I Love Watching Videos Of Horse Shoe Repair

Seems you have to build the shoe to fit the horse too.
And nailing them properly takes practice.
It appears the trick is making the hoove fit perfectly flat on the shoe....and that means putting a red-hot shoe on the hoove....and trimming it to fit before nailing it.
People want shoes that fit so should horses!

Good Lord that poor cow has an actual SEPERATION of the hoof outer wall from the sole, & worse that LONG separation starts right @ the HEEL where the most body weight accumulates on the hoof. She's actually lame but those synthetic/rubber pads/spacers will really help keep the pressure off the wounded area. I milked Jersey's for our neighbors back in the 60's & one of the things I was briefed on was how to check for possible problems with their hooves from the corona on down & write down on the tablet anything unusual like holes/swelling & other abnormalities elsewhere like raw skin, worms, pinkeye, lacerations, inflamed teats etc. I milked them twice per day & never seen anything more than earthen debris & the little pebbles which cleaned off easy.

That separation in the video looked not that big until the shaving got deeper into the hoof. There was a puncture on the heel & my guess is that the puncture invited infection which caused the separation. Fortunately now a days we have Farinarians(it's a Jack original!) that are part Farrier part Veterinarian & even SPECIALIZE in making "House calls!"

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