I predict Biden will criticize Israel for bombing the AP building in Gaza.

For some reason I can't cut/paste from this link, but it shows the Zionists were at fault for the conflict and were not supposed to get sovereignty.

Specifically why they were at fault is that they illegally flooded Palestine with more than 10 times the legal quota, and illegally murdered the British high command in the King David Hotel bombing.
They were immigrants so had no rights to the land, while the Palestinians did have rights as natives.
You're the kind who says Mexicans have a right to enter our country illegally and that the government is committing a crime when it deports them.

Well the Mexicans are native and we are not.
So yes, I tend to think our immigration laws are racist and unfair.
They are inherently contradictory.
When we negotiated the purchase of states like CA, AZ, NM, UT, NV, CO, OK, TX, LA, FL, etc. it was done with the guarantee the million or so Mexican citizens would retain their property rights, whether or not they decided to become US citizens.
Well we reneged on that deal and started murdering Mexicans in the US, in order to steal their land.
That kind of nullifies the treaty, which then should cause the land to default back to Mexico.
For some reason I can't cut/paste from this link, but it shows the Zionists were at fault for the conflict and were not supposed to get sovereignty.

Specifically why they were at fault is that they illegally flooded Palestine with more than 10 times the legal quota, and illegally murdered the British high command in the King David Hotel bombing.
They were immigrants so had no rights to the land, while the Palestinians did have rights as natives.
You're the kind who says Mexicans have a right to enter our country illegally and that the government is committing a crime when it deports them.

Well the Mexicans are native and we are not.
So yes, I tend to think our immigration laws are racist and unfair.
They are inherently contradictory.
When we negotiated the purchase of states like CA, AZ, NM, UT, NV, CO, OK, TX, LA, FL, etc. it was done with the guarantee the million or so Mexican citizens would retain their property rights, whether or not they decided to become US citizens.
Well we reneged on that deal and started murdering Mexicans in the US, in order to steal their land.
That kind of nullifies the treaty, which then should cause the land to default back to Mexico.
They are not native to the USA, numskull. The Mexicans that were already here did retain their property and even gained U.S. citizenship. No property was taking from Mexicans, moron. No ne was murdered except what occurs in the normal course of affairs.

As always, you have a serious misunderstanding of history.
You people are remarkably forgiving of the only other country in the world that can make the decision that America will go to war.

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?

Well, the Israelis have done this sort of stuff for 70 years.
You mean attack their enemies? That's why we admire them.

Israelis attacked the worshippers at AlAqsa.. They engineered this fight so they could kill more Palestinians.

No, they didn't. More propaganda. Hamas had staged the weapons inside the mosque. The western narrative is a joke. Hamas started this by firing off more than 1500 rockets. Hamas needs to be annihilated.

Right proof

Hamas had staged the weapons inside the mosque.... Proof...

Hamas started this by firing off more than 1500 rockets.... Prove that Hamas actually did this and it wasn't Jihad...

There is no proof of any weapons from mosques, schools, hospitals, or any other questionable source.
The recent rockets were more than justified retaliation over the recent murder and land confiscations.
Sorry don't believe anything you write! NO substantiation! NO LINKS! ONLY your subjective and personalized opinion!

I have quoted and linked more than anyone else on this board.
I am also right.
Right there! If you did you'd provide the numbers and links! Where is THAT proof of your statement? You proved the point ...AGAIN!!!
Total liar when you say that! Prove it!

Prove what?
You claim some sort of Hamas war crime, but there is no Hamas war crime.
Retaliation with rockets is perfectly legal when Israel murder, arrests, and confiscates.
Israel has no right to any of the West Bank.
Hamas deliberately launched rockets into civilian areas. There were no military targets. That's defined by the Geneva Convention as a war crime.

The US routinely bombed civilian areas in WWII.
That is not illegal if that is the best anyone could do under the circumstances.
You are allowed to attack economic support for example.
That is why in WWII they were allowed to attack German food production with the "Damn Buster" bombs.
Flooding fields is not a military target either.

That's true, moron, but that section of the Geneva accords was adopted after WW II specifically for that reason.

