I know this sounds dumb...But which is more: 1,000,000 barrels or 700 barrels?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Pretty obvious wouldn't you think?
But you know I told this to a friend yesterday and she said:
"What do you think I'm stupid? Of course 1 million barrels is more then 700 barrels!"

So I went on to explain that this is what the Keystone pipeline is all about... is it better to send 700 barrels of oil in one mile of pipeline under ground on dry land or 1 million barrels in an oil tanker traveling one mile in this through the most ship wreck prone straits in the Northwest!
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice. In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble.
"A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL
700 barrels traveling one mile through the Keystone pipeline that joins more than 185,000 miles of liquid petroleum pipelines, nearly 320,000 miles of gas transmission pipelines, and more than 2 million miles of gas distribution pipelines to safely and efficiently move energy and raw materials to fuel our nation's economic engine.
Pipeline101 - Why-Do-We-Need-Pipelines www.pipeline101.org/why-do-we-need-pipelines
The Keystone with 16 monitors per mile of the 1,179 mile route.. OR one monitor every 100 yards and
Keystone XL will use satellite technology to monitor 20,000 data points on the pipeline’s operating conditions.

Pretty obvious wouldn't you think?
But you know I told this to a friend yesterday and she said:
"What do you think I'm stupid? Of course 1 million barrels is more then 700 barrels!"

Get Rexx Taylor on the case. His math is creative enough to come up with a three million vote deficit as "winning by a landslide". Oh and he also thinks January 20 was over 100 days ago.
Pretty obvious wouldn't you think?
But you know I told this to a friend yesterday and she said:
"What do you think I'm stupid? Of course 1 million barrels is more then 700 barrels!"

Get Rexx Taylor on the case. His math is creative enough to come up with a three million vote deficit as "winning by a landslide". Oh and he also thinks January 20 was over 100 days ago.
Still gotta sore butt huh?
Pretty obvious wouldn't you think?
But you know I told this to a friend yesterday and she said:
"What do you think I'm stupid? Of course 1 million barrels is more then 700 barrels!"

Get Rexx Taylor on the case. His math is creative enough to come up with a three million vote deficit as "winning by a landslide". Oh and he also thinks January 20 was over 100 days ago.
Still gotta sore butt huh?

Obviously you are SO f...king dumb YOU don't know which is the larger number! Geez.... what is so complicated about this?
YOU dummies bitched and moaned about the "environmental" damages done by Keystone, Dakota etc. AND yet YOU can't even recognize 185,000 miles
existing pipeline and you can't even agree that 1 million is bigger then 700 .... wow. No wonder people find you so absolutely pathetic!
Pretty obvious wouldn't you think?
But you know I told this to a friend yesterday and she said:
"What do you think I'm stupid? Of course 1 million barrels is more then 700 barrels!"

So I went on to explain that this is what the Keystone pipeline is all about... is it better to send 700 barrels of oil in one mile of pipeline under ground on dry land or 1 million barrels in an oil tanker traveling one mile in this through the most ship wreck prone straits in the Northwest!
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice. In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble.
"A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL
700 barrels traveling one mile through the Keystone pipeline that joins more than 185,000 miles of liquid petroleum pipelines, nearly 320,000 miles of gas transmission pipelines, and more than 2 million miles of gas distribution pipelines to safely and efficiently move energy and raw materials to fuel our nation's economic engine.
Pipeline101 - Why-Do-We-Need-Pipelines www.pipeline101.org/why-do-we-need-pipelines
The Keystone with 16 monitors per mile of the 1,179 mile route.. OR one monitor every 100 yards and
Keystone XL will use satellite technology to monitor 20,000 data points on the pipeline’s operating conditions.

View attachment 113247

All of your threads should begin with the first 5 words this one began with.
Pretty obvious wouldn't you think?
But you know I told this to a friend yesterday and she said:
"What do you think I'm stupid? Of course 1 million barrels is more then 700 barrels!"

