I wonder what we would be like if we


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
never started our war mongering
never started giving aid to our enemies. Money and weapons
followed the Constitution? (what it actually says. Not what some dude in a black rob wants it to say)
never enslaved
didnt let our govt get so big
never stopped focusing on individual liberty
What do you think?
I would be part of the Iroquois Federation and/or speaking German right now.
I would be part of the Iroquois Federation and/or speaking German right now.
Why do you think that

Because for everyone to not be dying in the streets in some sort of anarchist Mad Max science fiction novel we have to ignore the Constitution and grow government exponentially, but I think that is only common sense.
never started our war mongering
never started giving aid to our enemies. Money and weapons
followed the Constitution? (what it actually says. Not what some dude in a black rob wants it to say)
never enslaved
didnt let our govt get so big
never stopped focusing on individual liberty
What do you think?
We’d all be fertilizing daffodils. Carpe diem my friend.
never started our war mongering
never started giving aid to our enemies. Money and weapons
followed the Constitution? (what it actually says. Not what some dude in a black rob wants it to say)
never enslaved
didnt let our govt get so big
never stopped focusing on individual liberty
What do you think?
We’d all be fertilizing daffodils. Carpe diem my friend.
Why? You think it would be anarchy? We would be invaded and killed off?
I would be part of the Iroquois Federation and/or speaking German right now.
Why do you think that
No war, no pushing out the Native Americans. No war, the Germans would have won WWI and WWII, take your pick.
I said war mongering, not colonization.
I always felt like "warmongering" was more about useless fighting and war for greed and what not. Not defending innocent people from a genocidal madman.
never started our war mongering
never started giving aid to our enemies. Money and weapons
followed the Constitution? (what it actually says. Not what some dude in a black rob wants it to say)
never enslaved
didnt let our govt get so big
never stopped focusing on individual liberty
What do you think?
/----/ Too many possibilities to even consider these what ifs. No war mongering? We'd still be a British Colony, or maybe France. Slavery can never be defended. The early settlers would have to find ingenious ways to farm their new land without slave labor. Follow the Constitution? Sure, when can we start? Individual liberty can not be the main focus. Earning a living is.
never started our war mongering
never started giving aid to our enemies. Money and weapons
followed the Constitution? (what it actually says. Not what some dude in a black rob wants it to say)
never enslaved
didnt let our govt get so big
never stopped focusing on individual liberty
What do you think?
We’d all be fertilizing daffodils. Carpe diem my friend.
Why? You think it would be anarchy? We would be invaded and killed off?
Everyhing would be so completely different, that literally anything could have happened. Maybe the U.S. never accepts my mother into the country fleeing Castro. Maybe the Nazi’s drop a bunch of nukes on us. All that matters is what we do now.
I would be part of the Iroquois Federation and/or speaking German right now.
Why do you think that
No war, no pushing out the Native Americans. No war, the Germans would have won WWI and WWII, take your pick.
I said war mongering, not colonization.
I always felt like "warmongering" was more about useless fighting and war for greed and what not. Not defending innocent people from a genocidal madman.
Oh BROTHER! I'm not getting into it with you here. Wrong thread. But you're messed up.
never started our war mongering
never started giving aid to our enemies. Money and weapons
followed the Constitution? (what it actually says. Not what some dude in a black rob wants it to say)
never enslaved
didnt let our govt get so big
never stopped focusing on individual liberty
What do you think?
/----/ Too many possibilities to even consider these what ifs. No war mongering? We'd still be a British Colony, or maybe France. Slavery can never be defended. The early settlers would have to find ingenious ways to farm their new land without slave labor. Follow the Constitution? Sure, when can we start? Individual liberty can not be the main focus. Earning a living is.
I cant agree with that at all. Again, i never saw war mongering as needed war. Fighting for independence. I was referring to iraq, vietnam.. bombing mutliple countries every year. Impeding on their sovereignty etc. Maybe i should have been more clear in the OP.
never started our war mongering
never started giving aid to our enemies. Money and weapons
followed the Constitution? (what it actually says. Not what some dude in a black rob wants it to say)
never enslaved
didnt let our govt get so big
never stopped focusing on individual liberty
What do you think?
We’d all be fertilizing daffodils. Carpe diem my friend.
Why? You think it would be anarchy? We would be invaded and killed off?
Everyhing would be so completely different, that literally anything could have happened. Maybe the U.S. never accepts my mother into the country fleeing Castro. Maybe the Nazi’s drop a bunch of nukes on us. All that matters is what we do now.
Just a hypothetical and a call out against policy.
I would be part of the Iroquois Federation and/or speaking German right now.
Why do you think that
No war, no pushing out the Native Americans. No war, the Germans would have won WWI and WWII, take your pick.
I said war mongering, not colonization.
I always felt like "warmongering" was more about useless fighting and war for greed and what not. Not defending innocent people from a genocidal madman.
Oh BROTHER! I'm not getting into it with you here. Wrong thread. But you're messed up.
messed up about what? I understand you love nukes. You love invading countries.. Now i guess you supported hitler too?
never started our war mongering
never started giving aid to our enemies. Money and weapons
followed the Constitution? (what it actually says. Not what some dude in a black rob wants it to say)
never enslaved
didnt let our govt get so big
never stopped focusing on individual liberty
What do you think?

never started our war mongering
never started giving aid to our enemies. Money and weapons
followed the Constitution? (what it actually says. Not what some dude in a black rob wants it to say)
never enslaved
didnt let our govt get so big
never stopped focusing on individual liberty
What do you think?

I love a perfect circles version.
I would be part of the Iroquois Federation and/or speaking German right now.
Why do you think that
No war, no pushing out the Native Americans. No war, the Germans would have won WWI and WWII, take your pick.
I said war mongering, not colonization.
I always felt like "warmongering" was more about useless fighting and war for greed and what not. Not defending innocent people from a genocidal madman.
Oh BROTHER! I'm not getting into it with you here. Wrong thread. But you're messed up.
messed up about what? I understand you love nukes. You love invading countries.. Now i guess you supported hitler too?
You sure you know who you're talking to? Don't be a lying pos.

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