I predict Biden will criticize Israel for bombing the AP building in Gaza.

For some reason I can't cut/paste from this link, but it shows the Zionists were at fault for the conflict and were not supposed to get sovereignty.

Specifically why they were at fault is that they illegally flooded Palestine with more than 10 times the legal quota, and illegally murdered the British high command in the King David Hotel bombing.
They were immigrants so had no rights to the land, while the Palestinians did have rights as natives.
The League Of Nations decided to give the land now known as Israel to the Jews b/c the fucking sand monkey Arabs had sided with the fucking Nazis in WW11 and they had sided with the fucking Germans in WW1.
Yesterday on CNN a DEM Senator said Israel had every right to defend itself from Hamas. The CNN ****** and the co-host **** almost pissed themselves and immediately cut off the DEM Senator.
The fucking pervert sand monkeys are fucking losers. Always have been and always will be.

God, you are stupid.. Every Arab state had signed with the Allies by 1939. They didn't side with the Germans in WW 1. They fought with the British to oust the Turkish garrisons in the Arab world. Do you have ANY education?
The Ottoman empire was on the side of the Germans during WWI, fool, and plenty of Arab leaders supported Hitler.

The Alliance Between Hitler and the Muslim Brotherhood

The Ottomans were on the side of the Germans in WW1 ..That's why the Arabs fought with the British to chase them out of the Arab world..God, you are stupid.
The ottomans were Muslims, shit for brains.
For some reason I can't cut/paste from this link, but it shows the Zionists were at fault for the conflict and were not supposed to get sovereignty.

Specifically why they were at fault is that they illegally flooded Palestine with more than 10 times the legal quota, and illegally murdered the British high command in the King David Hotel bombing.
They were immigrants so had no rights to the land, while the Palestinians did have rights as natives.
The League Of Nations decided to give the land now known as Israel to the Jews b/c the fucking sand monkey Arabs had sided with the fucking Nazis in WW11 and they had sided with the fucking Germans in WW1.
Yesterday on CNN a DEM Senator said Israel had every right to defend itself from Hamas. The CNN ****** and the co-host **** almost pissed themselves and immediately cut off the DEM Senator.
The fucking pervert sand monkeys are fucking losers. Always have been and always will be.

God, you are stupid.. Every Arab state had signed with the Allies by 1939. They didn't side with the Germans in WW 1. They fought with the British to oust the Turkish garrisons in the Arab world. Do you have ANY education?
The Ottoman empire was on the side of the Germans during WWI, fool, and plenty of Arab leaders supported Hitler.

The Alliance Between Hitler and the Muslim Brotherhood
Has a little bit to do with their desire to get their French and British rulers the fuck out.


Yep.. The European refugees killed over 500 British Peacekeepers.
For some reason I can't cut/paste from this link, but it shows the Zionists were at fault for the conflict and were not supposed to get sovereignty.

Specifically why they were at fault is that they illegally flooded Palestine with more than 10 times the legal quota, and illegally murdered the British high command in the King David Hotel bombing.
They were immigrants so had no rights to the land, while the Palestinians did have rights as natives.
The League Of Nations decided to give the land now known as Israel to the Jews b/c the fucking sand monkey Arabs had sided with the fucking Nazis in WW11 and they had sided with the fucking Germans in WW1.
Yesterday on CNN a DEM Senator said Israel had every right to defend itself from Hamas. The CNN ****** and the co-host **** almost pissed themselves and immediately cut off the DEM Senator.
The fucking pervert sand monkeys are fucking losers. Always have been and always will be.

God, you are stupid.. Every Arab state had signed with the Allies by 1939. They didn't side with the Germans in WW 1. They fought with the British to oust the Turkish garrisons in the Arab world. Do you have ANY education?
The Ottoman empire was on the side of the Germans during WWI, fool, and plenty of Arab leaders supported Hitler.

The Alliance Between Hitler and the Muslim Brotherhood

The Ottomans were on the side of the Germans in WW1 ..That's why the Arabs fought with the British to chase them out of the Arab world..God, you are stupid.
The ottomans were Muslims, shit for brains.