So I went on to explain that this is what the Keystone pipeline is all about... is it better to send 700 barrels of oil in one mile of pipeline under ground on dry land or 1 million barrels in an oil tanker traveling one mile in this through the most ship wreck prone straits in the Northwest!
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice. In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble.
"A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL
700 barrels traveling one mile through the Keystone pipeline that joins more than 185,000 miles of liquid petroleum pipelines, nearly 320,000 miles of gas transmission pipelines, and more than 2 million miles of gas distribution pipelines to safely and efficiently move energy and raw materials to fuel our nation's economic engine.
Pipeline101 - Why-Do-We-Need-Pipelines www.pipeline101.org/why-do-we-need-pipelines
The Keystone with 16 monitors per mile of the 1,179 mile route.. OR one monitor every 100 yards and
Keystone XL will use satellite technology to monitor 20,000 data points on the pipeline’s operating conditions.

View attachment 113247

All of your threads should begin with the first 5 words this one began with.

Well you obviously can't answer the question which really shows your ignorance!
Come on. Why is it so difficult? Really shows the level of your intelligence if THAT is your response.
Do you understand that this very very simple illustration totally exemplifies the major problem our country has. Dummies like you can't tell the difference between
1 million and 700! Seriously are you being that dumb on purpose?
Pretty obvious wouldn't you think?
But you know I told this to a friend yesterday and she said:
"What do you think I'm stupid? Of course 1 million barrels is more then 700 barrels!"

So I went on to explain that this is what the Keystone pipeline is all about... is it better to send 700 barrels of oil in one mile of pipeline under ground on dry land or 1 million barrels in an oil tanker traveling one mile in this through the most ship wreck prone straits in the Northwest!
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice. In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble.
"A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL
700 barrels traveling one mile through the Keystone pipeline that joins more than 185,000 miles of liquid petroleum pipelines, nearly 320,000 miles of gas transmission pipelines, and more than 2 million miles of gas distribution pipelines to safely and efficiently move energy and raw materials to fuel our nation's economic engine.
Pipeline101 - Why-Do-We-Need-Pipelines www.pipeline101.org/why-do-we-need-pipelines
The Keystone with 16 monitors per mile of the 1,179 mile route.. OR one monitor every 100 yards and
Keystone XL will use satellite technology to monitor 20,000 data points on the pipeline’s operating conditions.

View attachment 113247

Your map is a mess. Your links are not great either. I don't blame you.
It just seems there should be more information "out" after 8 years of BO/HRC lying about it.

What is the difference between Red and Blue lines? Oil vs. Nat Gas?

If we already have so many? Why one more? Why not Y-tap into existing pipe-route?

If Keystone goes in? Do 10 other pipelines get removed? de-commissioned?
Pretty obvious wouldn't you think?
But you know I told this to a friend yesterday and she said:
"What do you think I'm stupid? Of course 1 million barrels is more then 700 barrels!"

So I went on to explain that this is what the Keystone pipeline is all about... is it better to send 700 barrels of oil in one mile of pipeline under ground on dry land or 1 million barrels in an oil tanker traveling one mile in this through the most ship wreck prone straits in the Northwest!
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice. In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble.
"A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL
700 barrels traveling one mile through the Keystone pipeline that joins more than 185,000 miles of liquid petroleum pipelines, nearly 320,000 miles of gas transmission pipelines, and more than 2 million miles of gas distribution pipelines to safely and efficiently move energy and raw materials to fuel our nation's economic engine.
Pipeline101 - Why-Do-We-Need-Pipelines www.pipeline101.org/why-do-we-need-pipelines
The Keystone with 16 monitors per mile of the 1,179 mile route.. OR one monitor every 100 yards and
Keystone XL will use satellite technology to monitor 20,000 data points on the pipeline’s operating conditions.

View attachment 113247

Your map is a mess. Your links are not great either. I don't blame you.
It just seems there should be more information "out" after 8 years of BO/HRC lying about it.

What is the difference between Red and Blue lines? Oil vs. Nat Gas?

If we already have so many? Why one more? Why not Y-tap into existing pipe-route?

If Keystone goes in? Do 10 other pipelines get removed? de-commissioned?

WHAT the hell is the problem in identifying which is more? 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean one mile VERSUS 700 barrels traveling one mile in a pipe on dry land?
GEEZ NONE of what you said has any bearing on the plain and simple fact which hard for me to comprehend why you and others of your ilk don't get it?
It is so simple a grade school would say "geez why risk 1 million barrels versus 700 barrels?"
Whether it is 1 million, or 700 how will it help us anyway? Virtually all of it is going to the Gulf coast, through a refinery that doesn't need any more workers, and then directly on a ship to be sent to another country. We have the liability of potential leaks, but only the oil companies will get the profit. What's in it for us?
Pretty obvious wouldn't you think?
But you know I told this to a friend yesterday and she said:
"What do you think I'm stupid? Of course 1 million barrels is more then 700 barrels!"

