‘I Was Just Joking’: Media Apoplectic as Khizr Khan Attack on Donald Trump Goes Down in Flames

Before the internet the Dims would have gotten away with their attempt to smear Trump, but now the major networks can't stifle embarrassing facts. This episode may just further cement Hillary's reputation for being sleazy and dishonest.

....Over the weekend and for the past few days since Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan about their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004, media-wide reporters, editors, producers, and anchors have tried to lay criticism on Trump over the matter. They thought they had a good one, a specific line of attack that pitted Trump against the military—and supposedly showed him as a big meanie racist in the process.

But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday midday, that clearly was not the case. Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP. That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide”—back in 2004. It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative.

But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday ...

All you need to hear

The mating call of the leftwing douche bag: "but it's from Breitbart!"
This was a Democratic party booby-trap and Trump stepped on it. As for this liberal hack Khan his son dying in a war 12 years ago doesn't give him a license to be a dick.

All as Trump had to do was make a gracious statement thanking the family and move on.
The Dems may have set the trap but they didn't make him step in it. Trump did that all by himself.
That may be true, but it can't be denied that the media is an active participant in the witch hunt against Trump.

Guess what?

Someone does something sickening and repulsive and some of his supporters double down on it… IT'S NEWS, SPARKY!!
The media isn't reporting the news. They are serving as a megaphone for Clinton propaganda.
Before the internet the Dims would have gotten away with their attempt to smear Trump, but now the major networks can't stifle embarrassing facts. This episode may just further cement Hillary's reputation for being sleazy and dishonest.

....Over the weekend and for the past few days since Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan about their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004, media-wide reporters, editors, producers, and anchors have tried to lay criticism on Trump over the matter. They thought they had a good one, a specific line of attack that pitted Trump against the military—and supposedly showed him as a big meanie racist in the process.

But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday midday, that clearly was not the case. Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP. That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide”—back in 2004. It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative.

Before the internet, Trump would have never been nominated. It takes mass communication where every fruitcake can make any claim that pops into their silly head to stir up that many crazies. Trump knows that, and it's the only way he got nominated.

That is actually true, before the internet the good old boys didn't stand a chance of being breached. Hell even the internet didn't stop the DNC from continuing on with that attitude.
Sure, down in flames. LOL Half the GOP are calling for Trump to apologize to the Kahns, the other half is threatening to vote for Hillary. The VFW has released a very negative statement on Trump, as has the Gold Star Families. And a good many vets are flat stating that they will now never vote for Trump. This is the "48% moment" for Trump. From here on out I think that Trump is going to see a steady slide, and, considering that he cannot keep his idiot mouth shut, may end up giving Hillary a 400 ev vote win.
Jeb Bush and a few establishment RINO dead enders are not "half the GOP." Trump ended the future career prospects of most of the Republicans attacking him. it's not like these douche bags speak for rank-and-file Republicans in any sense.
Pattycake, you are so very funny. Insult Americans of Latin heritage, blacks, scientists, people with education, muslim Americans, Vets, and a great many people within the GOP. And then expect to win in the general election? LOL There are just not enough Americans as stupid as you are.
This was a Democratic party booby-trap and Trump stepped on it. As for this liberal hack Khan his son dying in a war 12 years ago doesn't give him a license to be a dick.

All as Trump had to do was make a gracious statement thanking the family and move on.
The Dems may have set the trap but they didn't make him step in it. Trump did that all by himself.
That may be true, but it can't be denied that the media is an active participant in the witch hunt against Trump.

Witch hunt? Trump has perpetuated it himself by continuing to say dumb shit. It's not the media forcing veteran groups and others to denounce him.
This was a Democratic party booby-trap and Trump stepped on it. As for this liberal hack Khan his son dying in a war 12 years ago doesn't give him a license to be a dick.

All as Trump had to do was make a gracious statement thanking the family and move on.
The Dems may have set the trap but they didn't make him step in it. Trump did that all by himself.
That may be true, but it can't be denied that the media is an active participant in the witch hunt against Trump.

Guess what?

Someone does something sickening and repulsive and some of his supporters double down on it… IT'S NEWS, SPARKY!!
The media isn't reporting the news. They are serving as a megaphone for Clinton propaganda.

The statements coming from Trump and his surrogates is not propaganda. Trump just needs to shut up and stop making news.
Pattycake, you are so very funny. Insult Americans of Latin heritage, blacks, scientists, people with education, muslim Americans, Vets, and a great many people within the GOP. And then expect to win in the general election? LOL There are just not enough Americans as stupid as you are.
He hasn't done any of that. Americans want illegal immigration to be controlled, and legal immigration to be limited until American wages are back where they belong. Controlling immigration doesn't equate to offending everyone from a foreign country. However, that's how you want to spin things. That's what makes you a douche bag.
This was a Democratic party booby-trap and Trump stepped on it. As for this liberal hack Khan his son dying in a war 12 years ago doesn't give him a license to be a dick.

All as Trump had to do was make a gracious statement thanking the family and move on.
The Dems may have set the trap but they didn't make him step in it. Trump did that all by himself.
That may be true, but it can't be denied that the media is an active participant in the witch hunt against Trump.

Guess what?

Someone does something sickening and repulsive and some of his supporters double down on it… IT'S NEWS, SPARKY!!
The media isn't reporting the news. They are serving as a megaphone for Clinton propaganda.