Yes they were Muslims, but the Arabs in the Ottoman Empire wanted them gone. That's why they fought with the British.. Saudi Arabia chased them off the Arabian peninsula BEFORE WW1.. Nobody wanted a Caliphate..

Did you sleep thru ALL your history classes? Have you ever even heard of TE Lawrence?
For some reason I can't cut/paste from this link, but it shows the Zionists were at fault for the conflict and were not supposed to get sovereignty.

Specifically why they were at fault is that they illegally flooded Palestine with more than 10 times the legal quota, and illegally murdered the British high command in the King David Hotel bombing.
They were immigrants so had no rights to the land, while the Palestinians did have rights as natives.
The League Of Nations decided to give the land now known as Israel to the Jews b/c the fucking sand monkey Arabs had sided with the fucking Nazis in WW11 and they had sided with the fucking Germans in WW1.
Yesterday on CNN a DEM Senator said Israel had every right to defend itself from Hamas. The CNN ****** and the co-host **** almost pissed themselves and immediately cut off the DEM Senator.
The fucking pervert sand monkeys are fucking losers. Always have been and always will be.

God, you are stupid.. Every Arab state had signed with the Allies by 1939. They didn't side with the Germans in WW 1. They fought with the British to oust the Turkish garrisons in the Arab world. Do you have ANY education?
The Ottoman empire was on the side of the Germans during WWI, fool, and plenty of Arab leaders supported Hitler.

The Alliance Between Hitler and the Muslim Brotherhood

The Ottomans were on the side of the Germans in WW1 ..That's why the Arabs fought with the British to chase them out of the Arab world..God, you are stupid.
The ottomans were Muslims, shit for brains.

Yes they were Muslims, but the Arabs in the Ottoman Empire wanted them gone. That's why they fought with the British.. Saudi Arabia chased them off the Arabian peninsula BEFORE WW1.. Nobody wanted a Caliphate..

Did you sleep thru ALL your history classes? Have you ever even heard of TE Lawrence?
Have you noticed that no one wants Muslims around?
For some reason I can't cut/paste from this link, but it shows the Zionists were at fault for the conflict and were not supposed to get sovereignty.

Specifically why they were at fault is that they illegally flooded Palestine with more than 10 times the legal quota, and illegally murdered the British high command in the King David Hotel bombing.
They were immigrants so had no rights to the land, while the Palestinians did have rights as natives.
The League Of Nations decided to give the land now known as Israel to the Jews b/c the fucking sand monkey Arabs had sided with the fucking Nazis in WW11 and they had sided with the fucking Germans in WW1.
Yesterday on CNN a DEM Senator said Israel had every right to defend itself from Hamas. The CNN ****** and the co-host **** almost pissed themselves and immediately cut off the DEM Senator.
The fucking pervert sand monkeys are fucking losers. Always have been and always will be.

God, you are stupid.. Every Arab state had signed with the Allies by 1939. They didn't side with the Germans in WW 1. They fought with the British to oust the Turkish garrisons in the Arab world. Do you have ANY education?
The Ottoman empire was on the side of the Germans during WWI, fool, and plenty of Arab leaders supported Hitler.

The Alliance Between Hitler and the Muslim Brotherhood

The Ottomans were on the side of the Germans in WW1 ..That's why the Arabs fought with the British to chase them out of the Arab world..God, you are stupid.
The ottomans were Muslims, shit for brains.

Yes they were Muslims, but the Arabs in the Ottoman Empire wanted them gone. That's why they fought with the British.. Saudi Arabia chased them off the Arabian peninsula BEFORE WW1.. Nobody wanted a Caliphate..

Did you sleep thru ALL your history classes? Have you ever even heard of TE Lawrence?
Have you noticed that no one wants Muslims around?
Also, whenever there's a war, almost always at least on side is Muslim.
They seem to get in trouble no matter where they go.

But, when goyim get in trouble ... they can't get out without a Jewish lawyer or Jewish accountant.

