Zone1 I think the Democrats are trying to start a prohibition against alcohol drinking.


Senior Member
May 26, 2022
After World War 1 it was the republicans that tried to stop citizens from drinking alcohol. Now the so-called healthy czar, promoted by the half-baked Democrats just to drink two beers a week. Eventually, it will be one. Eventually another anti-drinking prohibition again.Then new underground -speakeasies, drug centers, combo abortion clinics. Then a new al compone. This is madness . It proves that most people still think the way they did over 100 years ago, except for some of us.No one has learned from 1919 to 1933 still.
After World War 1 it was the republicans that tried to stop citizens from drinking alcohol. Now the so-called healthy czar, promoted by the half-baked Democrats just to drink two beers a week. Eventually, it will be one. Eventually another anti-drinking prohibition again.Then new underground -speakeasies, drug centers, combo abortion clinics. Then a new al compone. This is madness . It proves that most people still think the way they did over 100 years ago, except for some of us.No one has learned from 1919 to 1933 still.
Alcohol kills more people than any other drug every year, not even close to any other drug.

But don't fool yourself, the state runs liquor stores to sell it directly to the populace and collects large taxes from it. What you see is just virtue signaling with them suggesting people limit the use of it.

In fact, Prohibition was nothing more than a tax scheme.

Let me explain.

Before the US Federal Income tax was passed at the turn of the 20th century, the Federal income tax was voted down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the 1890's, so the Progressives who wanted the Federal Income tax simply said they would add it to the Constitution. But they needed votes to pass it, so they made a deal with Evangelicals and such to support Prohibition if they would support the Federal Income tax. So, they agreed. The reason this is important is that the Federal government collected a large amount of taxation from the sales of alcohol to keep the Federal government viable, so they needed the US Federal Income tax to bring in revenue to replace the alcohol taxation revenue. They first had to vote on the Federal Income tax and then later voted for Prohibition as the Evangelicals joined them as they had promised. The thing was, though, Progressives were never serious about enforcing Prohibition as boot leggers would come to the Capital itself to sell alcohol to the Congressmen, lushes like Nancy and company. Sure, they made a few arrests here and there but were never really serious about enforcing it, much like the joke of the war on drugs we have today. They then let prohibition fail, and then amended the Constitution to end Prohibition. They just shrugged their shoulders and said, "Prohibition just did not work" as they then blamed the Evangelicals.

The Federal government then resumed collecting revenue from alcohol, as well as from the US Federal Income tax, and just like that, the US Federal government doubled their tax revenue.

I'm sure we will soon also have a state pot store next to the state liquor store, and maybe a state crack whore house as well.
That's not right. At that rate, I've already consumed way more than my lifetimes allotment. Hell, I had a months worth on Saturday alone. And if they ever passed something like this, assholes like Pelosi, Newsome, Witmer etc. etc. would just ignore the law just like they did with the COVID restrictions.
Did those two alcoholics Pelosi and Hitlery Clitoris get that much under their normally thick skins ?
Alcoholism is a disease .A percentage of republicans to neo Nazi have this problem too as much as members of democrats to apolitical ,from religious to atheist .Medical science ,now control by big pharma,is not creating any cure.
Alcohol kills more people than any other drug every year, not even close to any other drug.

But don't fool yourself, the state runs liquor stores to sell it directly to the populace and collects large taxes from it. What you see is just virtue signaling with them suggesting people limit the use of it.

In fact, Prohibition was nothing more than a tax scheme.

Let me explain.

Before the US Federal Income tax was passed at the turn of the 20th century, the Federal income tax was voted down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the 1890's, so the Progressives who wanted the Federal Income tax simply said they would add it to the Constitution. But they needed votes to pass it, so they made a deal with Evangelicals and such to support Prohibition if they would support the Federal Income tax. So, they agreed. The reason this is important is that the Federal government collected a large amount of taxation from the sales of alcohol to keep the Federal government viable, so they needed the US Federal Income tax to bring in revenue to replace the alcohol taxation revenue. They first had to vote on the Federal Income tax and then later voted for Prohibition as the Evangelicals joined them as they had promised. The thing was, though, Progressives were never serious about enforcing Prohibition as boot leggers would come to the Capital itself to sell alcohol to the Congressmen, lushes like Nancy and company. Sure, they made a few arrests here and there but were never really serious about enforcing it, much like the joke of the war on drugs we have today. They then let prohibition fail, and then amended the Constitution to end Prohibition. They just shrugged their shoulders and said, "Prohibition just did not work" as they then blamed the Evangelicals.

The Federal government then resumed collecting revenue from alcohol, as well as from the US Federal Income tax, and just like that, the US Federal government doubled their tax revenue.

I'm sure we will soon also have a state pot store next to the state liquor store, and maybe a state crack whore house as well.

I never understood why people always need to dive in head first everytime alcohol comes up with "but but but alcohol kills more every year than drugs" like some kind of amazingly insightful tidbit.

Those same people never, ever add in context.

Do you realize how many people drink alcohol every day? Well, it's a lot. More people drink a day than people who use drugs do in a month.

So of course it's going to have a higher death related measuring stick because of the sheer amount of people who drink every day.

That's as dumb as saying "well more people died last year driving Honda crv's than people who die driving a Studebaker".
I never understood why people always need to dive in head first everytime alcohol comes up with "but but but alcohol kills more every year than drugs" like some kind of amazingly insightful tidbit.

Those same people never, ever add in context.

Do you realize how many people drink alcohol every day? Well, it's a lot. More people drink a day than people who use drugs do in a month.

So of course it's going to have a higher death related measuring stick because of the sheer amount of people who drink every day.