Aerial bombardment and international law - Wikipedia

In 1977, Protocol I was adopted as an amendment to the Geneva Conventions, prohibiting the deliberate or indiscriminate attack of civilians and civilian objects, even if the area contained military objectives, and the attacking force must take precautions and steps to spare the lives of civilians and civilian objects as possible. However, forces occupying near densely populated areas must avoid locating military objectives near or in densely populated areas and endeavor to remove civilians from the vicinity of military objectives. Failure to do so would cause a higher civilian death toll resulting from bombardment by the attacking force and the defenders would be held responsible, even criminally liable, for these deaths.

Except that you are forgetting that Israeli civilians are deliberately entering and illegally occupying land that is not theirs.
That's totally irrelevant to the fact that Hamas is violating the Geneva convention.

There almost are no Israeli civilians since anyone of age has mandatory IDF tour of duty.
ROFL! That is the lamest excuse of the month.

And everyone in Israel is providing economic and material support, for crimes they are more than aware of.

Such as?

Israelis are deliberately occupying stolen property, so are all criminals themselves.
Which means they are not innocent civilians in any way.
The attack by Hamas is not indiscriminate, and no matter the casualties, is warranted in order to reduce Palestinian casualties even more.

Sorry, turd, but the fact that you claim Israel did something wrong doesn't mean those bloodthirsty savages in Hamas get to commit war crimes.

Yes it does actually.
All that the Geneva Convention says is that you should try to minimize civilian casualties if possible.
There is no possible way, just like there was no way to reduce civilian casualties in Nagasaki or Hiroshima.
In no way can Israel be allowed to continue murdering, imprisoning, and stealing homes.
The fact they do it slowly does not matter.
Its the frog in the boiling water problem.
Its illegal to turn the heat on at all, and you don't have to wait until the water boils.
You people are remarkably forgiving of the only other country in the world that can make the decision that America will go to war.

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?

Well, the Israelis have done this sort of stuff for 70 years.
You mean attack their enemies? That's why we admire them.

Israelis attacked the worshippers at AlAqsa.. They engineered this fight so they could kill more Palestinians.

No, they didn't. More propaganda. Hamas had staged the weapons inside the mosque. The western narrative is a joke. Hamas started this by firing off more than 1500 rockets. Hamas needs to be annihilated.

Right proof

Hamas had staged the weapons inside the mosque.... Proof...

Hamas started this by firing off more than 1500 rockets.... Prove that Hamas actually did this and it wasn't Jihad...

There is no proof of any weapons from mosques, schools, hospitals, or any other questionable source.
The recent rockets were more than justified retaliation over the recent murder and land confiscations.
Sorry don't believe anything you write! NO substantiation! NO LINKS! ONLY your subjective and personalized opinion!

I have quoted and linked more than anyone else on this board.
I am also right.
Right there! If you did you'd provide the numbers and links! Where is THAT proof of your statement? You proved the point ...AGAIN!!!
Total liar when you say that! Prove it!

Prove what?
You claim some sort of Hamas war crime, but there is no Hamas war crime.
Retaliation with rockets is perfectly legal when Israel murder, arrests, and confiscates.
Israel has no right to any of the West Bank.
Hamas deliberately launched rockets into civilian areas. There were no military targets. That's defined by the Geneva Convention as a war crime.

The US routinely bombed civilian areas in WWII.
That is not illegal if that is the best anyone could do under the circumstances.
You are allowed to attack economic support for example.
That is why in WWII they were allowed to attack German food production with the "Damn Buster" bombs.
Flooding fields is not a military target either.

That's true, moron, but that section of the Geneva accords was adopted after WW II specifically for that reason.

Aerial bombardment and international law - Wikipedia

In 1977, Protocol I was adopted as an amendment to the Geneva Conventions, prohibiting the deliberate or indiscriminate attack of civilians and civilian objects, even if the area contained military objectives, and the attacking force must take precautions and steps to spare the lives of civilians and civilian objects as possible. However, forces occupying near densely populated areas must avoid locating military objectives near or in densely populated areas and endeavor to remove civilians from the vicinity of military objectives. Failure to do so would cause a higher civilian death toll resulting from bombardment by the attacking force and the defenders would be held responsible, even criminally liable, for these deaths.