But, when goyim get in trouble ... they can't get out without a Jewish lawyer or Jewish accountant.

My accountant is German and my Lawyer is Italian.

So your argument is that you guys create a system so complex only you can navigate it, and then we are supposed to be grateful to you?

When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?

The legal procedure should be to let the UN decide.
But they have, they ruled the Palestinians are in the right, but the US has illegally blocked action.
The UN?!!!!
The UN is mostly Muslims and Shit Hole African Nations!
You really are a Muslim Cock Sucker.

South America and Asia have more members than Africa, and only about a fifth of the world is Moslem.
No one but the US wants Israel to keep getting away with its crimes.
Europe is against it.
fifth of the world is Moslem

No shit...
Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists ...all murdering each other and it hardly makes the news.
Islam, however, is based on global conquest.
You're an idiot and good for a laugh.
Carry on!

No Islam isn't based on global conquest any more than Christianity is.
Explain why the Koran orders all Muslims to kill every fucking "non-Believer" on the planet?

That's a lie. They are not to fight with People of the Book or pagans unless they are attacked first.. The rules of warfare are very specific.
Every Jew on the planet could move to Wyoming and the fucking sand monkey perverts would be firing unguided rockets from idaho into Casper.

When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?

The legal procedure should be to let the UN decide.
But they have, they ruled the Palestinians are in the right, but the US has illegally blocked action.
The UN?!!!!
The UN is mostly Muslims and Shit Hole African Nations!
You really are a Muslim Cock Sucker.

South America and Asia have more members than Africa, and only about a fifth of the world is Moslem.
No one but the US wants Israel to keep getting away with its crimes.
Europe is against it.
fifth of the world is Moslem

No shit...
Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists ...all murdering each other and it hardly makes the news.
Islam, however, is based on global conquest.
You're an idiot and good for a laugh.
Carry on!

No Islam isn't based on global conquest any more than Christianity is.
Explain why the Koran orders all Muslims to kill every fucking "non-Believer" on the planet?

That's a lie. They are not to fight with People of the Book or pagans unless they are attacked first.. The rules of warfare are very specific.
Every Jew on the planet could move to Wyoming and the fucking sand monkey perverts would be firing unguided rockets from idaho into Casper.
Yep. DragonLady would complain they are too close to her home country and would want them expelled.
But, when goyim get in trouble ... they can't get out without a Jewish lawyer or Jewish accountant.

My accountant is German and my Lawyer is Italian.

So your argument is that you guys create a system so complex only you can navigate it, and then we are supposed to be grateful to you?
Wall Street and Big Tech create those rules, not the accountants.
Are you really this stupid?
  • Thanks
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Obama is silent, but we all know that he's cheering for the Muslims in Iran.

When is the last time anyone heard a democrat cheering for America or one of its allies to win?
When is the last time you heard a Democratic President cozy up with dictators and tyranny like the former president did?
President Obama cozied up to who?

Let's start with the Castros. Then there's Imanutjob and Iran. Putin and Russia. Then there's Jinping and China. How old are you, anyway? You don't remember the Obama administration?
Your just throwing bullshit because your guy sucked up to tyrants and dictators.

An Obama supporter talking about sucking up to tyrants and dictators, I'm just laughing at you. Your self awareness is zero. It's what happens when you're not even smart enough to have a view of your own and you just think what Democrats tell you to think
Sure, please what actions the former president took against the Saudi dictator for murdering a journalist?

Please post what actions the former president took for Putin’s attempted murder of political rivals.

What actions did the former president take against the Turkish dictator for his purge of small d democracy.

None of that contradicts what I said. That doesn't make it that Obama, friend of dictators wasn't a friend of dictators
It makes everything you posted ass.

In your own big words, how did President Obama cozy up to Castro?

That proves what exactly?
If pictures prove something, what does this one prove?


Funny how you're completely silent when Democrat morons keep posting pictures of Nazis, LOL
Stop with distraction BS.

What do those pictures prove?