That's as dumb as saying "well more people died last year driving Honda crv's than people who die driving a Studebaker".
You don't get it.

If the state not only says drinking alcohol is legal, but they run state liquor stores to sell it to you, you are telling them it's safe to take.

Try legalizing the other drugs that are illegal to take today and those death rates will skyrocket as well.
After World War 1 it was the republicans that tried to stop citizens from drinking alcohol. Now the so-called healthy czar, promoted by the half-baked Democrats just to drink two beers a week. Eventually, it will be one. Eventually another anti-drinking prohibition again.Then new underground -speakeasies, drug centers, combo abortion clinics. Then a new al compone. This is madness . It proves that most people still think the way they did over 100 years ago, except for some of us.No one has learned from 1919 to 1933 still.
Here's what's going on with this.

The NWO/WEF own most US politicians, especially Democrats. They want to impose social credit scores and digital money that they can limit what you can buy. It's all part of the plan, just like the coming Covid lockdowns that will never end.
Alcohol kills more people than any other drug every year, not even close to any other drug.

But don't fool yourself, the state runs liquor stores to sell it directly to the populace and collects large taxes from it. What you see is just virtue signaling with them suggesting people limit the use of it.

In fact, Prohibition was nothing more than a tax scheme.

Let me explain.

Before the US Federal Income tax was passed at the turn of the 20th century, the Federal income tax was voted down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the 1890's, so the Progressives who wanted the Federal Income tax simply said they would add it to the Constitution. But they needed votes to pass it, so they made a deal with Evangelicals and such to support Prohibition if they would support the Federal Income tax. So, they agreed. The reason this is important is that the Federal government collected a large amount of taxation from the sales of alcohol to keep the Federal government viable, so they needed the US Federal Income tax to bring in revenue to replace the alcohol taxation revenue. They first had to vote on the Federal Income tax and then later voted for Prohibition as the Evangelicals joined them as they had promised. The thing was, though, Progressives were never serious about enforcing Prohibition as boot leggers would come to the Capital itself to sell alcohol to the Congressmen, lushes like Nancy and company. Sure, they made a few arrests here and there but were never really serious about enforcing it, much like the joke of the war on drugs we have today. They then let prohibition fail, and then amended the Constitution to end Prohibition. They just shrugged their shoulders and said, "Prohibition just did not work" as they then blamed the Evangelicals.

The Federal government then resumed collecting revenue from alcohol, as well as from the US Federal Income tax, and just like that, the US Federal government doubled their tax revenue.

I'm sure we will soon also have a state pot store next to the state liquor store, and maybe a state crack whore house as well.
It hasn't killed me . It shows how ignorant you are .Your just as bad as the prohibitionist back I. The 1920s. The more you try to stop a person from doing something that you get offended at the more people will rebel. It isn't alcohol that kills people ,it's alcoholism . A mental illness in which out of control drinking is the symptom. Not the drink that causes alcoholism.. The only problem is that medical science is not finding a cure. Not everyone has the disease. It people like you that contribute to the illness.
It hasn't killed me . It shows how ignorant you are .Your just as bad as the prohibitionist back I. The 1920s. The more you try to stop a person from doing something that you get offended at the more people will rebel. It isn't alcohol that kills people ,it's alcoholism . A mental illness in which out of control drinking is the symptom. Not the drink that causes alcoholism.. The only problem is that medical science is not finding a cure. Not everyone has the disease. It people like you that contribute to the illness.
You assume far too much.

Did I say I wanted alcohol banned? No. I'm just stating simple facts is all, and it seems I hit a nerve

You do realize that the last person to know they have a drinking problem is the person with a drinking problem, right?

I'm not saying you do, but if you need alcohol, chances are you have a problem.

As for mental illness, I think it is at an all-time high as the medical establishment is mutilating the genitals of children and trying to implant a uterus in people born a male. And I've noticed the crazier people are, the more drugs and alcohol they take in.

So does mental illness make one seek drugs and alcohol or does the drugs and alcohol cause mental illness?

Hard to say really.
After World War 1 it was the republicans that tried to stop citizens from drinking alcohol. Now the so-called healthy czar, promoted by the half-baked Democrats just to drink two beers a week. Eventually, it will be one. Eventually another anti-drinking prohibition again.Then new underground -speakeasies, drug centers, combo abortion clinics. Then a new al compone. This is madness . It proves that most people still think the way they did over 100 years ago, except for some of us.No one has learned from 1919 to 1933 still.
I have seen so many people destroyed by alcohol. I know we can't get rid of it, but I don't think we treat it as the danger it is.
You don't get it.

If the state not only says drinking alcohol is legal, but they run state liquor stores to sell it to you, you are telling them it's safe to take.

Try legalizing the other drugs that are illegal to take today and those death rates will skyrocket as well.
It is scary how much of the alcohol industry is propped up by people who are addicted and killing themselves. It is an outrageous percentage. I can't imagine the democrat push for marijuana will end well either. I'm not for banning, but there must be some sensible steps to keep industries from killing people addicted to their products to survive.
After World War 1 it was the republicans that tried to stop citizens from drinking alcohol. Now the so-called healthy czar, promoted by the half-baked Democrats just to drink two beers a week. Eventually, it will be one. Eventually another anti-drinking prohibition again.Then new underground -speakeasies, drug centers, combo abortion clinics. Then a new al compone. This is madness . It proves that most people still think the way they did over 100 years ago, except for some of us.No one has learned from 1919 to 1933 still.

It is merely a recommendation, no different than how many eggs or how much bacon or 1000 other things one should intake

In other words, not one person will pay attention to it except for the wingers that need their daily dose of indignation

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