Get Rexx Taylor on the case. His math is creative enough to come up with a three million vote deficit as "winning by a landslide". Oh and he also thinks January 20 was over 100 days ago.
Non Sequitur. You're the undisputed queen of logical fallacies.
Pretty obvious wouldn't you think?
But you know I told this to a friend yesterday and she said:
"What do you think I'm stupid? Of course 1 million barrels is more then 700 barrels!"

So I went on to explain that this is what the Keystone pipeline is all about... is it better to send 700 barrels of oil in one mile of pipeline under ground on dry land or 1 million barrels in an oil tanker traveling one mile in this through the most ship wreck prone straits in the Northwest!
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice. In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble.
"A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL
700 barrels traveling one mile through the Keystone pipeline that joins more than 185,000 miles of liquid petroleum pipelines, nearly 320,000 miles of gas transmission pipelines, and more than 2 million miles of gas distribution pipelines to safely and efficiently move energy and raw materials to fuel our nation's economic engine.
Pipeline101 - Why-Do-We-Need-Pipelines www.pipeline101.org/why-do-we-need-pipelines
The Keystone with 16 monitors per mile of the 1,179 mile route.. OR one monitor every 100 yards and
Keystone XL will use satellite technology to monitor 20,000 data points on the pipeline’s operating conditions.

View attachment 113247

Your map is a mess. Your links are not great either. I don't blame you.
It just seems there should be more information "out" after 8 years of BO/HRC lying about it.

What is the difference between Red and Blue lines? Oil vs. Nat Gas?

If we already have so many? Why one more? Why not Y-tap into existing pipe-route?

If Keystone goes in? Do 10 other pipelines get removed? de-commissioned?

WHAT the hell is the problem in identifying which is more? 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean one mile VERSUS 700 barrels traveling one mile in a pipe on dry land?
GEEZ NONE of what you said has any bearing on the plain and simple fact which hard for me to comprehend why you and others of your ilk don't get it?
It is so simple a grade school would say "geez why risk 1 million barrels versus 700 barrels?"
Most of it goes on ships anyway. All we'd be doing is taking it from Canada to the Gulf.
So I went on to explain that this is what the Keystone pipeline is all about...
You have posted this BS at least a dozen times already, and it is still BS.
What the Keystone XL is all about is taking oil refined in the Midwest that will NEVER be on ships and moving it to be refined along the Gulf so it can be loaded on ships for export. So the Keystone XL greatly INCREASES the millions of barrels of oil products carried on ships across the ocean. But you knew that already!
So I went on to explain that this is what the Keystone pipeline is all about...
You have posted this BS at least a dozen times already, and it is still BS.
What the Keystone XL is all about is taking oil refined in the Midwest that will NEVER be on ships and moving it to be refined along the Gulf so it can be loaded on ships for export. So the Keystone XL greatly INCREASES the millions of barrels of oil products carried on ships across the ocean. But you knew that already!

So you STILL can't see the difference between 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean versus 700 barrels traveling one mile in a pipe?

With all the efforts to predict bad weather, the tanker will still be at risk.

Keystone pipeline as part of the other 200,000 miles of pipeline,has 20,000 monitors (one for every 100 yards).
And you idiots complain about something that is 1,179 miles that is 6/10ths of one percent (0.59% ) of all the pipelines?
Nearly 200,000 miles of hazardous liquid pipelines crisscross our country, operating near communities and treasured landscapes and crossing major bodies of water, including rivers.
5 things you should know about PHMSA's proposed Hazardous Liquids rule
Pretty obvious wouldn't you think?
But you know I told this to a friend yesterday and she said:
"What do you think I'm stupid? Of course 1 million barrels is more then 700 barrels!"

So I went on to explain that this is what the Keystone pipeline is all about... is it better to send 700 barrels of oil in one mile of pipeline under ground on dry land or 1 million barrels in an oil tanker traveling one mile in this through the most ship wreck prone straits in the Northwest!
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice. In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble.
"A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL
700 barrels traveling one mile through the Keystone pipeline that joins more than 185,000 miles of liquid petroleum pipelines, nearly 320,000 miles of gas transmission pipelines, and more than 2 million miles of gas distribution pipelines to safely and efficiently move energy and raw materials to fuel our nation's economic engine.
Pipeline101 - Why-Do-We-Need-Pipelines www.pipeline101.org/why-do-we-need-pipelines
The Keystone with 16 monitors per mile of the 1,179 mile route.. OR one monitor every 100 yards and
Keystone XL will use satellite technology to monitor 20,000 data points on the pipeline’s operating conditions.