I'm not the one who posted the photos, jackass. I just mocked you for your hypocrisy
You didn’t mock anything. You jumped in with your typical conservative bullshit and claimed to have done something.

I’m asking what that something was and you got all butthurt.

Um ... yes ... pointing out your silence to Democrats who keep posting pictures as the hypocrisy that it is is mocking you for your hypocrisy. Try to keep up, you're slowing down the discussion. Curtsy while you talk, it saves time, my dear
You posted something about fascist Germany and acted like that meant something.

And now your still padding your own back.

Sure, Champ. You don't worship German Nazis, you worship Democrats. As long as you're fed dinner you'd say or do anything. You're a racist and a fascist
That crap plays better on 8klan knuckle dragger.

I image German fascist posts in that forum are in support.

Jew haters are the enlightened ones. Sure you are, Nazi. Nothing new about your wanting to kill Jews or the swastika you're wearing. You're just an old time racist and fascist
Don’t project your maga carnival barker bullshit on me dude.

That's just stupid. I suppose it sounded good to you.

You're advocating the death of Jews, but somehow what you say isn't your responsibility. Just like all the 10 year old girls you're getting raped on the southern border isn't your responsibility. Just like all the drug cartels you're funding isn't your responsibility.

I'm a Democrat, and I'm not responsible for what I do. If Democrats were honest, that would be your motto. It's what you sell to Democrats
Just those issues? Why not more from the idiotic brain of a child.

Can you even see light under your maga rock?
You're in propaganda mode again
Dude, propaganda mode? Are you trying to be the threads jester?
Try writing adult posts and get out of propaganda mode, brainless Democrat twat
Pot meet kettle...

Otto: No I'm not, YOU are kaz, YOU are. I'm not, YOU are.

Any given playground, Otto may be there. Democrats operate at about an eight year old level. And that's just the right level for playground insults
That’s posting like an adult? Nope, that’s posting like a small minded conservative libertarian with limited space in his head.
Why do you support Hamas ?
Israel could absolutely start a war we will have to fight.
As could china, north korea and iran

Particularly iran since they are supplying the rockets that are falling on Israel

Gaza has no way to import rockets so they are home made.
So where the fuck is Hamas getting the fucking components to make the rockets?
From Amazon?
You're an idiot!

The fuel and explosives are easily available ingredients, like sugar and fertilizer.
The nozzle can easily be cast.
The shell is just pipe.

Haven't you ever made your own rockets?
I thought all kids went through that phase?
You must have grown up in Gaza.
I support fact being posted for all to sgive.
Okay. Who give Hamas their rockets?

There is no way to get rockets or much of anything into Gaza, so they have to be home made.

Wow. Jew haters are the strangest people. Have you ever had your IQ tested to see if you have one?
They're either insane or demon possessed .

Democrats consistently support evil
Obama is silent, but we all know that he's cheering for the Muslims in Iran.

When is the last time anyone heard a democrat cheering for America or one of its allies to win?
When is the last time you heard a Democratic President cozy up with dictators and tyranny like the former president did?
President Obama cozied up to who?

Let's start with the Castros. Then there's Imanutjob and Iran. Putin and Russia. Then there's Jinping and China. How old are you, anyway? You don't remember the Obama administration?
Your just throwing bullshit because your guy sucked up to tyrants and dictators.

An Obama supporter talking about sucking up to tyrants and dictators, I'm just laughing at you. Your self awareness is zero. It's what happens when you're not even smart enough to have a view of your own and you just think what Democrats tell you to think
Sure, please what actions the former president took against the Saudi dictator for murdering a journalist?

Please post what actions the former president took for Putin’s attempted murder of political rivals.

What actions did the former president take against the Turkish dictator for his purge of small d democracy.

None of that contradicts what I said. That doesn't make it that Obama, friend of dictators wasn't a friend of dictators
It makes everything you posted ass.

In your own big words, how did President Obama cozy up to Castro?

That proves what exactly?
If pictures prove something, what does this one prove?


Funny how you're completely silent when Democrat morons keep posting pictures of Nazis, LOL
Stop with distraction BS.

What do those pictures prove?

