I heard an interesting interview with the head of the ACLU yesterday.

Fortunately, NPR is not the Supreme Court. The actual Supreme Court will not stop Trump from doing whatever he needs to do to improve the lives of Americans that have been damaged by Biden illegal migrant surges.
Sure, but after this I'm all done spoon feeding you info that is readily available. The answer can be found in post #1.

Historically, the Act has been used only when Congress has declared war, and Supreme Court precedent has acknowledged that the law may only be used as a wartime authority.
Bullets, Not Bills

Whatever happened to TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT? The wall is a Maginot Line. Maybe the reason the French got overrun is that they only tried to arrest and jail the Nazi invaders. Or they thought that laws and treaties would keep them out.

The fact that the immigration criminals are unarmed shouldn't be an excuse for not using our own weapons on them. The sign that used to protect our property didn't say ARMED TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT.
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As a Canadian I'm very excited for the prospects. Even though I know that election promises will never be acted upon seriously. The simple reason why is that America is now almost to a point at which it will need to depend on cheap labour almost exclusively.

When the wealthy class destroyed most unions, they took away the workers' power to negotiate a fair wage.

That's how America's capitalism works. Enjoy!
Lets arrest illegals and bus them to the Canadian border

I mentioned something to someone else earlier today ...
There's a difference between fighting the fight that needs to occur ...
And pretending that winning hearts and minds will actually get the job done.

I really don't care what they may want to call me ... "Get out of my way" is sometimes the best advice I can give them.

"Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way" ~ Thomas Paine

When Hernan Cortez travelled to the New World without permission ...
And with every intent to defeat the Aztecs in 1519 ...
He burned all but one of his ships making everyone understand ...
"You're either with me, you're going follow me into the jungle, or you can die here in the beach waiting for a ride."

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"Hispanic" Is a Dishonest Word. Spain Is White. Same Goes for "Latino"

The Spaniards killed 100 Mexicans for every Spaniard the Mexicans killed. I posted that on a website about "History's Greatest Generals" and got PCed off.

Pizarro was even more brilliant. Though outnumbered 20 to 1, he killed 2,000 savages without losing a man.
President-elect Donald J. Trump intends to declare a national emergency over immigration and use the military as part of his plans for mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, according to a post he made Monday on social media.

Mr. Trump confirmed his plans to use the broad emergency powers afforded to the president as he moved to stock his cabinet with loyal allies, some of whom have drawn deep scrutiny over their qualifications and personal conduct.

The ACLU was planning on challenging the law trump was going to use to facilitate mass deportations. This is his work around.
There is, of course, no military invasion or incursion occurring in the United States, so it would be unlawful for Trump to invoke the Act.
Trump doesn’t care – he has contempt for the rule of law.

Indeed, Trump is himself a criminal and convicted felon, he has no problem continuing to violate the law.
Fortunately, NPR is not the Supreme Court. The actual Supreme Court will not stop Trump from doing whatever he needs to do to improve the lives of Americans that have been damaged by Biden illegal migrant surges.
Allow me to make a correction. trump's actual Supreme Court will not stop him from doing whatever he wants to do. Cuz the conservative majority is in the bag.
"Hispanic" Is a Dishonest Word. Spain Is White. Same Goes for "Latino"

The Spaniards killed 100 Mexicans for every Spaniard the Mexicans killed. I posted that on a website about "History's Greatest Generals" and got PCed off.

Pizarro was even more brilliant. Though outnumbered 20 to 1, he killed 2,000 savages without losing a man.

ACLU files lawsuit seeking details on Trump’s plan for mass deportation​

Civil-liberties lawyers alarmed by President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to launch mass deportations of undocumented immigrants sued the federal government Monday for information about how authorities might quickly remove people from the United States.

The federal lawsuit alleges that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has failed to respond to requests for basic information about its existing contracts with private airline companies that make up “ICE Air,” as well as ground transportation services, airfields and policies governing deportation flights, including those carrying children.

Lawyers said the information is urgent because of Trump’s election victory this month and his upcoming inauguration on Jan. 20. Advocates for immigrants have accused ICE and its contractors of treating migrants harshly and holding them in inhumane conditions.

I'm going to have to send them another $100.
The ACLU will fight anything Trump tries, no matter what methods are used. In their world, they are against borders and the rights of a sovereign nation.
/—-/ The ACLU doesn’t have unlimited resources, Trump’s DOJ does.
Tomato tomahto.
“We’ve been preparing for a mass detention and deportation agenda for the last nine months,” said Kyle Virgien, a senior staff attorney at the ACLU. “Now that Trump is the president-elect, it’s become apparent that this is a fight that we’re going to need to have.”

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