View attachment 113247

They should finish the pipeline down to the gulf coast, if not already completed. The pipeline they're trying to finish up gong to Chicago can remain unfinished as far as I'm concerned. Chicago already has plenty of oil pipelines. Or they can change that pipeline back to its original course and go ahead and finish it up.
Whether it is 1 million, or 700 how will it help us anyway? Virtually all of it is going to the Gulf coast, through a refinery that doesn't need any more workers, and then directly on a ship to be sent to another country. We have the liability of potential leaks, but only the oil companies will get the profit. What's in it for us?

Your claim that virtually all of it getting loaded on ships for export is simply not true. Some of it will be refined into usable petroleum products for export to points south such as Crapazeula. But certainly not all of it.
So I went on to explain that this is what the Keystone pipeline is all about...
You have posted this BS at least a dozen times already, and it is still BS.
What the Keystone XL is all about is taking oil refined in the Midwest that will NEVER be on ships and moving it to be refined along the Gulf so it can be loaded on ships for export. So the Keystone XL greatly INCREASES the millions of barrels of oil products carried on ships across the ocean. But you knew that already!
So you STILL can't see the difference between 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean versus 700 barrels traveling one mile in a pipe?
You don't want to see the difference between refined oil products staying in the USA and being exported on ships, so you play dumb and repeat the same BS over and over. Without the Keystone XL the crude will be refined in the Midwest and sold in the USA, no ships involved at all, with the KXL the crude will be refined in the South and exported over the ocean on the very ships you say are so dangerous.
So I went on to explain that this is what the Keystone pipeline is all about...
You have posted this BS at least a dozen times already, and it is still BS.
What the Keystone XL is all about is taking oil refined in the Midwest that will NEVER be on ships and moving it to be refined along the Gulf so it can be loaded on ships for export. So the Keystone XL greatly INCREASES the millions of barrels of oil products carried on ships across the ocean. But you knew that already!
So you STILL can't see the difference between 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean versus 700 barrels traveling one mile in a pipe?
You don't want to see the difference between refined oil products staying in the USA and being exported on ships, so you play dumb and repeat the same BS over and over. Without the Keystone XL the crude will be refined in the Midwest and sold in the USA, no ships involved at all, with the KXL the crude will be refined in the South and exported over the ocean on the very ships you say are so dangerous.

So you are in favor of using 30 year old pipelines to move this very heavy crude?
The remaining portion of the Keystone pipeline project, if completed, will be fewer than 1,200 miles long —
just a fraction of the existing 2.6 million miles of oil and gas pipelines running beneath our feet in the United States.
What You Need To Know About The Keystone XL Oil Pipeline
So I went on to explain that this is what the Keystone pipeline is all about...
You have posted this BS at least a dozen times already, and it is still BS.
What the Keystone XL is all about is taking oil refined in the Midwest that will NEVER be on ships and moving it to be refined along the Gulf so it can be loaded on ships for export. So the Keystone XL greatly INCREASES the millions of barrels of oil products carried on ships across the ocean. But you knew that already!
So you STILL can't see the difference between 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean versus 700 barrels traveling one mile in a pipe?
You don't want to see the difference between refined oil products staying in the USA and being exported on ships, so you play dumb and repeat the same BS over and over. Without the Keystone XL the crude will be refined in the Midwest and sold in the USA, no ships involved at all, with the KXL the crude will be refined in the South and exported over the ocean on the very ships you say are so dangerous.

So you are in favor of using 30 year old pipelines to move this very heavy crude?
The remaining portion of the Keystone pipeline project, if completed, will be fewer than 1,200 miles long —
just a fraction of the existing 2.6 million miles of oil and gas pipelines running beneath our feet in the United States.
What You Need To Know About The Keystone XL Oil Pipeline
The same OLD pipelines taking the crude to the Midwest will still be used if the KXL is completed, just extended to the Southern Gulf refineries and then loaded on those dangerous ships you were whining about. So now suddenly you say pipelines are not so safe once they are old.

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