Zone1 I Want Reparations For Slavery

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VIP Member
Feb 17, 2023
Not because I had slave ancestors. But because I have to live around the descendants of slaves. One of the reasons being that many apparently are so stupid that they think they deserve reparations because their ancestors were slaves. How about any of them go to a graveyard where Union soldiers are buried. They shouldn't be to hard to find. Because there are around 360,222 Union soldiers who died to free their sorry black asses. They should dig up any of the graves and tell the bones directly, "Your life means nothing. We want money!" Or how about this. Dig up any of the graves of the 258,000 Confederate soldiers who died and tell their bones directly, "The price you paid for our slavery isn't enough. We want your descendants to pay us!" Now THAT would be slavery!

Also, consider this. How many people emigrated to the U.S. after the Civil War ended. Do blacks really think that they should pay them for reparations when their ancestors weren't even in this country? That's down right delusional. Here is something else to consider. What would an actual slave have been paid for reparations. Adjusted to today's dollars. Then take into account how many descendants of that actual slave has. To be fair, the amount the actual slave would have been paid for their personal enslavement would have to be divided up equally amongst all their descendants. That wouldn't leave each with very much money at all.

But just being around descendants of black slaves who want reparations for their ancestors having been slaves isn't the only reason I want reparations. I want reparations because blacks are a criminal species. And we Whites have paid a HEAVY price for having them around. (And continue to do so) Blacks only make up 12.7 to 13.4% of the U.S. population. But they are responsible for around 48% of the crime that happens here. And the worse the crime, such as armed robbery or murder, the more likely that it was a black who committed it. These statistics and graphs may interest you.

2007 Murders by race - age, large.jpg

White supremacy PROOF.jpg

crime statistics 3.jpg

Also, it is true that blacks kill more blacks. But between 1965 - 2004, 179,808 Whites were murdered by blacks. (That are known of) That is around 60,000 more than the number of U.S. troops who died in the Korean and Vietnamese wars combined! And that probably includes tens of thousands of White children! Here's another point. Between 2003 - 2008, there were 135,206 black on White rapes-sexual assaults here in the U.S. During the same time frame, the number of White on black rapes-sexual assaults was 0 to 10! So being White, I want my reparations! Paid by the descendants of black slaves to the rest of us. Though I personally would accept their deportation back to Africa as payment.
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