Biden Team Says Pro-Hamas Mob Has Right to Desecrate Statues, Threaten Jews


That's why those Palestinian supporters are protesting Biden!
No that’s why the xiden admin is saying they didn’t noting wrong when they vandelized monuments, and attacked jewish kids

They don't show when she made the quote and under what question and 🥨 circumstance she answered.

They SAY, the article writers say, it was when the protesters destroyed statues... Prove the spokesperson included the physical destruction actions too, and I'm right with you...the rioting should be rejected!

And/or....were protesters physically peaceful but some rioters and rebel rousers were not?

Just show the question and timing, which the article did not, where the spokesperson gave this answer....
🥨 🥨 🥨
Can you cut and paste the part in the article, where this Biden spokesperson said it was ok to desecrate statues?? :icon_rolleyes:

Biden campaign spokesman Adrienne Elrod defended the pro-Hamas protesters who vandalized veterans’ memorials, intimidated Jews, and mocked law enforcement.

These protesters are exercising their right and it’s their right to do. This is the freedom that people have. They have the right to protest,” she said in an interview. “They have a right to speak their mind.”
Wonder how many pro Palestine and BLM people were arrested and charged with felonies over spray painting statues or destroying public property.
Can you cut and paste the part in the article, where this Biden spokesperson said it was ok to desecrate statues?? :icon_rolleyes:
Not possible because it’s not there. There are some here that are making the illogical assumption that protecting one’s right to protest and speak their mind is somehow equal to saying it’s ok to break the law and vandalize property. Our political system depends on these half truths to survive
Vandalism is okay now.

Oh, right. When the crazed left does it. As we saw in the 'Summer of Love 2020'.

A Biden campaign spokesperson defended a mob of pro-Hamas protesters who vandalized a number of historic statues in Washington, D.C. and chanted about killing Jews. Watch videos below.​
As many as 9,000 protesters attacked park rangers outside the White House gates. At one point they circled the building and chanted about killing Jews. At least three statues were vandalized with anti-Jewish messages.​
As I wrote in “Twilight’s Last Gleaming: Can America Be Saved,” we are about to face a war between the cultures on American soil. Click here to read my book.
“These protesters are exercising their right and it’s their right to do. This is the freedom that people have. They have the right to protest,” she said in an interview. “They have a right to speak their mind.”​
According to the Biden campaign pro-Hamas mobs can burn the American flag and chant, “Kill the Jews,” because it’s protected speech. But anyone who sets fire to a gay pride flag or leaves tread marks on a gay pride crosswalk is committing a hate crime.​
Welcome to Biden’s America, folks.​
So what do you want? Your hate accepted because others hate in your eyes is accepted?
Wonder how many pro Palestine and BLM people were arrested and charged with felonies over spray painting statues or destroying public property.
Painted Graffiti on statues is a felony? I doubt it! Likely a civil offense or misdemeanor crime....certainly not a felony when the damage is not permanent, and they didn't have any breaking and entering to accomplish it?

The statue was cleaned up and back to New in the morning, is what I read when I finally researched it in the regular news....

Why are y'all making a big deal out of this and comparing it to the Floyd rioting that occurred or to the 1/6 seditious attempt and break in of the Capitol?

I think the vicious shouts and graffiti and all other hell they brought with them is horrible, Not my cup of tea, what so ever! Not floyd, Not 1/6 and not this....

BUT it IS their constitutional right to do so....peacefully.

And yes, this pro Palestinian protests and the anti Semitic shouts and statue graffiti hurts Biden....And Democrats imo.

But again, it IS their constitutional right to do so, peacefully, or with civil disobedience at worse.
Not possible because it’s not there. There are some here that are making the illogical assumption that protecting one’s right to protest and speak their mind is somehow equal to saying it’s ok to break the law and vandalize property. Our political system depends on these half truths to survive
It's simpler than that.

Leftards are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Period. End of story.

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