McCain was a war hawk. List, proving once again the left stand for nothing.

I respected McCain as a person that served in the military. I disagreed with him politically. McCain is the one that disrespected American citizens. McCain is the one that called Trump supporters "crazy". Perhaps you missed that. Anything else? Idiot.
They are crazy, they believe everything that the disgraceful GOP propaganda machine says... Pedophile Clintons corrupt Clinton Foundation, all the BS gossip that makes them Miss what is actually going on in America the last 35 years. GOP giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest domestically, not to mention corrupt GOP economic meltdown of 2008 and in foreign policy absolute wreck of the Middle East for no reason.
Your not making sense. Trump supporters don't listen to the Republican propaganda. If they did, Trump wouldn't have gotten the nomination and elected President. Idiot.
All Trump had to do to get the GOP misinformed base was to keep repeating Fox Rush Etc Etc vs hate propaganda.

Antifa is not Democratic and they number in scores. Fox repeated a couple of clips of antifa and black gangsta wannabe violence a million times but never mentioned the Millions of Democrat protesters who would never think of violence.
Democrats have always had thugs to do their dirty work. There's a new gang every election cycle. A few years back it was Occupy Wall Street. Black Lives Matter. Now it's Antifa. They're yours.
Antifa is violent but only against white supremacists and Nazis the few times they come out. Occupy Wall Street and black lives matter not so much. I know you are fear Mongered to the point of total idiocy...
You're an idiot. You're believing your own propaganda.
I respected McCain as a person that served in the military. I disagreed with him politically. McCain is the one that disrespected American citizens. McCain is the one that called Trump supporters "crazy". Perhaps you missed that. Anything else? Idiot.
They are crazy, they believe everything that the disgraceful GOP propaganda machine says... Pedophile Clintons corrupt Clinton Foundation, all the BS gossip that makes them Miss what is actually going on in America the last 35 years. GOP giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest domestically, not to mention corrupt GOP economic meltdown of 2008 and in foreign policy absolute wreck of the Middle East for no reason.
Your not making sense. Trump supporters don't listen to the Republican propaganda. If they did, Trump wouldn't have gotten the nomination and elected President. Idiot.
All Trump had to do to get the GOP misinformed base was to keep repeating Fox Rush Etc Etc vs hate propaganda.

Antifa is not Democratic and they number in scores. Fox repeated a couple of clips of antifa and black gangsta wannabe violence a million times but never mentioned the Millions of Democrat protesters who would never think of violence.
Democrats have always had thugs to do their dirty work. There's a new gang every election cycle. A few years back it was Occupy Wall Street. Black Lives Matter. Now it's Antifa. They're yours.
The only real growth in violence has been right-wing violence against minorities of every type since Trump started...
You're an idiot.
They are crazy, they believe everything that the disgraceful GOP propaganda machine says... Pedophile Clintons corrupt Clinton Foundation, all the BS gossip that makes them Miss what is actually going on in America the last 35 years. GOP giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest domestically, not to mention corrupt GOP economic meltdown of 2008 and in foreign policy absolute wreck of the Middle East for no reason.
Your not making sense. Trump supporters don't listen to the Republican propaganda. If they did, Trump wouldn't have gotten the nomination and elected President. Idiot.
All Trump had to do to get the GOP misinformed base was to keep repeating Fox Rush Etc Etc vs hate propaganda.

Antifa is not Democratic and they number in scores. Fox repeated a couple of clips of antifa and black gangsta wannabe violence a million times but never mentioned the Millions of Democrat protesters who would never think of violence.
Democrats have always had thugs to do their dirty work. There's a new gang every election cycle. A few years back it was Occupy Wall Street. Black Lives Matter. Now it's Antifa. They're yours.
Antifa is violent but only against white supremacists and Nazis the few times they come out. Occupy Wall Street and black lives matter not so much. I know you are fear Mongered to the point of total idiocy...
You're an idiot. You're believing your own propaganda.
I don't have any propaganda... We have something called world journalism and respected media, all of whom agree with Democrats and against your incredible BS hate garbage propaganda that no justice system including ours has any interest in... Everything has been investigated and your disgraceful propaganda machine never retracts anything.
They are crazy, they believe everything that the disgraceful GOP propaganda machine says... Pedophile Clintons corrupt Clinton Foundation, all the BS gossip that makes them Miss what is actually going on in America the last 35 years. GOP giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest domestically, not to mention corrupt GOP economic meltdown of 2008 and in foreign policy absolute wreck of the Middle East for no reason.
Your not making sense. Trump supporters don't listen to the Republican propaganda. If they did, Trump wouldn't have gotten the nomination and elected President. Idiot.
All Trump had to do to get the GOP misinformed base was to keep repeating Fox Rush Etc Etc vs hate propaganda.