Except that you are forgetting that Israeli civilians are deliberately entering and illegally occupying land that is not theirs.
That's totally irrelevant to the fact that Hamas is violating the Geneva convention.

There almost are no Israeli civilians since anyone of age has mandatory IDF tour of duty.
ROFL! That is the lamest excuse of the month.

And everyone in Israel is providing economic and material support, for crimes they are more than aware of.

Such as?

Israelis are deliberately occupying stolen property, so are all criminals themselves.
Which means they are not innocent civilians in any way.
The attack by Hamas is not indiscriminate, and no matter the casualties, is warranted in order to reduce Palestinian casualties even more.

Sorry, turd, but the fact that you claim Israel did something wrong doesn't mean those bloodthirsty savages in Hamas get to commit war crimes.

Yes it does actually.

"Yes it does actually."


When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?
For some reason I can't cut/paste from this link, but it shows the Zionists were at fault for the conflict and were not supposed to get sovereignty.

Specifically why they were at fault is that they illegally flooded Palestine with more than 10 times the legal quota, and illegally murdered the British high command in the King David Hotel bombing.
They were immigrants so had no rights to the land, while the Palestinians did have rights as natives.
You're the kind who says Mexicans have a right to enter our country illegally and that the government is committing a crime when it deports them.

Well the Mexicans are native and we are not.
So yes, I tend to think our immigration laws are racist and unfair.
They are inherently contradictory.
When we negotiated the purchase of states like CA, AZ, NM, UT, NV, CO, OK, TX, LA, FL, etc. it was done with the guarantee the million or so Mexican citizens would retain their property rights, whether or not they decided to become US citizens.
Well we reneged on that deal and started murdering Mexicans in the US, in order to steal their land.
That kind of nullifies the treaty, which then should cause the land to default back to Mexico.
They are not native to the USA, numskull. The Mexicans that were already here did retain their property and even gained U.S. citizenship. No property was taking from Mexicans, moron. No ne was murdered except what occurs in the normal course of affairs.

As always, you have a serious misunderstanding of history.

The Mexicans largely are US natives who fled to Mexico, and Mexicans came from the north originally, all the way across the Bearing Straits.
So all native south of the US had to live in the US at one time.

And no, the US is notorious for murdering Mexicans in order to steal their land.
This is just one of dozens, maybe hundreds or massacres.

'Porvenir, Texas' details massacre of Mexican Americans by U.S. soldiers, rangers​

“People say the past is the past, and you’ve got to move on. Unfortunately, that is just not the case. Violence against Latinos ... has become more relevant."

Sept. 27, 2019, 7:33 AM MDT / Updated Sept. 27, 2019, 10:11 AM MDT
By Raul A. Reyes
Arlinda Valencia was at a family funeral when she heard what sounded like a wild rumor. One of her uncles mentioned that the Texas Rangers had murdered her great-grandfather. This idea seemed so ludicrous that some of Valencia’s relatives laughed. No one believed the story. But the tale stuck with Valencia, and later she went online to read about Texas history.
At her computer, Valencia, who lives in El Paso, discovered an account of a massacre carried out by Texas Rangers. Among a list of the victims, she recognized her great-grandfather’s name. “His name was there,” she recalled. “The story was true. It sent chills down my back.”

Valencia’s great-grandfather Longino Flores had indeed lived in the small West Texas border town of Porvenir. In the early morning hours of Jan. 28, 1918, a group of ranchers, Texas Rangers, and U.S. Army cavalry soldiers entered the village and rousted the residents from their beds. They led away 15 unarmed men and boys of Mexican descent to a nearby bluff, where they shot and killed them. These victims ranged in age from 16 to 72, and some were American citizens. The town’s women and children fled across the border to Mexico for safety. The next day, the perpetrators returned and burned the village to the ground. Porvenir ceased to exist.
During the mid-19th century into the early 20th century thousands of men, women, and children of Mexican descent were victims of extrajudicial lynchings and killings in the Southwest. Yet these events remain largely unknown by the public, including Latinos.

When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?

The legal procedure should be to let the UN decide.
But they have, they ruled the Palestinians are in the right, but the US has illegally blocked action.
For some reason I can't cut/paste from this link, but it shows the Zionists were at fault for the conflict and were not supposed to get sovereignty.