The statements coming from Trump and his surrogates is not propaganda. Trump just needs to shut up and stop making news.
Statements coming from Democrats and establishment RINOs are propaganda, and the media repeats them over and over while ignoring all of Clinton's sins and crimes.
This was a Democratic party booby-trap and Trump stepped on it. As for this liberal hack Khan his son dying in a war 12 years ago doesn't give him a license to be a dick.

All as Trump had to do was make a gracious statement thanking the family and move on.
The Dems may have set the trap but they didn't make him step in it. Trump did that all by himself.
That may be true, but it can't be denied that the media is an active participant in the witch hunt against Trump.

Witch hunt? Trump has perpetuated it himself by continuing to say dumb shit. It's not the media forcing veteran groups and others to denounce him.
You're a lying douche bag. That's all that needs to be said about your take on the matter.
Pattycake, you are so very funny. Insult Americans of Latin heritage, blacks, scientists, people with education, muslim Americans, Vets, and a great many people within the GOP. And then expect to win in the general election? LOL There are just not enough Americans as stupid as you are.
He hasn't done any of that. Americans want illegal immigration to be controlled, and legal immigration to be limited until American wages are back where they belong. Controlling immigration doesn't equate to offending everyone from a foreign country. However, that's how you want to spin things. That's what makes you a douche bag.

He has done all of that, and much more. If you would step out of the fox bubble occasionally, you would know that.
Mr, Kahn had vested interest attacking the rival of his old friend, Hillary Clinton. And Kahn shouldn't have used his son's death to attack Trump. Cheap shot. And Trump had every right to reply. So what's the big deal? Ironically it was muslim extremist that killed Kahn's son. Not so called xenophobia.
Mr, Kahn had vested interest attacking the rival of his old friend, Hillary Clinton. And Kahn shouldn't have used his son's death to attack Trump. Cheap shot. And Trump had every right to reply. So what's the big deal? Ironically it was muslim extremist that killed Kahn's son. Not so called xenophobia.

Which wasn't the point.

Trump has been villifying Muslims collectively, portraying our conflict with extremist elements as a war of religions and civilizations.

What Mr. Khan pointed out is that Muslims have had more skin in the game in this fight than he and his pampered, privileged family ever has.
Mr, Kahn had vested interest attacking the rival of his old friend, Hillary Clinton. And Kahn shouldn't have used his son's death to attack Trump. Cheap shot. And Trump had every right to reply. So what's the big deal? Ironically it was muslim extremist that killed Kahn's son. Not so called xenophobia.

Which wasn't the point.

Trump has been villifying Muslims collectively, portraying our conflict with extremist elements as a war of religions and civilizations.

What Mr. Khan pointed out is that Muslims have had more skin in the game in this fight than he and his pampered, privileged family ever has.
He hasn't done anything of the sort, douche bag. He has simply said that we need to limit immigration of Muslims until this problem with mass murder is resolved.
He hasn't done anything of the sort, douche bag. He has simply said that we need to limit immigration of Muslims until this problem with mass murder is resolved.

He's done a lot more than that.

He's called for spying on Mosques.

He's called for expelling american citizens who are Muslims.

We can add "attacking Muslim Gold Star Parents" to that list.

Reports: Trump Campaign in Disarray Over Repeated Controversies

Reports says campaign staffers are upset over a series of missteps and controversies by the Republican standard bearer, including Trump's continuous battle with Khizr Khan, the Muslim father whose son was killed in Iraq in 2004, and comments during an interview Tuesday with the Washington Postnewspaper in which he said he will not endorse two leading Republican lawmakers, House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Arizona Senator John McCain in their re-election bids. Ryan and McCain have both endorsed Trump, but have publicly rebuked him over his criticism of the Khans.
Trump could have handled it far better but it's no surprise Clinton Cash was behind the effort in the first place
Trump could have handled it far better but it's no surprise Clinton Cash was behind the effort in the first place

Right. Because that's what they told you on Hate Radio, right?

Guy, Trump created this situation when he realized the best way to pander to people like you was to appeal to your racism.
Sure, down in flames. LOL Half the GOP are calling for Trump to apologize to the Kahns, the other half is threatening to vote for Hillary. The VFW has released a very negative statement on Trump, as has the Gold Star Families. And a good many vets are flat stating that they will now never vote for Trump. This is the "48% moment" for Trump. From here on out I think that Trump is going to see a steady slide, and, considering that he cannot keep his idiot mouth shut, may end up giving Hillary a 400 ev vote win.
True. OTOH, many of Trump's friends and business acquaintances have stated how smart he is. If true, then there must be a method to his madness. IMHO, he doesn't want to be President. Too restrictive, not as much fun as being a billionaire and, generally, a huge pain in the ass. It's more fun to "run for President" than be the President.
Trump could have handled it far better but it's no surprise Clinton Cash was behind the effort in the first place

Right. Because that's what they told you on Hate Radio, right?

Guy, Trump created this situation when he realized the best way to pander to people like you was to appeal to your racism.

The truth is the truth, the guys is paid from Clinton who takes money from countries that throw gays off of buildings as their national pastime. Not surprising that you support her
The truth is the truth, the guys is paid from Clinton who takes money from countries that throw gays off of buildings as their national pastime. Not surprising that you support her

You were the guys who nominated a malignant narcissist, and then complain when people pick the alternative.

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