Antifa is not Democratic and they number in scores. Fox repeated a couple of clips of antifa and black gangsta wannabe violence a million times but never mentioned the Millions of Democrat protesters who would never think of violence.
Democrats have always had thugs to do their dirty work. There's a new gang every election cycle. A few years back it was Occupy Wall Street. Black Lives Matter. Now it's Antifa. They're yours.
The only real growth in violence has been right-wing violence against minorities of every type since Trump started...
You're an idiot.
You're the one who votes against a living wage good infrastructure ID card to end illegal immigration, tax cuts for the non rich, cheap college and training, Health Care daycare, paid parental leave etc etc. And for absolute bulshit. And giveaway to the greedy idiot war-mongering rich.
They are crazy, they believe everything that the disgraceful GOP propaganda machine says... Pedophile Clintons corrupt Clinton Foundation, all the BS gossip that makes them Miss what is actually going on in America the last 35 years. GOP giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest domestically, not to mention corrupt GOP economic meltdown of 2008 and in foreign policy absolute wreck of the Middle East for no reason.
Your not making sense. Trump supporters don't listen to the Republican propaganda. If they did, Trump wouldn't have gotten the nomination and elected President. Idiot.
All Trump had to do to get the GOP misinformed base was to keep repeating Fox Rush Etc Etc vs hate propaganda.

Antifa is not Democratic and they number in scores. Fox repeated a couple of clips of antifa and black gangsta wannabe violence a million times but never mentioned the Millions of Democrat protesters who would never think of violence.
Democrats have always had thugs to do their dirty work. There's a new gang every election cycle. A few years back it was Occupy Wall Street. Black Lives Matter. Now it's Antifa. They're yours.
The only real growth in violence has been right-wing violence against minorities of every type since Trump started...
You're an idiot.
It is a fact. Idiot change the channel and get some news read something.
They are crazy, they believe everything that the disgraceful GOP propaganda machine says... Pedophile Clintons corrupt Clinton Foundation, all the BS gossip that makes them Miss what is actually going on in America the last 35 years. GOP giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest domestically, not to mention corrupt GOP economic meltdown of 2008 and in foreign policy absolute wreck of the Middle East for no reason.
Your not making sense. Trump supporters don't listen to the Republican propaganda. If they did, Trump wouldn't have gotten the nomination and elected President. Idiot.
All Trump had to do to get the GOP misinformed base was to keep repeating Fox Rush Etc Etc vs hate propaganda.

Antifa is not Democratic and they number in scores. Fox repeated a couple of clips of antifa and black gangsta wannabe violence a million times but never mentioned the Millions of Democrat protesters who would never think of violence.
Democrats have always had thugs to do their dirty work. There's a new gang every election cycle. A few years back it was Occupy Wall Street. Black Lives Matter. Now it's Antifa. They're yours.
Antifa is violent but only against white supremacists and Nazis the few times they come out. Occupy Wall Street and black lives matter not so much. I know you are fear Mongered to the point of total idiocy...
You're an idiot. You're believing your own propaganda.
You are the idiots you're so brainwashed you believe the whole world and the u.s. justice system R conspiracy behind Democrats and against Republicans. It's insane and so are you unbelievable.
Your not making sense. Trump supporters don't listen to the Republican propaganda. If they did, Trump wouldn't have gotten the nomination and elected President. Idiot.
All Trump had to do to get the GOP misinformed base was to keep repeating Fox Rush Etc Etc vs hate propaganda.

Antifa is not Democratic and they number in scores. Fox repeated a couple of clips of antifa and black gangsta wannabe violence a million times but never mentioned the Millions of Democrat protesters who would never think of violence.
Democrats have always had thugs to do their dirty work. There's a new gang every election cycle. A few years back it was Occupy Wall Street. Black Lives Matter. Now it's Antifa. They're yours.
Antifa is violent but only against white supremacists and Nazis the few times they come out. Occupy Wall Street and black lives matter not so much. I know you are fear Mongered to the point of total idiocy...
You're an idiot. You're believing your own propaganda.
You are the idiots you're so brainwashed you believe the whole world and the u.s. justice system R conspiracy behind Democrats and against Republicans. It's insane and so are you unbelievable.
You're punctuation is at a second grade level. Bye.
Conservatives were war hawks and Iraq/Afghanistan apologists, until the day Trump said something about it.
A Complete History Of John McCain Calling For War Around The World

The list is of course a history of all the instances McCain has called for US-led intervention around the world. There’s obviously a long history here, so Geopolitics Alerthas compiled the largest examples from Europe to Asia. We’ll start with the obvious wars first.

