I thought places like The Capitol Building were "hardened" after the September 11 attacks

You're telling me that a mob of unarmed people were able to break some windows and just crawl in? LOL. Once again, the feds demonstrate how utterly incompetent they are. Another thing, how is it that the fed was unprepared for the possibility of such an event considering that the ENTIRE WORLD knew that there were going to be large protests in Washington? Amazing.

Now imagine it just being any other day in Washingon and a team of well-armed, well-trained, motivated gunmen with a GOOD plan storming The Capitol Building at lightning speed, shooting dead multiple security guards, storming into Congress and then shooting dead dozens of members of Congress.

The Capital Building should be a VERY hardened target that is virtually impossible to breach. NOBODY should be able to break a window and gain entry.

Remember, during the Obama Administration a guy jumped the fence, hauled ass to the front door of the White House, which was UNLOCKED, ran inside, overpowered a female SS agent, ran up the stairs and into the private quarters of the Obama's before he was stopped and taken into custody. Had that been in a movie, you or I would have walked out but, yea, that actually happened!

The guys running security in D.C. are blithering MORONS.
They let it happen just like they allowed 9/11
Would you have preferred they mow down the protesters with bullets?

What an idiotic response.

The topic is how they were able to get INTO the Capitol Building in the first place.

I condemn the people that broke in. I also condemn the idiots running security at the Capitol Building.

As usual, you'll hold harmless the folks running security because they're gubm't.
No, the Capitol Police should have had a backup plan ready in case something like this happened. That needed coordination and planning with several other law enforcement agencies, and although they couldn't make specific plans until the situation developed, they should at least have been ready to roll. That took hours and if, as someone said, these guys had known what they were doing, a lot of people could have died.

The nation's Capitol is a massive building with a shitload of entrances, and to harden it that much, it would no longer belong to the people, a place open for all the people's business with their government. I don't want to live in Beijing, thanks. But I imagine there will be some steps to increase security.

You're right, I was as embarrassed by the pants down response from LE as I was by the mob.
Cops don't consider white people dangerous like they do black people.

You obviously haven't stood on our side of the picket line.

Would you have preferred they mow down the protesters with bullets?

What an idiotic response.

The topic is how they were able to get INTO the Capitol Building in the first place.

I condemn the people that broke in. I also condemn the idiots running security at the Capitol Building.

As usual, you'll hold harmless the folks running security because they're gubm't.
No, the Capitol Police should have had a backup plan ready in case something like this happened. That needed coordination and planning with several other law enforcement agencies, and although they couldn't make specific plans until the situation developed, they should at least have been ready to roll. That took hours and if, as someone said, these guys had known what they were doing, a lot of people could have died.

The nation's Capitol is a massive building with a shitload of entrances, and to harden it that much, it would no longer belong to the people, a place open for all the people's business with their government. I don't want to live in Beijing, thanks. But I imagine there will be some steps to increase security.

You're right, I was as embarrassed by the pants down response from LE as I was by the mob.

No, this was a security failure of EPIC proportions on multiple levels. There will probably be hearings and some heads will likely roll and should roll.
I honestly don't think they expected white guys to do this.
You know there is some truth to what you state but not quite as you presented it.

Cops don't consider white people dangerous like they do black people. Sometimes not even when they're on the attack. You see the "protestors" got the kid glove treatment once the police finally organized with their riot gear and shields and let them disperse on their own rather than arresting anyone for violating the 6:00 p.m. curfew, even hours later.
They've got plenty of pictures, is what I heard, Mariyam. I'm guessing the instigators and those rustling through senators' offices and papers? They're not off the hook. Hopefully none of them are.
We won. Fuck off.

What you "won" is a lower standard-of-living for poor and middle-class Americans. You watch. Four years from now the economy will be a wreck and there will be MORE people on government assistance than even the record numbers that were on it under Obama. A good chunk of the middle-class will fall into poverty.

And in four years, you'll care as little then as you do now. All that matters to you is serving the party. Nothing else matters to you.

On another note, why does the discussion of poor security at the Capitol trigger you? Oh wait. I know. Because it reflects poorly on government. For you, the party/government is life itself.


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Al Qaeda and Daesh must be face-palming at the moment thinking "Why didn't we think of that?"

No kidding. It's incredible to think that a bunch of yahoos could so easily breach that building and take it over.
I'm guessing the instigators and those rustling through senators' offices and papers? They're not off the hook. Hopefully none of them are.

