I was thinking this in church today, what if Jesus returned?

What if Jesus were to return to Israel tomorrow, would he be viewed as just some crazy man or would he be listened to and followed? How would the non-Christian world act if he conducted miracles and appeared to be who he claimed he was?

It's easy for some of us to read about Jesus actions 2000 years ago and think "why didn't this or that happen, why wasn't he believed by more?" However, as a general skeptic, I imagine I would be skeptical as well, even as I have Faith.
If Jesus appeared in Israel tomorrow and proved who he was, it would remove all doubt. He won't, of course. How would the non-Christian world react? Israel would tell him he has no right to self-determination there, and probably deport him.

I was raised Christian, thought I got over it later, I do know the basics.

The return of Jesus is not just a man dropped in a crowd, it is invasion by the heavenly hosts and establishment of the absolute rule by Christ on Earth for 1,000 years.

The concept is that this will demonstrate that human society can actually function in a just and moral fashion.
------------------------------------- invasion of the earth by the Heavenly Host led by Jesus and all armed with swords for the final battle where Jesus establishes total rule and sends 'satan' to the pits of hell .
That's a pretty generic ending. I guess it's the best a bunch of 2,000 year old sand-dwellers who pooped in holes in the ground could come up with.

Better than anything Hollywood can take from Comic Books today...
I am not a "Muzzie" (equally stupid fairy tale as Christians have), but I did have to go to Sunday school as a kid. Total waste of time. Jesus will not be returning in the clouds, and there is no "beast" to crush.

What about Donald Trump? Aren't you dedicated to waging civil war to crush him?
He’d be arrested as a Palestinian and abused in jail.

In America he’d be arrested and deported to Honduras. Then have his deportation papers ‘disappear’.
He’d be arrested as a Palestinian and abused in jail.

In America he’d be arrested and deported to Honduras. Then have his deportation papers ‘disappear’.

Nah, you Communists would murder him before he could interrupt your plans to end America...
He hasn't returned yet? Does his absence from the world mean that houses of God are better referred to as houses of a God who is never home?
God is always home. It is we that don’t look and listen for Him, often enough.
God is in the church? Sure, okay.

If Jesus is not returned, though, he is an absentee groom.

And his absence from the world must make Christians the most optimistic people ever.
Will they come down from the clouds or erupt from the ground? Are they going to come from outer space in a ship, now that we know there's something above the clouds since we're not 2,000 year old sand people?

You have a particular reason for hating Christianity dont you?
What if Jesus were to return to Israel tomorrow, would he be viewed as just some crazy man or would he be listened to and followed? How would the non-Christian world act if he conducted miracles and appeared to be who he claimed he was?

It's easy for some of us to read about Jesus actions 2000 years ago and think "why didn't this or that happen, why wasn't he believed by more?" However, as a general skeptic, I imagine I would be skeptical as well, even as I have Faith.

The Bible tells us exactly how the Jews will react, because He IS coming back to them, to stay this time. They will recognize Him as their Messiah. And will weep bitter tears when they see the scarring and mutilation He received on His last visit there...
He is still in the same body He was crucified in, and was hardly recognizable as human on that cross. But in the Jews defense, we should all cry bitter tears when we see Him. Some of those scars are my fault, and I dare say yours. He cleansed my record with those wounds. And I just can't thank Him enough. :eusa_pray:
He hasn't returned yet? Does his absence from the world mean that houses of God are better referred to as houses of a God who is never home?
God is always home. It is we that don’t look and listen for Him, often enough.
God is in the church? Sure, okay.

If Jesus is not returned, though, he is an absentee groom.

And his absence from the world must make Christians the most optimistic people ever.

To the angel of the church of Ephesus..
To the angel of the church of Smyrna...
To the angel of the church of Pergamum...
To the angel of the church of.......

Your Father never takes His eyes off of you. And directs His angels to keep you from spiritual harm.

As for optimistic, not so much. He has already returned once after He was crucified, and stuck around for 40 days before heading for home.
Romans 5: 2-7

And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
What if Jesus were to return to Israel tomorrow, would he be viewed as just some crazy man or would he be listened to and followed? How would the non-Christian world act if he conducted miracles and appeared to be who he claimed he was?

It's easy for some of us to read about Jesus actions 2000 years ago and think "why didn't this or that happen, why wasn't he believed by more?" However, as a general skeptic, I imagine I would be skeptical as well, even as I have Faith.

If Jesus returned today they would crucify him again as he would give his so called religions an honest assessment then curse them to hell.

Both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.

The Theft of Our Values - Top Documentary Films

Humanity centered religions, good? Yes.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes.

