I need folks to weigh in on different issues


Sep 8, 2015
Hi! I am new to this forum, and also a writer for a brand new website. I frequently need all types of Americans to weigh in on different stories I'm writing - it could be about parenting, health, politics, or current events. We want to share America's views on all sorts of things.

If you are interested, let me know! I will have to get your name for article you are quoted in, but we can email for that, outside this great forum.

Thanks so much and have a great day!
Hi! I am new to this forum, and also a writer for a brand new website. I frequently need all types of Americans to weigh in on different stories I'm writing - it could be about parenting, health, politics, or current events. We want to share America's views on all sorts of things.

If you are interested, let me know! I will have to get your name for article you are quoted in, but we can email for that, outside this great forum.

Thanks so much and have a great day!
Very simple. Why not just take the time to read through the many threads here? We discuss many topics. If you can read, then do so. I think that you'll find many pieces on what people think, covering many issues. READ READ, READ !!!!
I hate that, I was ready to answer a specific question and just general garbage..
If I were King, Another idea, ask what you would do as president since this is a most interesting area in which to show your true colors. The below was a quick answer to question. Otherwise I have been on this site so long I have an answer to any question, just look. LOL

What would you do if you were POTUS?

Short and idealistic answers and at times presumptuous, even hopeful. Tough job but I'd had many in life. First draft.

Civil Rights Voting Rights - bring back full bill and enforce it. Point out those who don't like the sometimes messy results of representative democracy.

ACA - amend as necessary, great legislation but complicated, requires tweaking and state cooperation too.

Iran - pass current agreement as it paves the way to change. Inspect inspect inspect. Change doesn't come, revisit sanctions etc. Be very clear about those items.

Tax - raise taxes on wealthy as today too much money travels overseas. Remove energy welfare and remove tax benefit to off shorers. Also provide tax incentives for made in America.

Social Security - make sure funding is not touched by simpletons in congress who get enormous benefits from the government they pretend to hate, increase salary cap with maybe a graduated level so those who benefit most from the social services in America, aka infrastructure and our fiduciary system of law, pay more. Call it wealth redistribution, so what - morality matters too.

Welfare - make sure the service works for those who need it. Review Medicaid requests. Continue Medicare as it works for most seniors as a cushion. Jobs help here as noted.

Jobs - work eliminates a lot of the tough issues in a society, crime and depression among other things, combined with tax incentives noted above. Support buy American and a fair wage, counter the nonsense that economics is a magical adjustment machine. It ain't as history proves over and over again.

Immigration - Tough issue, but illegals are not just coming from south of the border. Any enforcement would have to include exceptions for migratory work, permits maybe, and enforcement at the business/corporate level as well as visa enforcement etc. I'd have to review the current bill that the republicans are blocking to see if it has any merits.

Global weather change - work to make clean energy sources practicable and affordable. And work to make sure other nations do same. Anyone old enough to remember the polluted streams and whatnot should know humans can really F things up.

Terrorism - maintain vigilance locally and overseas. Communicate with other nations and make sure local agencies cooperate as sometimes personal or group-think F's things up. Pay attention and make sure loners are investigated. Again costly and requiring observation, make sure rights are respected too.

Infrastructure - add a few cents on gas tax for rebuilding roads and bridges and fund it nation wide. Money would then go back into economy from wage earners. Inner cities and nearby burbs require rebuilding. Also built transportation systems similar to Washington's metro everywhere.

Trade - If Japan embargoes our products how is it we allow them to dump autos and electronics in the US. Same for China Korea and Germany. Make these issues visible as MSM being corporate owned and operated ain't gonna shoot its owners and benefactors.

Regulation - bring back Glass Steagall, Reagan Clinton and Bush proved two things, without regulation the bad guys do bad things, and reducing taxes helps no one. Again this requires federal and state agencies and can be costly but it keeps some honest. Assess value of each regulatory agency and amend as required, including removal.

Worker rights - Raise minimum wage and make sure legislation supports worker rights and not just the rights of corporations. Make sure pensions and 401ks are supported and available and solvent. Actuarial science often screws up long term so make sure sufficient funds are put aside. Insurance companies could become involved and provide backup as fed does now.

Citizens united - money talks, there is a reason Lexus ads dominate certain TV prime-time blocks, and guess what, money provides this. Again I'd need to review options with staff and congress.

SCOTUS - make sure the court supports America and not only corporate America, the Robert's court usually supports business over the worker. Also select justices that support a woman's right and freedom to manage her own life.

War on drugs - give it up. It is a lose lose, regulate and enforce but do so sensibly. Again I'd have to review options, tough topic. The rich use the doctor, the poor the corner pusher and the result is crime for one, highs for the other.

My Staff - best and diversified so I can hear arguments of both sides. Outsiders sometimes have good ideas.

I only have eight years so join me in making America not just great but honest and human again. Please don't multi quote and nitpick my proposals, this is a tough job I've undertaken and I need support and good ideas, whining doesn't help anyone. Thanks for your support.

President Midcan has a nice ring to it. I hope to be rated up there with George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Hi! I am new to this forum, and also a writer for a brand new website. I frequently need all types of Americans to weigh in on different stories I'm writing - it could be about parenting, health, politics, or current events. We want to share America's views on all sorts of things.

If you are interested, let me know! I will have to get your name for article you are quoted in, but we can email for that, outside this great forum.

Thanks so much and have a great day!
Collecting names with addresses? Very nice...
Hi! I am new to this forum, and also a writer for a brand new website. I frequently need all types of Americans to weigh in on different stories I'm writing - it could be about parenting, health, politics, or current events. We want to share America's views on all sorts of things.

If you are interested, let me know! I will have to get your name for article you are quoted in, but we can email for that, outside this great forum.

Thanks so much and have a great day!
Very simple. Why not just take the time to read through the many threads here? We discuss many topics. If you can read, then do so. I think that you'll find many pieces on what people think, covering many issues. READ READ, READ !!!!
Sonny, she wants names and addresses…. slick...

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