I probably have Covid and by the symptoms it's Omicron.

Monitor your BREATHING-------

It's common NOT to get a fever with Covid. It's first sign is exhaustion and the runs actually normally according to the doctors. Soar throat and loss of smell are very common as well. It generally kills by attacking your lungs ability to exchange Oxygen. Monitor your oxygen and breathing closely.

Best of luck----
Excellent tip about breathing, including the need for periods of deep breathing throughout the day. As a shallow breather (either by nature or bad habit) I have to consciously make myself take deep breaths. It’s also a good way to prevent pneumonia according to medical information. Even though it’s reported that Omicron does not penetrate the lungs like the former variants were doing, a great tip for all, healthy or ill.
Pretty sure the Wife and I had it last week. Sore throat,weakness and just an all around feeling of malaise.
I ran a slight temp for a couple of days as well.
Since I never get a cold or the flu I'm guessing it was omicron.

our 'SCIENTISTS' ought to be feeling a bit stupid now.
Herewegoagain said:
The thermometers that you point at your forehead generally read a bit low.

an inaccurate thermometer... but they meant well.
I only go two places, the gym and the bowling alley. It is unlikely I got infected in the gym because I do not get anywhere near others there. So, the bowling alley is the prime suspect. What is weird is that I did not get a sore throat; it went right to my bronchial area, and I got a dry cough. I am on the MYDH portal, and I registered for a Covid test, but it is four days away. I will quarantine myself until the test results.

The symptoms came on today about 3pm. I felt fine in the morning as I cleared snow off my wife's car and later mine. I have no fever, but I feel that tired feeling you get when you know you are coming down with something. I have a runny nose and the cough is not that bad so far. No congestion yet. I am vaccinated with two Pfizer shots. I have a mild headache.

They wanted my insurance number. Are they going to charge me for the Covid test? No one has offered me Regeneron or Ivermectin yet. If they do, I will go for it. I am taking Zicam every three hours. My guess is that I am on my own with this until the test.
Listen, those over-the-counter meds like Nyquil and Dayquil and Delsym and other cough meds are great. I really think they got me through a pretty serious case; I'm not over it, but I'm starting to convalesce. Well, I HOPE you got Omicron and that it is very mild and immunizes you totally. Against French mutants, Cypriot variants, whatever they throw at us. :eusa_dance:
Neither one of us will get any boosters. Enough is enough.
Agreed. Enough! Enough! Enough!

And what do you think of the New York mandate that health workers now have to get a booster??? If that stays up, just how many boosters will they have to get?? Twenty, thirty, seventy???
I shudder to think of the waiting lines in 0 temps for Anal swab covid tests.
98.6 is an average. many people have a slightly lower temp normally. His thermometer if probably fine.

Excuse me, but where did you get your medical degree, Dr. Jones?

My doctors are concerned because my temperature never approaches 98.6 degrees, even when they take it, but I have Stage IV liver failure which causes my body temp to be low. Ray needs a new thermometer, or he needs a complete physical to determine why his temp is low. That temperature is way too low to be healthy!
HIPAA regs prevent me from answering that question.
LOL. whatever. Your doctor treats you specifically for your situation and your body. People are different. You're no more a doctor than i am. So don't be pretending that your medical opinion is superior to someone elses. But i may have a little more experience with the covid thingy than you.

oh and that hipaa thing...it's more for the gov't, the hospital, doctor, nurse protection than it is for you.
My wife and I came down with headaches, dry cough, fatigue. It's still around after more than 2 weeks. No fever, none of the other symptoms. I plan to get tested if it hasn't resolved in the next few days. I actually hope it IS Omicron. That'd be getting nature's vaccine on the cheap ;)
headaches, dry cough, fatigue

I tell my wife that happens due to less sex...
Monitor your BREATHING-------

It's common NOT to get a fever with Covid. It's first sign is exhaustion and the runs actually normally according to the doctors. Soar throat and loss of smell are very common as well. It generally kills by attacking your lungs ability to exchange Oxygen. Monitor your oxygen and breathing closely.

Best of luck----
My co-workers and I have had days of extreme fatigue without fever.
This has never happened in the last 10 years so we probably got a taste of COVID19.
That is the third article i've found from different sources regarding impurities in this thing they want to inject us with.

and you're right Indeependent how would we know. We placed our trust in these folk in the early days and the vaccines did what they said they would do. And yes, there were some unpleasant reactions.

But this one. Not necessary, over blown, falsely portrayed by men who are not interested in the betterment of civilization but in the betterment of their own fortunes. We don't have to guess at that....we see it, we hear it in their own words, we see who they associate with. I'm sure they never thought that the internet would delve that deeply into their past shenanigans. They thought they were untouchable. They may be untouchable. But they're not doing it secretly. They've been exposed with video evidence.
LOL. whatever. Your doctor treats you specifically for your situation and your body. People are different. You're no more a doctor than i am. So don't be pretending that your medical opinion is superior to someone elses. But i may have a little more experience with the covid thingy than you.

oh and that hipaa thing...it's more for the gov't, the hospital, doctor, nurse protection than it is for you.
I don't know where you get off with some of the things about me. Why do you know more about COVID than I do?

I am a liver transplant candidate. I have had heart catheterizations and stent emplacement in 3 cardiac arteries. I was thought to have cancer and underwent two procedures to verify that I did not. I have had two esophagogastroduodenoscopies to fix blood vessels in my throat. I have had about 7 paracentesis procedures. Guess what? Every single one of those except one paracentesis were done AFTER COVID came out! Want to guess how many COVID tests I have had?

I got the Delta variant of COVID last year AFTER I was vaccinated, and then had to have monoclonal antibody infusion.

I work for the government asking medical questions, so I am well familiar with HIPAA.

Now, let's lay your Vienna sausage-sized dick out on the table and see how it compares!

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