Yea, they're going to get hammered by the DOJ. Now, had they been BLM protesting "systemic racism", it would be understandable and all would be forgiven.
Would you have preferred they mow down the protesters with bullets?

What an idiotic response.

The topic is how they were able to get INTO the Capitol Building in the first place.

I condemn the people that broke in. I also condemn the idiots running security at the Capitol Building.

As usual, you'll hold harmless the folks running security because they're gubm't.
No, the Capitol Police should have had a backup plan ready in case something like this happened. That needed coordination and planning with several other law enforcement agencies, and although they couldn't make specific plans until the situation developed, they should at least have been ready to roll. That took hours and if, as someone said, these guys had known what they were doing, a lot of people could have died.

The nation's Capitol is a massive building with a shitload of entrances, and to harden it that much, it would no longer belong to the people, a place open for all the people's business with their government. I don't want to live in Beijing, thanks. But I imagine there will be some steps to increase security.

You're right, I was as embarrassed by the pants down response from LE as I was by the mob.

No, this was a security failure of EPIC proportions on multiple levels. There will probably be hearings and some heads will likely roll and should roll.
Quit trying to blame the cops for Trump's flying monkeys getting into the Capitol. That's on them, and on Trump, whose genius idea was to fabricate this election fraud business to assuage his bruised ego.
I'm guessing the instigators and those rustling through senators' offices and papers? They're not off the hook. Hopefully none of them are.

Yea, they're going to get hammered by the DOJ. Now, had they been BLM protesting "systemic racism", it would be understandable and all would be forgiven.
Looting Target is a little different than shutting down a working session of Congress. Especially considering why they did it. They're screwed..
I'm guessing the instigators and those rustling through senators' offices and papers? They're not off the hook. Hopefully none of them are.

Yea, they're going to get hammered by the DOJ. Now, had they been BLM protesting "systemic racism", it would be understandable and all would be forgiven.
Looting Target is a little different than shutting down a working session of Congress. Especially considering why they did it. They're screwed..

They are future recipients of Trump pardons.
Quit trying to blame the cops for Trump's flying monkeys getting into the Capitol.

I never blamed the cops.

I blamed the folks who run security. They are high-level federal officials and they failed spectacularly.

You sound like another that can never acknowledge when a government official makes a mistake. It sounds like you, just like candycorn, worship government.

Fine. Perhaps you should write a letter to your Congressman and recommend that those who in charge of securing the Capitol Building be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom and receive big promotions and raises. LOL.
I'm guessing the instigators and those rustling through senators' offices and papers? They're not off the hook. Hopefully none of them are.

Yea, they're going to get hammered by the DOJ. Now, had they been BLM protesting "systemic racism", it would be understandable and all would be forgiven.
Looting Target is a little different than shutting down a working session of Congress. Especially considering why they did it. They're screwed..

They are future recipients of Trump pardons.
No way!
We won. Fuck off.

What you "won" is a lower standard-of-living for poor and middle-class Americans. You watch. Four years from now the economy will be a wreck and there will be MORE people on government assistance than even the record numbers that were on it under Obama. A good chunk of the middle-class will fall into poverty.

And in four years, you'll care as little then as you do now. All that matters to you is serving the party. Nothing else matters to you.

On another note, why does the discussion of poor security at the Capitol trigger you? Oh wait. I know. Because it reflects poorly on government. For you, the party/government is life itself.

You guys made the same silly promises in 2008 when Obama took office. Instead the DJIA climbed 149% and employment grew essentially every month during his presidency.

That a bunch of liquored up blob supporters stormed the Capitol building reflects poorly on the government? LOL.

It reflects poorly on people like you Cletus. It was merciful what the cops did. I think I probably wouldn't have been so merciful if I were in charge.
Looting Target is a little different than shutting down a working session of Congress.

If today's protest been about battling "systemic racism" and if it had been BLM that had broken into the Capitol and took selfies sitting in Nancy's chair, NOBODY would have been shot and NOBODY would be getting prosecuted for doing so.

I'm guessing the instigators and those rustling through senators' offices and papers? They're not off the hook. Hopefully none of them are.

Yea, they're going to get hammered by the DOJ. Now, had they been BLM protesting "systemic racism", it would be understandable and all would be forgiven.
Looting Target is a little different than shutting down a working session of Congress. Especially considering why they did it. They're screwed..

They are future recipients of Trump pardons.
No way!

Why wouldn't Trump pardon them? He refused to allow the national guard to be deployed until well after dark for a reason: the rioters were doing what he wanted.

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