I'm not the one who posted the photos, jackass. I just mocked you for your hypocrisy
You didn’t mock anything. You jumped in with your typical conservative bullshit and claimed to have done something.

I’m asking what that something was and you got all butthurt.

Um ... yes ... pointing out your silence to Democrats who keep posting pictures as the hypocrisy that it is is mocking you for your hypocrisy. Try to keep up, you're slowing down the discussion. Curtsy while you talk, it saves time, my dear
You posted something about fascist Germany and acted like that meant something.

And now your still padding your own back.

Sure, Champ. You don't worship German Nazis, you worship Democrats. As long as you're fed dinner you'd say or do anything. You're a racist and a fascist
That crap plays better on 8klan knuckle dragger.

I image German fascist posts in that forum are in support.

Jew haters are the enlightened ones. Sure you are, Nazi. Nothing new about your wanting to kill Jews or the swastika you're wearing. You're just an old time racist and fascist
Don’t project your maga carnival barker bullshit on me dude.

That's just stupid. I suppose it sounded good to you.

You're advocating the death of Jews, but somehow what you say isn't your responsibility. Just like all the 10 year old girls you're getting raped on the southern border isn't your responsibility. Just like all the drug cartels you're funding isn't your responsibility.

I'm a Democrat, and I'm not responsible for what I do. If Democrats were honest, that would be your motto. It's what you sell to Democrats
Just those issues? Why not more from the idiotic brain of a child.

Can you even see light under your maga rock?
You're in propaganda mode again
Dude, propaganda mode? Are you trying to be the threads jester?
Try writing adult posts and get out of propaganda mode, brainless Democrat twat
Pot meet kettle...

Otto: No I'm not, YOU are kaz, YOU are. I'm not, YOU are.

Any given playground, Otto may be there. Democrats operate at about an eight year old level. And that's just the right level for playground insults
That’s posting like an adult? Nope, that’s posting like a small minded conservative libertarian with limited space in his head.
Why do you support Hamas ?
Israel could absolutely start a war we will have to fight.
As could china, north korea and iran

Particularly iran since they are supplying the rockets that are falling on Israel

Gaza has no way to import rockets so they are home made.
So where the fuck is Hamas getting the fucking components to make the rockets?
From Amazon?
You're an idiot!

The fuel and explosives are easily available ingredients, like sugar and fertilizer.
The nozzle can easily be cast.
The shell is just pipe.

Haven't you ever made your own rockets?
I thought all kids went through that phase?
You must have grown up in Gaza.
I support fact being posted for all to sgive.
Okay. Who give Hamas their rockets?

There is no way to get rockets or much of anything into Gaza, so they have to be home made.

Wow. Jew haters are the strangest people. Have you ever had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

So how is Hamas supposed to be getting in all these Iranian rockets through the Israeli border inspectors?
The border with Egypt is closed, ships are stopped by Israel, and Israel also controls all the bridges to Jordan.

Yes, obviously they take the rockets to the border inspectors. One thing terrorists wouldn't do is not take rockets in illegally to murder Jewish civilians. Just wouldn't be right, would it Himmler?
join with me now and condem Joe Biden for condmening Israel.

Your insults are irrelevant since you don't know at this point WHAT I believe and therefore aren't addressing it. Not a statist, not an anarchist. Those both being by the definitions of the term. And that's all you understand. Why would I think you know more than you claim you do? How stupid are you, racist?

Yes, you have a child-like view that civilization happens without taxes and laws.

View attachment 491477

Actually since you don't know what my views are, your comments on them are irrelevant. Think about it. But don't hurt yourself, you're not used to thinking. Be sure to do a lot of stretching first and drink a lot of water. Start slow
A libertarian small government looks like the United States until you parasites took over

Um, okay, and when was that?

Not pre-Lincoln, we had slavery. The government enforcing the ownership of human beings is about as big government as you can get.

Yes, pre Lincoln Democrats owned black slaves. As opposed to now when Democrats own blacks and you believe they are your slaves. Nothing's changed with you, huh?

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