Specifically why they were at fault is that they illegally flooded Palestine with more than 10 times the legal quota, and illegally murdered the British high command in the King David Hotel bombing.
They were immigrants so had no rights to the land, while the Palestinians did have rights as natives.
You're the kind who says Mexicans have a right to enter our country illegally and that the government is committing a crime when it deports them.

Well the Mexicans are native and we are not.
So yes, I tend to think our immigration laws are racist and unfair.
They are inherently contradictory.
When we negotiated the purchase of states like CA, AZ, NM, UT, NV, CO, OK, TX, LA, FL, etc. it was done with the guarantee the million or so Mexican citizens would retain their property rights, whether or not they decided to become US citizens.
Well we reneged on that deal and started murdering Mexicans in the US, in order to steal their land.
That kind of nullifies the treaty, which then should cause the land to default back to Mexico.
They are not native to the USA, numskull. The Mexicans that were already here did retain their property and even gained U.S. citizenship. No property was taking from Mexicans, moron. No ne was murdered except what occurs in the normal course of affairs.

As always, you have a serious misunderstanding of history.

The Mexicans largely are US natives who fled to Mexico, and Mexicans came from the north originally, all the way across the Bearing Straits.
So all native south of the US had to live in the US at one time.

And no, the US is notorious for murdering Mexicans in order to steal their land.
This is just one of dozens, maybe hundreds or massacres.

'Porvenir, Texas' details massacre of Mexican Americans by U.S. soldiers, rangers​

“People say the past is the past, and you’ve got to move on. Unfortunately, that is just not the case. Violence against Latinos ... has become more relevant."

Sept. 27, 2019, 7:33 AM MDT / Updated Sept. 27, 2019, 10:11 AM MDT
By Raul A. Reyes
Arlinda Valencia was at a family funeral when she heard what sounded like a wild rumor. One of her uncles mentioned that the Texas Rangers had murdered her great-grandfather. This idea seemed so ludicrous that some of Valencia’s relatives laughed. No one believed the story. But the tale stuck with Valencia, and later she went online to read about Texas history.
At her computer, Valencia, who lives in El Paso, discovered an account of a massacre carried out by Texas Rangers. Among a list of the victims, she recognized her great-grandfather’s name. “His name was there,” she recalled. “The story was true. It sent chills down my back.”

Valencia’s great-grandfather Longino Flores had indeed lived in the small West Texas border town of Porvenir. In the early morning hours of Jan. 28, 1918, a group of ranchers, Texas Rangers, and U.S. Army cavalry soldiers entered the village and rousted the residents from their beds. They led away 15 unarmed men and boys of Mexican descent to a nearby bluff, where they shot and killed them. These victims ranged in age from 16 to 72, and some were American citizens. The town’s women and children fled across the border to Mexico for safety. The next day, the perpetrators returned and burned the village to the ground. Porvenir ceased to exist.
During the mid-19th century into the early 20th century thousands of men, women, and children of Mexican descent were victims of extrajudicial lynchings and killings in the Southwest. Yet these events remain largely unknown by the public, including Latinos.
The Mexicans largely are US natives who fled to Mexico, and Mexicans came from the north originally, all the way across the Bearing Straits.


When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?

The legal procedure should be to let the UN decide.
But they have, they ruled the Palestinians are in the right, but the US has illegally blocked action.
I disagree with the UN. So now what? Illegal as deemed by whom? What would your solution in Israel be?

When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?

The legal procedure should be to let the UN decide.
But they have, they ruled the Palestinians are in the right, but the US has illegally blocked action.
You want it to be decided by a debating society for dictators?

When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?

The legal procedure should be to let the UN decide.
But they have, they ruled the Palestinians are in the right, but the US has illegally blocked action.
I disagree with the UN. So now what? Illegal as deemed by whom? What would your solution in Israel be?
Dead Jews

When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?

The legal procedure should be to let the UN decide.
But they have, they ruled the Palestinians are in the right, but the US has illegally blocked action.
The UN?!!!!
The UN is mostly Muslims and Shit Hole African Nations!
You really are a Muslim Cock Sucker.
You people are remarkably forgiving of the only other country in the world that can make the decision that America will go to war.