Do you agree?

What if Jesus were to return to Israel tomorrow, would he be viewed as just some crazy man or would he be listened to and followed? How would the non-Christian world act if he conducted miracles and appeared to be who he claimed he was?

It's easy for some of us to read about Jesus actions 2000 years ago and think "why didn't this or that happen, why wasn't he believed by more?" However, as a general skeptic, I imagine I would be skeptical as well, even as I have Faith.

If Jesus returned today they would crucify him again as he would give his so called religions an honest assessment then curse them to hell.

Both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.

The Theft of Our Values - Top Documentary Films

Humanity centered religions, good? Yes.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes.

Do you agree?


I don't think crucifixion is used anymore, Pontius Pilate is long gone.
I am not a "Muzzie" (equally stupid fairy tale as Christians have), but I did have to go to Sunday school as a kid. Total waste of time. Jesus will not be returning in the clouds, and there is no "beast" to crush.

What about Donald Trump? Aren't you dedicated to waging civil war to crush him?
Trump's a lightweight. He'll be taken down with little excitement. If he's the "beast" you all have been worrying about, then David Hogg's probably Jesus returned. Anticlimactic.
Jesus returned, but ICE got him at the southern border and sent him back.
What if Jesus were to return to Israel tomorrow, would he be viewed as just some crazy man or would he be listened to and followed? How would the non-Christian world act if he conducted miracles and appeared to be who he claimed he was?

It's easy for some of us to read about Jesus actions 2000 years ago and think "why didn't this or that happen, why wasn't he believed by more?" However, as a general skeptic, I imagine I would be skeptical as well, even as I have Faith.

Lots of people equating Jesus coming back to an immigrant at the border or a baby being born (or not). Nope, that was the first time.

I love what C.S. Lewis, former atheist, had to say about the second coming in Mere Christianity. He was a former atheist:

“God will invade. But I wonder whether people who ask God to interfere openly and directly in our world quite realise what it will be like when He does. When that happens, it is the end of the world. When the author walks on to the stage the play is over. God is going to invade, all right: but what is the good of saying you are on His side then, when you see the whole natural universe melting away like a dream and something else - something it never entered your head to conceive - comes crashing in; something so beautiful to some of us and so terrible to others that none of us will have any choice left? For this time it will God without disguise; something so overwhelming that it will strike either irresistible love or irresistible horror into every creature. It will be too late then to choose your side. There is no use saying you choose to lie down when it has become impossible to stand up. That will not be the time for choosing; it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realised it before or not. Now, today, this moment, is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It will not last for ever. We must take it or leave it.”
yeah SSue , i understand that Jesus and the Host of Angels are coming back to kick some azz when Jesus comes back and understand that i am not Religious or Church going . The blood will be knee deep when Jesus comes back from what i understand SweetSue .
What if Jesus were to return to Israel tomorrow, would he be viewed as just some crazy man or would he be listened to and followed? How would the non-Christian world act if he conducted miracles and appeared to be who he claimed he was?

It's easy for some of us to read about Jesus actions 2000 years ago and think "why didn't this or that happen, why wasn't he believed by more?" However, as a general skeptic, I imagine I would be skeptical as well, even as I have Faith.

If Jesus returned today they would crucify him again as he would give his so called religions an honest assessment then curse them to hell.

Both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.

The Theft of Our Values - Top Documentary Films

Humanity centered religions, good? Yes.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes.

Do you agree?


You have made an excellent point and confirmed the reason why Christ's mission on the cross was necessary. Because we rely on our own morality. And fall short. Rely instead on Christ's morality. It is a gift and removes the condemnation for our inadequate human integrity.
As to modern religion, you are spot on, as they also fall short which was the reason for the instruction given to the churches in Revelation. Not to condemn but to realign.
Make Jesus your religion and reserve your place at your Father's table.
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so overwhelming that it will strike either irresistible love or irresistible horror into every creature. It will be too late then to choose your side.

it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen,

God is holding back to give us that chance. It will not last for ever.

It will not last for ever ...

they will return when the triumph between good and evil is concluded - everyone left will be the same, the choices will already have been made. the final judgement.

Yep. I'm going to Hell...
What if Jesus were to return to Israel tomorrow, would he be viewed as just some crazy man or would he be listened to and followed? How would the non-Christian world act if he conducted miracles and appeared to be who he claimed he was?

It's easy for some of us to read about Jesus actions 2000 years ago and think "why didn't this or that happen, why wasn't he believed by more?" However, as a general skeptic, I imagine I would be skeptical as well, even as I have Faith.
It would be difficult to resist the thunderbolts of Zeus.

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