I hate sports!


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.
LOL my wife hates them too but because she feels they are overpaid and too much time is wasted in youth aspiring to kick or throw or sink a ball. LOL But in America sports are religion, and like religion they occupy the mind and manage the values of many. Some of this is for the good as it teaches teamwork and sometimes you get the bear and visa versa. Some means winning at any cost.

"Books had instant replay long before televised sports." Bernard Williams
So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

But but but sports are healthy, playing or performing a sport helps people both mentally and physically, be it Lacrosse, swimming, Fencing or Polo etc.
So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

What do you play? Benwah balls?
So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

I find this amusing. Yet another idiot who insists their views are the ONLY way to go.

You don't like sports? Cool. I have no problem with that. But your contention that fans are "cuckolded beta losers" is laughable. Why not just not watch sports? Why do you feel the need to proclaim it on a sports forum and try to badmouth people who like sports? THAT is childish pettiness.

And any time I see someone try to tell others what "real men" do, I know right away that they are trying to prove they are a "real man" (to others or themselves). If you think you have to prove you are a man, you aren't.

As for anything you said hurting, no. Not even a little bit. I do not need the approval of others to make me feel good. And it is certainly not some universal "truth" you are spouting here.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying a sport, but, we pay so much attention and money that they are grossly over paid.
Would do well to stop supporting them, but, the competitive nature of man will continue to thrive on watching them and becoming a bit over-involved with them.

It is pretty silly
So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

I meant to address the first line of the OP too.

You said "So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant".

Repetitive? On the surface, yes. But the subtle differences make the game.
Boring? Eh, like beauty, it is in the eye of the beholder.
Mindless? Not sure which sport you think is mindless. Most require quick thinking and countering the opponent.

The best one was the "...so utterly unimportant". Like everything you do is supposed to be important. If every activity or passtime in your life is "important", you are lacking so many things. Some of the best parts of life could be termed "unimportant". But you keep thinking that your gaming or whatever are important. Lots of us will enjoy sports and sporting activities, and let you worry about "important".
So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

Dear Depends:

As much as you "hate" sports, it does stimulate the economy, creates jobs, provides entertainment and is a distraction for those who may otherwise be alone such as shut ins, the elderly and the like. It encourages others to be better than they were when they stepped on the field, it provides and encourages personal challenge and a goal for many people.


Get A Clue You Pillsburry Doughboy Looking Fool
So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

To each his own, but I never got the habit. I saw one football and one baseball game in my life. That was in the old Cleveland stadium back in '59 or '60. So boring.
There are multiple benefits of pro sports. Here are a few:

1. They generate a lot of jobs. TV and radio production, sports wear, memorabilia,stadium vendors, etc

2. They serve as examples for what is possible through hard individual work and teamwork.

3. They are a common ground that unify people. Rich-poor,Black-White,Father-Son. Remember the line from City Slickers when Billy Crystal said "my Dad and I couldn't communicate but we could always talk baseball?" I know lots of guys including myself where that rings true.

4. There are no politics in a sporting event. The rules are set, each team or player is trying to beat the other in real-time.

I do see a problem with too much emphasis on young kids put on an early path to achieve the pro sports dream. That takes an enormous amount of time and money at the expense of education and other skills development.
So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

To each his own, but I never got the habit. I saw one football and one baseball game in my life. That was in the old Cleveland stadium back in '59 or '60. So boring.

Now this I can respect. You don't care for the sports, so you don't watch them. But, and this is the important part, you don't call people names and condemn them for enjoying watching a game.

I don't care for baseball. Nothing against it. Just not my thing.
So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

To each his own, but I never got the habit. I saw one football and one baseball game in my life. That was in the old Cleveland stadium back in '59 or '60. So boring.

I don't watch much anymore myself. All too politicized for my taste.

I prefer playing them anyway.
Star Trek: Dream Team

Sports teaches people the value of teamwork and fair play, which is good for a human being.

I was a member of my high school boys cross-country team and tennis team, and I played junior-league soccer as a kid. In college, I played basketball and volleyball with friends. IMO, sports is simply fun and a personal experience.

I actually still try to follow the successes/news of my high school (Eastern High School --- Voorhees NJ).

Hey, if you don't like sports, don't watch.

People who like/play/follow sports are sort of in a 'club,' and the experience of participation is not unlike being a Trekkie (the iconic sci-fi club based on the Gene Roddenberry TV series Star Trek).

So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

Why are you here? I think there is a cooking site you would be interested in some where on this board.
So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.
I don't like sports too. Sometimes I watch something on tv about sport (some soccer matches when my country team plays :D) but I don't think people who like sports are losers.
Everybody has his own legitimate opinion on everything, sports included :)
So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

Why are you here? I think there is a cooking site you would be interested in some where on this board.

I don't like... anyone who does is an idiot! Lol! Haters are gonna hate, that's what they do.
So repetitive, so boring, so mindless, so utterly unimportant.

And no, I don't apologize.

Real men don't waste time with sports. They're a childhood pastime, a hobby. Adult men who play professional sports are like overgrown teenagers, and their fans are cuckolded beta losers.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

You wouldn't know the truth if it picked you up and drove your head through the sidewalk. This is about the 1000th time you've repeated your transparent little anti-sport diatribe. Everyone knows by now how deeply insecure you are about your childhood trauma and continued weakness into adulthood. You don't have to keep announcing it. Wallowing in envy isn't going to make you feel better about yourself.

Btw, "cuckold" doesn't mean what you seem to think it means.


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