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?

Well, the Israelis have done this sort of stuff for 70 years.
You mean attack their enemies? That's why we admire them.

Israelis attacked the worshippers at AlAqsa.. They engineered this fight so they could kill more Palestinians.

No, they didn't. More propaganda. Hamas had staged the weapons inside the mosque. The western narrative is a joke. Hamas started this by firing off more than 1500 rockets. Hamas needs to be annihilated.

Right proof

Hamas had staged the weapons inside the mosque.... Proof...

Hamas started this by firing off more than 1500 rockets.... Prove that Hamas actually did this and it wasn't Jihad...

There is no proof of any weapons from mosques, schools, hospitals, or any other questionable source.
The recent rockets were more than justified retaliation over the recent murder and land confiscations.
Sorry don't believe anything you write! NO substantiation! NO LINKS! ONLY your subjective and personalized opinion!

I have quoted and linked more than anyone else on this board.
I am also right.
Right there! If you did you'd provide the numbers and links! Where is THAT proof of your statement? You proved the point ...AGAIN!!!
Total liar when you say that! Prove it!

Prove what?
You claim some sort of Hamas war crime, but there is no Hamas war crime.
Retaliation with rockets is perfectly legal when Israel murder, arrests, and confiscates.
Israel has no right to any of the West Bank.
Hamas deliberately launched rockets into civilian areas. There were no military targets. That's defined by the Geneva Convention as a war crime.

The US routinely bombed civilian areas in WWII.
That is not illegal if that is the best anyone could do under the circumstances.
You are allowed to attack economic support for example.
That is why in WWII they were allowed to attack German food production with the "Damn Buster" bombs.
Flooding fields is not a military target either.

That's true, moron, but that section of the Geneva accords was adopted after WW II specifically for that reason.

Aerial bombardment and international law - Wikipedia

In 1977, Protocol I was adopted as an amendment to the Geneva Conventions, prohibiting the deliberate or indiscriminate attack of civilians and civilian objects, even if the area contained military objectives, and the attacking force must take precautions and steps to spare the lives of civilians and civilian objects as possible. However, forces occupying near densely populated areas must avoid locating military objectives near or in densely populated areas and endeavor to remove civilians from the vicinity of military objectives. Failure to do so would cause a higher civilian death toll resulting from bombardment by the attacking force and the defenders would be held responsible, even criminally liable, for these deaths.

Except that you are forgetting that Israeli civilians are deliberately entering and illegally occupying land that is not theirs.
That's totally irrelevant to the fact that Hamas is violating the Geneva convention.

There almost are no Israeli civilians since anyone of age has mandatory IDF tour of duty.
ROFL! That is the lamest excuse of the month.

And everyone in Israel is providing economic and material support, for crimes they are more than aware of.

Such as?

Israelis are deliberately occupying stolen property, so are all criminals themselves.
Which means they are not innocent civilians in any way.
The attack by Hamas is not indiscriminate, and no matter the casualties, is warranted in order to reduce Palestinian casualties even more.

Sorry, turd, but the fact that you claim Israel did something wrong doesn't mean those bloodthirsty savages in Hamas get to commit war crimes.

The Geneva conventions are not at all being violated by Hamas.
Hamas is not deliberately targeting innocent civilians, but instead is attempting to stop the illegal murder, imprisonment, and home theft of innocent civilian Palestinians, by guilty and deliberate Israeli war criminals intend on murder, imprisonment, and home theft.
Again, this is vastly more ethical than the US attacks during WWII on Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Dresden, Hamburg, Berlin, etc., which killed hundreds of thousands of real innocent civilians.

It is legitimate to attack civilians even if they just provide towards the military economy, which all Israelis do.

And the fact the Israelis are knowingly committing war crimes by murdering, imprisoning, and stealing homes, DOES mean they all deserve to die, if they can't be arrested and stopped.

When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?

The legal procedure should be to let the UN decide.
But they have, they ruled the Palestinians are in the right, but the US has illegally blocked action.
I disagree with the UN. So now what? Illegal as deemed by whom? What would your solution in Israel be?
Dead Jews

It is not really correct to call Israelis Jews.
Most are Ashkenazi atheists like Netanyahu, so is neither from the Mideast, nor believes in the values of Judaism.

