I probably have Covid and by the symptoms it's Omicron.

well thank goodness they're not using that China manufactured nasal swab anymore.
Oh, they aren't? I have never had anything BUT the nasal swab.

My wife was feeling off and my daughter's entire family has the omicron variant, so she used an at home test yesterday. Guess what? Nasal swab!

You are probably right. I am just a hillbilly so they probably would waste a more comfortable test on me!
not sure what a test is going to do for you,, youre sick so unless it gets really bad just do the normal stuff,,
It's good to know with all the leftist hysteria out there. If his symptoms remain mild, it's good to know you got nature's vaccine anyway. The tests are free/cheap. No downside to knowing
Oh, they aren't? I have never had anything BUT the nasal swab.

My wife was feeling off and my daughter's entire family has the omicron variant, so she used an at home test yesterday. Guess what? Nasal swab!

You are probably right. I am just a hillbilly so they probably would waste a more comfortable test on me!
They want you to stick that thing up your own nose?
Excuse me, but where did you get your medical degree, Dr. Jones?

My doctors are concerned because my temperature never approaches 98.6 degrees, even when they take it, but I have Stage IV liver failure which causes my body temp to be low. Ray needs a new thermometer, or he needs a complete physical to determine why his temp is low. That temperature is way too low to be healthy!
My temp runs low---as did my grandfathers.......sometimes it is just a genetic thing.
I got a splitting headache yesterday. It did no good to lie down. It was like someone was tightening a vice on my head. It lasted all night and still hurt like hell when I got up. Then I took two Tylenol, and it went from a 9 to a five by 8 am. I had a fever last night, 101. I'm usually around 97. I have a cough but not too bad and not much congestion. The headache is gone, thank God.

I got a call from Dartmouth Hitchcock that they moved my test from Tuesday to Wednesday because of ice storms headed this way. I asked if there was somewhere I could get a faster test and they said try Convenient MD. but I really need a PCR test which is way more accurate than the test they and most pharmacies offer.

So, I guess I will be watching the Youtube channel until Wednesday.
not a good idea, for those that don't know this, to go to one of those pop up coronavirus testing tents.

Not your fault, vaxxed and unvaxxed folk, for getting this virus. You can lay that at the door of those responsible for the research and funding. I'm talking about you Fau-Chi and Bill Gates, Obama and fed aid he put in place. THey have to pay for this treachery.
admiralrockwelltory said:
Now, let's lay your Vienna sausage-sized dick out on the table and see how it compares!

what the hell man. YOu want to see MY DICK!!!!
damn perv. lolol
My wife now has symptoms. She came home early yesterday. The Dartmouth Hitchcock site is confusing. It seems to suggest that I go to a receptionist before I am tested. My daughter says no, just go out back to where I was swabbed a few months ago. The medical facility wants to know if I want my insurance billed. Why am I being charged for this test? We are under a national emergency. I do not want the test because I am afraid of Covid. I want it so I will not expose other people. What the hell is going on here? Why are they making money off this?

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