I think I'm reaching my limit with the depravity of TV

Louis CK is a gutter scum. But worse, he's not even in the same zip code as funny.
Louis CK is an intelligence test. Just have someone watch a video of one of his routines and draw a conclusion from how many times your subject laughs.
Entertainment is, with the exception of NPR and its government-funded cousins, a great example of what a virtually unfettered free market will produce. As long as some people will find it entertaining, there will be people who produce it in order to try to make a buck. It may be vulgar, gross, false, immoral, nauseating, or painful (or in the case of Amy Schumer, all of the above), but if there are people out there who will watch it regularly, there will be advertisers who will pay and people who will produce it. And thank god there ARE some limits, because without them, we would surely have programs featuring pederasty, kiddie porn, bestiality, brutal sadism, and extreme homosexual practices.

The worst "crime" in today's entertainment world is to be boring.

But to the point of the OP, there is some benefit to exposing that which promotes evil and has no real entertainment value, so that others will not be induced to sponsor it in any way, even by tuning in. That's about all we can do. There are public service organizations that do it for you, if you want to look and find them.

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