When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?

The legal procedure should be to let the UN decide.
But they have, they ruled the Palestinians are in the right, but the US has illegally blocked action.
The UN?!!!!
The UN is mostly Muslims and Shit Hole African Nations!
You really are a Muslim Cock Sucker.

South America and Asia have more members than Africa, and only about a fifth of the world is Moslem.
No one but the US wants Israel to keep getting away with its crimes.
Europe is against it.

When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?

The legal procedure should be to let the UN decide.
But they have, they ruled the Palestinians are in the right, but the US has illegally blocked action.
I disagree with the UN. So now what? Illegal as deemed by whom? What would your solution in Israel be?

The only reason Israel has ANY validity at all comes from the generations after 1948 who may not have known or been involved in the crimes Israel committed.
So because of them, I could see a 1 state solution where the 12 million Moslems simply keep the 6 million Jews from committing any more crimes, just by out voting them.
But another solution would be for Israelis to go back to their ancestral homelands, which are mostly Poland and Russia.
A 2 state solution might also be possible, but the Jewish side should be smaller than the 1948 partition. Only a third of the original Palestine.

When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?

The legal procedure should be to let the UN decide.
But they have, they ruled the Palestinians are in the right, but the US has illegally blocked action.
The UN?!!!!
The UN is mostly Muslims and Shit Hole African Nations!
You really are a Muslim Cock Sucker.

South America and Asia have more members than Africa, and only about a fifth of the world is Moslem.
No one but the US wants Israel to keep getting away with its crimes.
Europe is against it.
fifth of the world is Moslem

No shit...
Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists ...all murdering each other and it hardly makes the news.
Islam, however, is based on global conquest.
You're an idiot and good for a laugh.
Carry on!

When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?

The legal procedure should be to let the UN decide.
But they have, they ruled the Palestinians are in the right, but the US has illegally blocked action.
I disagree with the UN. So now what? Illegal as deemed by whom? What would your solution in Israel be?

The only reason Israel has ANY validity at all comes from the generations after 1948 who may not have known or been involved in the crimes Israel committed.
So because of them, I could see a 1 state solution where the 12 million Moslems simply keep the 6 million Jews from committing any more crimes, just by out voting them.
But another solution would be for Israelis to go back to their ancestral homelands, which are mostly Poland and Russia.
A 2 state solution might also be possible, but the Jewish side should be smaller than the 1948 partition. Only a third of the original Palestine.
You’re all over the place. So you want another mostly Muslim country…cause they work so well. So should we give the US back to the Native Americans? Your logic says “yes”

When a party stands with an internationally recognized terrorist group instead of our allies then there is something wrong. Democrats have lost their minds.

Israel has never been our ally, and has never shared interests, bases, or anything else.
Instead, Israel has illegally spied on us, shot and killed US sailors, colluded illegally in US elections, and made enemies for us all over the world.
They are officially our ally. You’re deranged.

Israel is not our ally in any real way, and is "officially" just crooks who are illegally manipulating our elections with illegal campaign contributions from a foreign power, that are not registered as such.
Which is why the bought US politicians "officially" label Israel as an ally when it really isn't.
I disagree. What now? You going to murder me?

The legal procedure should be to let the UN decide.
But they have, they ruled the Palestinians are in the right, but the US has illegally blocked action.
I disagree with the UN. So now what? Illegal as deemed by whom? What would your solution in Israel be?

The only reason Israel has ANY validity at all comes from the generations after 1948 who may not have known or been involved in the crimes Israel committed.
So because of them, I could see a 1 state solution where the 12 million Moslems simply keep the 6 million Jews from committing any more crimes, just by out voting them.
But another solution would be for Israelis to go back to their ancestral homelands, which are mostly Poland and Russia.
A 2 state solution might also be possible, but the Jewish side should be smaller than the 1948 partition. Only a third of the original Palestine.
Why are Jews running the world?
Technology has enabled the few to control the many.
Sadly, many of the many want to keep murdering each other.
Screw them.

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