Afghanistan and Iraq

Despite McCain’s claim in 2014 that “the Iraq war probably wouldn’t have happened” if he had won the 2000 Republican primary and then general election, this assertion seems ridiculous. On September 12th 2001, McCain appeared on MSNBC presenting a long list of countries he felt were providing a “safe harbor” to groups like al Qaeda. This list of course included Iraq and several other countries that appear later on this list.


Another country on that 2001 list (of course) was Syria. Now, the Bush regime may have never gotten a chance to continue toppling Mideast countries (thanks to the failure in Iraq and the exposure of that war being sold on lies). But McCain seemingly never lost sight of his hatred for Bashar Al-Assad.

Shortly after the Arab Spring “broke out” in Syria, McCain – and his constant partner in war crimes Sen. Lindsey Graham – quickly found communication channels with the “Syrian opposition.” Just a few short months after the US endorsed protests in Syria (even having their ambassador attend), McCain and Graham began calling for arms to start flowing to the Free Syrian Army and other “rebel” groups.

McCain’s plans for Syria never quite worked the way he wanted but he probably should’ve know they would never yield a positive result. If McCain didn’t want to look at Iraq to prove that point, he had another more recent example he could’ve used: the NATO intervention in Libya.

It was less than a year before McCain wanted to arm Syrian takfiris that he had supported with the bombing and no fly zones in Libya. McCain even wanted tougher actions against the country. Which has now become an anarchic Wild West that’s home to all sorts of horrors from the Islamic State to a new slave trade.

West and Central Africa
McCain is also a champion of the “war on terror” in other parts of Africa. While McCain hasn’t directly supported terrorists in some countries in Africa, he still has called for more US intervention across the continent.

This list includes countries dealing with Islamic insurgencies, such as Mali. McCain has also called for plans like “deploying Special Forces” to rescue girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria and intervention in Sudan, where McCain and his wife have invested money for some time.

Another country on the list of hated nations originally put forth by Bush undersecretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz, and also another long time target of McCain, is of course Iran.

Although McCain has always said “he prays” there will never be at war with Iran, the man constantly calls for it and even jokes aboutbombing the country when he feels the mood is right. The truth of the matter is, McCain’s positions towards Iran are so hostile that even flagship neoconservative institutions like the Cato Institute think he is too hawkish.

Bosnia and Kosovo
But McCain isn’t satisfied with just backing salafi jihadists in the traditional Middle East and North African theaters. He’s also backed violent radicals across the fringes of Europe. This trend really started in the mid 1990’s when McCain was a vocal supporter of then president Bill Clinton’s war in Bosnia.

Many of the Muslims traveling to Bosnia joining the mujahideen there have joined groups like IS in recent years. And IS flags can occasionally be seen in the Sunni areas of Bosnia now. McCain was still backing potential takfiri movements, recently accusing Russia of interfering in local affairs, and calling for more US intervention in the country.

McCain made similar decisions when he advocated US intervention in Kosovo in the late 90’s. In the Kosovo conflict, McCain backed the Kosovo Liberation Army: a genocidal jihadist organization with ties to Al Qaeda under Osama Bin Laden.


But but but he hated Trump well enough.
McCain had zero understanding of the economy. All he knew was the military. Would have been a great Secretary of Defense. Too bad GOP ran him in 2008 allowing for an Obama win.
All Trump had to do to get the GOP misinformed base was to keep repeating Fox Rush Etc Etc vs hate propaganda.

Antifa is not Democratic and they number in scores. Fox repeated a couple of clips of antifa and black gangsta wannabe violence a million times but never mentioned the Millions of Democrat protesters who would never think of violence.
Democrats have always had thugs to do their dirty work. There's a new gang every election cycle. A few years back it was Occupy Wall Street. Black Lives Matter. Now it's Antifa. They're yours.
Antifa is violent but only against white supremacists and Nazis the few times they come out. Occupy Wall Street and black lives matter not so much. I know you are fear Mongered to the point of total idiocy...
You're an idiot. You're believing your own propaganda.
You are the idiots you're so brainwashed you believe the whole world and the u.s. justice system R conspiracy behind Democrats and against Republicans. It's insane and so are you unbelievable.
You're punctuation is at a second grade level. Bye.
It's a SmartPhone thing just like your post here d u h...

Any arguments at all? 85 percent of Us Media thinks you are insane and 99% of world media. They are known as journalists, as opposed to your bought off high school grad X Coke head DJ pundits and bimbos, super duper dupe.
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