus as I once did. My belief in trying to follow 613 mitzvahs as best I can, even openly praising my brother for instance for visiting someone in a hospital telling him that it was very important and that in some religions they believe that is a critical role to comfort others when they are ill.

So, the context of when I was asked this question isn't important but someone asked me if I was Christian. I answered yes as they were referencing my cross. I wasn't uncomfortable per se though I felt I was lying, I was trying to avoid further discomfort as I really didn't know this person well and I didn't want to get into a discussion of Noahide and the seven laws, my broader beliefs etc.

It is a difficult position as I am not Jewish, it doesn't work that way. I am Christian by baptism and following our Ten Commandments, but I am not really Christian either.

Therefore, how would I answer such a question? It is ingrained in me to wear a symbol of faith, though it is a mixed one because I have not converted yet still believe deeply in G-d as imperfect as I have been of late. Even if I didn't wear a cross, the question if asked would still remain as complicated for me to answer.

Thank you for your time.
If you believe Jesus Christ is the son of God who died on the cross for the sins of the world, including yours, then you are a Christian.

You don't have to be perfect to be a Christian. Only Jesus was a perfect man. All you have to do is believe (John 3:16 - what I said above) and that is enough.

If you told someone you are a Christian and you know you aren't, then that is between you and God.
Yes, it's true. We must know who we are speaking with and if they have an underlying agenda or not. I mean, your OP intro is very well thought-out and presented, but ........ how often do you meet someone who understands and can appreciate your honesty? I am an Agnostic and I am so tired of trying to explain it to people who aren't listening that I don't bother trying anymore. I just tell them it's none of their business, although not in those exact words.
Best just to say you're a Satan worshipper. That should stop an awful lot of bullshit...
When, dear brother in Christ? Perhaps helps some religious education.

It is almost certain that Jesus turned the other cheek to his tormenters when they struck him on the face.

63 "And the men that held Jesus mocked him, and smote him.

64 And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?"
It is almost certain that Jesus turned the other cheek to his tormenters ...

This makes no sense. A torturer wil anyway torture you with or without a paradox intervention as it is "to turn the other cheek". No tortured person on her own will be able to stop in such a case this aggressive behavior with such a method.
Best just to say you're a Satan worshipper. That should stop an awful lot of bullshit...
That's a good tactic. I used to do that with bible bashers who knocked on my door. "I'm a devout Buddhist" I'd say. They had no come-back for that and I flatly refused to accept their little pamphlet. If they had pushed the issue I could have told them they were disrespecting my faith but it never came to that.
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It wasn't intentional but, I wear a cross with the star of David connected to it. I consider myself a Noahide and I have been listening to ministers, priests and rabbis on and off for a number of years. I was first interested in Judaism well before 2010.

The last year I have been clearly pulled in one direction. Even in the most profound dream I have ever had and I am NOT one who usually believes in ghosts, psychics and messages in dreams, but I cannot deny this dream that came out of left field and in which I have a visceral reaction during it (it was short but powerful).

I was awoken by the dream and I still remember it vividly. My focus has been on G-d, as much as some in my country try to pull me away from him through the experiences I have suffered from here; I do not pray to a prophet and I don't view Jesus as I once did. My belief in trying to follow 613 mitzvahs as best I can, even openly praising my brother for instance for visiting someone in a hospital telling him that it was very important and that in some religions they believe that is a critical role to comfort others when they are ill.

So, the context of when I was asked this question isn't important but someone asked me if I was Christian. I answered yes as they were referencing my cross. I wasn't uncomfortable per se though I felt I was lying, I was trying to avoid further discomfort as I really didn't know this person well and I didn't want to get into a discussion of Noahide and the seven laws, my broader beliefs etc.

It is a difficult position as I am not Jewish, it doesn't work that way. I am Christian by baptism and following our Ten Commandments, but I am not really Christian either.

Therefore, how would I answer such a question? It is ingrained in me to wear a symbol of faith, though it is a mixed one because I have not converted yet still believe deeply in G-d as imperfect as I have been of late. Even if I didn't wear a cross, the question if asked would still remain as complicated for me to answer.

Thank you for your time.
Anyone can be of any philosophy or faith/denomination,
then add faith in Christ to that to fulfill that path or discipline.

When Jews accept Jesus as fulfilling the Torah, they might call
themselves Messianic Jews or Jewish-Christian.

Buddhists can also believe in Jesus and be Buddhist-Christian.

You are probably your own denomination of Christianity.

Jesus represents the Universal Authority of Justice, which is going
to fulfill both the Natural Laws that secular gentiles, humanists, Buddhists
and other nontheists relate to for universal laws or truth;
as well as the Scriptural laws of the Jews Christians and Muslims and those branches.

So whatever you use to define your laws or philosophy in life,
Jesus represents embodying and living by Justice
and the Holy Spirit represents the Peace and Comfort that follows from that.

Adopting or adding faith in Christ merely helps to fulfill the path and purpose that you take in life.
Regardless what terms or principles you use to express your standards or philosophy/ideology.
This makes no sense. A torturer wil anyway torture you with or without a paradox intervention as it is "to turn the other cheek". No tortured person on her own will be able to stop in such a case this aggressive behavior with such a method.
Jesus said,

"But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."

Whosoever means anyone, which would include his captors.
Jesus said,

"But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."

Whosoever means anyone, which would include his captors.

I'm not sure about what you try to discuss with me. But I hope I understand well that you understand that this has nothing to do with subservience. Otherwise you would not so penetrant try to say "I am right - you are wrong". It's not my cheek - so you are right to do whatever you like to do with your cheek. I see still a paradox intervention - but also a provocation - in doing so. And I never read anything in the bible where Jesus on his own did do so.

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