“I said CIA and the Mossad stand behind these organisations,”


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
This guy's a hoot. Over 2,000,000 plus Christians killed in the Sudan and just the other year he said that he wants no Christians or Black tribes in his country, and he has the nerve to say this...

“I said CIA and the Mossad stand behind these organisations,” al-Bashirtold Euronews referring to ISIS and Boko Haram. “There is no Muslim who would carry out such acts.” His comments came as a reaction to the video of beheadings by ISIS of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya released this past weekend. Egypt consequently launched a series of airstrikes against ISIS in Libya as a response, leaving dozens dead.

Read the full article at:
Who Is Omar Al-Bashir Sudan President Says CIA Mossad Support ISIS Boko Haram?
“I said CIA and the Mossad stand behind these organisations,” al-Bashirtold Euronews referring to ISIS and Boko Haram. “There is no Muslim who would carry out such acts.” His comments came as a reaction to the video of beheadings by ISIS of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya released this past weekend. Egypt consequently launched a series of airstrikes against ISIS in Libya as a response, leaving dozens dead.

Read the full article at:
Who Is Omar Al-Bashir Sudan President Says CIA Mossad Support ISIS Boko Haram?
He is correct. ...... :cool:
Anyone ever wonder why there are never any names associated with ISIS. ISIS did this. ISIS did that. ISIS is planning something. Why are there never any names associated activities?
Anyone ever wonder why there are never any names associated with ISIS. ISIS did this. ISIS did that. ISIS is planning something. Why are there never any names associated activities?


Have you noticed that most ISIS cover their face? Voice and facial software is used to identify as many ISIS as possible but removing the face coverings and coming up with a recognizable face makes the work more difficult.
Most also go by a nom de guerre not their real names.


You actually believe everything this guy says? Meanwhile, the Black Muslim women of Darfur who were lucky enough to escape being put into slavery by the lighter-skinned Arab Muslims are still living in tents in the refugee camps in Chad. I know a giving. caring person like you would like to buy some solar cookers for them. If they leave the camps in search of something like wood to cook with, they stand a good chance of being raped.

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